It could be a number of things, it doesn't necessary mean your pregnant, you might have a water infection, which also makes you urinated more frequent with some abdominal pain and tiredness!!!
Go to your GP and get checked out...
All the best!
2007-02-15 22:45:36
answer #1
answered by anney 4
Hi although you can't completely rule out pregnancy you should also get checked for diabeties. Urinating more than usual can be a common sign that your blood sugar levels aren't right. You can get a test done for free at your local chemist.
You haven't specified if you had unprotected sex but if so then obviously there is a chance that you could be pregnant or you could have a virginal infection which would also be a cause of excessive urinating and pain when using the toilet.
You can visit your doctor to find out the answers to all of these questions. You are entitled to a free diabeties and pregnancy test and could also get something for thrush if you're experiencing pain when urinating. Check it out and don't worry i'm sure everything wll be fine :-)
2007-02-16 04:44:42
answer #2
answered by JJ J 2
The first symptom of pregnancy that I had before I missed a period was needing to urinate all the time. I guessed from this increase need to go to the loo that i may be pregnant and I was so yes id say that its definately possible. I had to wait over a week after my period was due though until I got a positive pregnancy test. Goodluck x
2007-02-16 07:24:40
answer #3
answered by doodlebip 4
You could well be pregnant but you could also have a slight infection. Wait until your period is due - you can get home tests which you can use 4 days prior to your expected/missed period, so you dont have to wait as long. Good luck!
2007-02-16 07:11:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Sounds exactly the same as I was when I was pregnant. If you've had unprotected sex any time then yep you could very possibly be pregnant - do a test! Good luck.
2007-02-16 04:41:00
answer #5
answered by JoJi 4
Increased urination is what made me test.
I am 4 months pregnant.
2007-02-16 12:06:26
answer #6
answered by barbiefreak518 3
you could have a urine infection. I had one before I was pregnant and it hurt when I went to the toliet and I went more often than normal. Go to GP's to double check, he will give you some antibiotics if it is an infection.
2007-02-16 11:13:22
answer #7
answered by tez132000 2
You could be urinating more for 101 reasons.... I'd wait till your period before jumping to conclusions....
I didn't have those symptoms till i was 6-7 weeks, but everyone is different...
2007-02-16 04:39:46
answer #8
answered by ஐ♥PinkBoo - TTC #1♥ஐ 5
2 weeks ago, huh. You should be getting the answer in a minute. Calm your nerves and wait for the big "P".
2007-02-16 06:45:32
answer #9
answered by blkqueen075 2
Wait until you miss your period, then test,.
2007-02-16 05:37:38
answer #10
answered by Morning Glory 5