I believe in helping them, for example showing how to get one or two of their math answers. But just giving the answers away? That just guarantees that in the year 2050, when these students are running things, they won't be able to figure out what 20% of 100. So, they'll up the taxes to 50% because that is something that they can do. Anybody else think that this is just getting out of hand?
14 answers
asked by
Education & Reference
➔ Homework Help
I can tell who are the students and who are the "answerers". To all that criticize me for my question-it just shows where you will be in 10 years.
15:43:10 ·
update #1
Some of them are asking for the answers with out thinking about the question, Others are asking for some guidance.
If people would give only the guidance and not the answers, the one seeking only the answers would have to think and would learn to do the questions themselves in the future.
AS for those who expect the answers, Sorry you're looking at the wrong guy. I have provided plenty of reading material for the questioners, and have never given an easy out. But by the same token I don't steer them in the wrong direction.
As far as homework goes, I expect them to work.
As Heinlein would say TANSTAAFL.
2007-02-15 15:01:33
answer #1
answered by Old guy 124 6
If you are told the answer to something, what is the point of owning the knowledge in the first place? The experience you gain and the lessons you learn shape you as a human being. People are getting lazier and relying on those who worked hard to gain the knowledge. You need to find your own answers to your own problems, otherwise all you are doing is defeating yourself. Some of the most important lessons in life are the ones you teach yourself.
2007-02-15 22:56:48
answer #2
answered by Alhoon274 2
No, not really. Just as long as you don't answer the question. Instead of giving the answer directly, help by explaining the question, etc. Since I am a mother to my children, I wish for them to learn and understand their homework in order to understand the lesson. So, if the question sounds like a question children would ask, try to get contact of the person and ask if it's homework help. Or maybe the question sounds like it was directly from the textbook, so like I said ASK THE PERSON IF IT"S HOMEWORK HELP~~~~~
I hope this helped you~~~~~
2007-02-15 22:58:22
answer #3
answered by duingidy 1
I would agree with you, but the problem is that there are too many people out there willing to give the answers to the students. Those that I answer I only give hints to or try to push the questioner in the right direction.
The people that benefit typically are those that can do the mathmatics as sad as that maybe.
2007-02-15 22:55:14
answer #4
answered by hsueh010 7
Yes; if they rely on the people I see in here for real answers we're in for a generation of underachievers, because most I see either give BS answers or tell them to do their own homework(I have to admit I have done the latter).
2007-02-15 22:58:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In my experience just the answer is not given but rather the how to get to the answer in topics like math/algebra. As long as the how to get there is supplied in a way the asker can understand and apply they are learning how to do it themselves next time.
2007-02-15 22:54:03
answer #6
answered by needalgebrahelp 1
All I can say is uhh you're not their mother. Teachers are freaking crazy these days and sometimes ask for things that are close to impossible to be found, and sometimes the only way students can find a right answers is by coming here.
2007-02-15 22:52:13
answer #7
answered by Nicky 2
I think its funny so many poeple ask for help on there homework, if i was still in school I probably would, but now I am an adult and I know its not really helping, so I dont answer!
2007-02-15 22:54:08
answer #8
answered by Bl3ss3dw1thL1f3 4
No I don't think so because some people just need help and it's okay if you are helping someone by explaining the work to them and yahoo answers is for answers.
2007-02-16 05:40:29
answer #9
answered by lat1983 2
No. I am a student in high school and only use yahoo answers as a last resort. 20% of 100= 20. :)
2007-02-15 22:53:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous