I understand the position that you are in, and I wish I could help you -- but I honestly know of no facts whatsoever that indicate that homosexuals select (choose) homosexuality. Quite the contrary, every bit of factual research that I know of indicates the opposite.
You will, I am afraid, have to do with the lies and deliberate misrepresentations of the extremists and the so called reparative therapists, who have been cast out by the professional associations of psychologists, and in some cases lost their licenses to practice, for manufacturing false results in research on the subject.
I am horrified that a teacher would assign a project (even as "debate/discussion") to a student, knowing full well that there are no facts supporting the position given the student, only opinion, conjecture, and lies. If you were my daughter, I'd be talking to the school just about now.
I'm truly sorry :-(
Good luck.
Kind regards,
PS To those who may be inclined to attack the young lady. While we know its lies -- I know of schools where such lies have been assigned. A boy I know actually confronted a teacher on a similar type of assingment in a local public school. The teacher has tenure and still may end up fired. The lack of credible support for an extremist position does not keep someone who supports it from assigning the work to a student in the hope of influencing the kids. I understand that you may feel anger, but it isn't fair to take it out on her. If it is a fraud, so be it, and be it on her conscience - if however its real -- and it truly may be, I work in the academy myself, at the University level -- then it truly isn't her fault.
2007-02-15 14:32:13
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't think you're being judgmental at all. I understand that you are trying to find information for a school project, but there are aspects of your question that are somewhat frustrating. First though, what kind of school do you go to? Is it private or some sort of religious school? It seems weird to me that they would give you a project to support only the side of homosexuality being a choice. Maybe I do not understand and it is kind of a two sided paper. Anyway, you are probably not going to find any evidence or proof that homosexuality is a choice. Just about any person who is gay that you ask will say it's from birth. The majority of answers you get in support of the theory of it being by choice will be from people who are either not gay, or are trying to say something negative towards it. On the other hand you probably won't find any real evidence saying it's from birth either. All you will have is the word of people (such as myself) saying they just always have been attracted to the same sex. Some people will probably say that it's a choice because in theory we could be with people of the opposite sex, which is true, we could be. The only thing about that is it would put any person who made that choice against what they truly feel in the position to live a very sad, empty, frustrating existence. So. I have always known I want to be with women. It's been frustrating and trying at times, but it's how I feel. Could I make the choice to be with men? Of course, but it will never be something that makes me happy. I would be living a lie. I will never live my life to fit into what others idea of "normal" or "right" is according to a book written not by any God, but by man. (BTW, the bible itself can be interpreted in many different ways on many different subjects, and usually in a way to benefit the interpreter). Anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck with your assignment.
2007-02-15 18:48:25
answer #2
answered by T 4
There are some organizations like 'Focus on the Family' and 'The American Family Assocation' that puts out 'information' regarding homosexuals. They claim that gay people choose to be gay. But their 'science' is not science. They have a pre-determined outcome (gay people choose to be gay) and either use data that seems to support this, or they hopelessly skew what other data they can find to fit their claim.
An example of skewed data: one study that the American Family Association quotes was a study on death rates of men with HIV. The ages of these men were, for the most part, in the 30s and 40s. The American Family Association used this study to 'support' their claim that ALL gay men die in their 30s and 40s. (They are making the claim that being gay is unhealthy and clearly the wrong 'choice')
I hate to say it, but any 'facts' you find that support the idea that being gay is a choice are not going to be facts at all.
2007-02-15 21:23:23
answer #3
answered by pasdeberet 4
Science has shown that our brains are prewired "gay" while we were still in the womb. Starting out in this world gay in a straight world is the real challenge. Wanting to fit in and be "normal" is hard when you are different. Finally, after all the evidence we realize that we were gay all along, Then, the choice is only to be true to ourselves and live honestly rather than be something we are not. This is a process of self discovery and is very natural for the gay person.
2007-02-15 15:19:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
No one chooses to be gay, you either are or aren't. I don't believe for a minute, one day, I just say to myself....hey, I think I will be gay.
If you really need facts for a school project, your on a computer right now, so quit trying to get someone else to do your work and type in gay relationships and I'm sure there will be a world of knowledge right at your finger tips.
2007-02-15 14:34:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Please, I have all the compassion in the world for you, but how do you know that you were born gay? Most people cannot remember when they were that young. I believe you that you did not choose to be homosexual and that it is something that you cannot control, but that doesn't mean that the condition is genetic. If the condition was genetic, then every person born as an identical twin would have a brother or sister that had same gender sexual attraction because they have the same genetics. But that is not the case. I used to work in psych for many years as a RN and I've looked at others and reflected in myself a lot. From what I can tell, Freud was correct in that we all have a psychosexual development that we must go through. For a boy to develop a heterosexual attraction he must have a father or father figure that is good enough that he can, at a very deep level, accept his own masculinity. There is also a psychological process called "modeling" where the boy or girl imitates, at a deep level, the same sexed parent. The boy must also have a mother that is nurturing and loving enough for him to not be afraid of women. The same things are necessary but opposite for girls to develop heterosexual attractions. Everyone that I have known well enough to know their family background fits that picture. So many women are lesbians because they were incested by their fathers or raped at an early age. The rage they feel toward men because of this has prevented their sexual urges to be directed towards men. The fact that more of us don't have same gender sexual attractions is only because God designed us to be so resilient. If all of us lived according to God's teaching in the Bible, there would not be children that grow up with same gender sexual attraction. All children would have 2 loving parents of the opposite sex that don't get divorced and raise their children with loving discipline. Just so you know; many of us that don't have same gender sexual attraction, do have problems in our romantic lives because of similar problems with our psychosexual development. My mother and father were divorced when I was 2 and 1/2 years old so that my mother, brother, and I had to live with her parents for 13 years. My mother worked and dated so had little time to spend with us kids. My father lived in a different state and was always drunk the few times I saw him. At least 3 times a week, my mother told me that if I wasn't "good" that she would leave us. Her repeatedly saying that from the time I was 5 to 16 y/o scared the crap out of me!! I've always had problems being assertive with women and had fears of rejection and abandonment since then. I did work through these issues and was doing pretty good until my wife divorced me when I became physically disabled. Now I have to work through those issues all over again. There have been some successes by Christian councelors in helping men that had same gender sexual attractions. Of course, the Gay Lobby says that these men were "brainwashed" and criticises this but that is because it threatens their position that same gender attraction is "normal". If you click on the website of Focus on the Family you may find some information that is helpful. God did not create you to have a same gender sexual attraction! People did that to you! God did create all persons to be sexual. That does not mean that it is not a sin for people to have sex before they're married or to someone other than their spouse.
2016-03-28 22:06:29
answer #6
answered by ? 4
Historically, one of the main arguments is the failure of parent(s) to instill traditional notions of male and female in their children. For instance, an overbearing mother (in the case of the son) or father figure (in the case of the female).
A second argument is that the child is not provided adequate guidance during puberty, either through inadequate sex education in school or refusal of the parent(s) to have a personal chat with them regarding their hormonal changes. This allows kids to be more susceptible to somewhat unorthodox attractions given their hormonal impulses are not appropriately addressed.
A third more basic argument is that many people are more drawn to hedonistic urges then others due to a shortcoming in another department (either physically or mentally) they see embracing such a lifestyle as a sort of irrational 'rationale' for their own sense of incompleteness.
2007-02-18 14:24:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Read this:
Is sexuality a choice? It's a question that's plagued science and society since the American Psychological Association stopped referring to homosexuality as a disease in the early 1970s. There are those who believe that parental and other societal influences can lead to a child growing up gay. Others contend that sexuality is based in biology -- that there are genes responsible for a person's sexual preference.
One of the first lines of evidence to support the idea that male sexuality comes from our genes was from Dr. Simon LeVay, a former researcher from The Salk Institute. He found regions of men's brains that were different sizes in gay and straight men.
The research was controversial, and it was more than a decade before anyone was able to confirm that Dr. LeVay's findings were due to differences in biology and not behaviour. Dr. Chuck Roselli, a professor at The Oregon Health and Sciences University, was looking at the brains of rams, and found the same differences as Dr. LeVay.
Dr. Roselli's work further suggests this size difference is set before birth, presumably by hormones. But hormones are influenced both by the fetus and the mother. So the next step was to look for genes that might be causing these hormonal changes. Dr. Brian Mustanski, from the University of Illinois at Chicago, has identified three areas on the chromosomes that he thinks contain genes related to sexual orientation.
In parallel, various researchers around the world have been looking at the genetics of homosexuality using the fruit fly as an animal model. According to Dr. Marla Sokolowski, from the University of Toronto, a master switch gene for sexuality in flies has been found.
Overall, a picture of genes associated with homosexuality is starting to emerge. It seems possible that these genes will be linked to perception -- how we interact with the world around us. The next step will be to look at the influences on sexuality in women; an area that, while studied, has yet to uncover many clues.
2007-02-15 14:41:37
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
There's no facts that gays choose to be gay, if the person is gay, they're gay, that's that but to his friends and family you might've thought Joe was straight but he was gay or bisexual all along from an early age of 12+ and discovered this around puberty when teenagers start to have wet dreams and start thinking about sex.
2007-02-15 14:38:15
answer #9
answered by What'd You Say? 6
Gays choose to be gay because they:
like being discriminated against
Like the fact that they can never marry the person they love
like being the victims of random violence
like being ostracized by their families
How's that. Think about who would choose that?
2007-02-15 15:01:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous