Sounds like it, doesn't it? Democrats are just mad because they lost twice no matter what they did. So, they have to go after the President and those who support him.
2007-02-15 14:46:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It all depends on who is President.
Also, there was an actual campaign paid by Richard Mellon Scaife called the Arkansas project to hound, investigate, and embarrass the Clintons - something that had not happened before. It created a willingness to treat the office of President with less respect.
Before that, criticism would have been a lot more policy oriented, and less of a personal attack. But I think the only President to escape public criticism by at least some people was George Washington.
2007-02-15 22:34:00
answer #2
answered by oohhbother 7
Some people believe that during wartime, our civil liberties should be effectively suspended, even if that war is a never ending war like the "War on Terror". Think Progress quotes Bill O'Reilly and one of his guests former Army intelligence officer Lt. Col. Ralph Peters.
The media can no longer sustain their pretenses of being aloof, objective observers dispassionately recording events. The media are combatants. [from a new book New Glory: Expanding America’s Global Supremacy, Page 49]
Peters took his thesis to Fox News last night. When asked about a recent ABC report that the CIA moved detainees out of secret prisons in Europe prior to Secretary of State Rice’s visit, he said:
When ABC or any other outlet gives away our national secrets, or verifies them, and underscores them by repeating what others have said, and seems to verify for the world — look, they are putting Americans at risk. They’re putting our allies at risk, as you observed. And they’re putting our programs at risk. … But worst of all, Bill, it’s killing American soldiers. [The O’Reilly Factor, 12/6/05]
Bill O’Reilly agreed with Peters’ new definition of the media:
I would not have reported what ABC News reported. I would not have done it. I — as you know — didn’t put Abu Ghraib pictures on this broadcast, the only television journalist not to do so. I do feel that the press has a responsibility to help the government in the war on terror. [The O’Reilly Factor, 12/6/05]
Funny, and we thought freedom of the press was a fundamental democratic value.
If, as in the War on Terror, there is a never ending war and civil liberties such as freedom of the press, laws against torture, and the voters no longer have the right to be informed about what is really happening, democracy is effectively shutdown. America becomes a plutocracy, government by the monied. That ladies and gentleman is fascism, pure and simple. That's the government given a free hand to use any means without justification or accountability. I think these statements make O'Reilly and Peters sound like neo-Nazis. Fascism is alive and well in American government today.
2007-02-15 22:31:11
answer #3
answered by dstr 6
If someone says not If someone go, kiddo. It is not a tradition it is just opinions about President Bush. Right now anyone that says anything positive about George W. Bush is viewed negatively because of the way he is running this country. Hope that
2007-02-15 22:28:22
answer #4
answered by ? 5
In November 2000.'
2007-02-15 22:44:20
answer #5
answered by michaelsan 6
My fortune cookie says that President Bush wants to take over your country.
2007-02-15 23:14:23
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, I will. Because the president IS Bush.
2007-02-15 22:27:03
answer #7
answered by eyeavenger 1
Depends on who you ask. Expressing any level of support or trust in President Bush is anathema to Democrats. Intelligent people reject this position.
2007-02-15 22:24:40
answer #8
answered by yupchagee 7
You have got to be the idiot,
What are you talking about?
2007-02-15 22:24:19
answer #9
answered by Sgt 524 5