If you are referring to a specific essay, of course we need to see it. Otherwise, I recommend your strongest statement be the first one. It must be a grabber to get people's attention, stir interest so they read the rest. The conclusion is also important, as that is what sticks in people mind's more.
2007-02-15 14:16:50
answer #1
answered by Joy K 4
would be your thesis good luck
The strongest position for your statement is usually at the end of one or two introductory paragraphs. Stating your thesis in your first sentence leaves you no room to warm the reader to your subject. It is better, then, to begin your essay with a vignette, or a description of a historiographical debate, or some other device to set up the question that you will answer, and then follow with that answer. On the other hand, you may want to use your title to suggest your thesis. See my notes on "How to Read a History Book" for some well chosen titles.
Once you have stated your thesis statement, your job is to convince your reader that you are right, and to resolve the conflict you have established. Every paragraph in the body of your paper should have a topic sentence, usually at the beginning, that supports your thesis statement. And every sentence in every paragraph should support the topic sentence. Follow this rule, and you will pull your reader through your essay, from beginning to end, and not leave him stuck, reading one paragraph over and over, trying to understand why it is there.
2007-02-15 14:15:39
answer #2
answered by Snoopy 4
The strongest statement of any essay is the topic sentence!
2007-02-19 12:23:09
answer #3
answered by missellie 7
The strongest statement is in the opening paragraph when you state your topic. For instance, in a persuastive essay you would be stating what your belief on a certain issue is. Then, in the body you go on to describe why this is so.
2007-02-15 14:18:33
answer #4
answered by mandie 4
You need a thesis statement. (This can be multiple sentences.) A thesis is the overall statement or idea of the paper.
For example, if you were writing a paper about the dangers of smoking one thesis could be, "Millions of people in America enjoy smoking cigarettes. However, they are highly addictive and have many documented health dangers."
Then you structure the paper in paragraphs of your thesis. First in this example you can talk about why people enjoy smoking. Second you state how cigarettes are addictive. Then you talk about the health dangers. In the conclusion, you should sum up the paper and feel free to put in your own point of view.
Hope this helps!
2007-02-15 14:21:22
answer #5
answered by Jen :) 2
the strongest statement is the thesis statement. It sets the whole tone of an essay, and it should convey the main idea that you are trying to communicate.
2007-02-15 14:14:53
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
What essay?? or just in general?? In general it means what sentence of the story holds the true message or meaning to the whole essay
2007-02-15 14:16:53
answer #7
answered by shepey11 2
the strongest part of the essay is the title , it tells people what the story is about and is what make people interested in listening to what you have wrote , like a book the title is what catches your eye and makes you intrested in reading to find out what happens
2007-02-15 14:15:46
answer #8
answered by want to know 2
Where's the essay
2007-02-15 14:13:44
answer #9
answered by Shakespeare, William 4
What essay?
2007-02-15 14:14:26
answer #10
answered by redirishactress 5