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Since September 11th, 2001, the US has lost less than 4,000 people in the war in Iraq AND Afganistan. In the same time period, the US has lost over 45,000 people due to illegal immigrants. So what is the more important priority to address ASAP?

2007-02-15 11:42:02 · 13 answers · asked by Wookie 3 in Politics & Government Politics

What I mean by lost is killed. 45,000 people have been killed since Sept. 11, 2001 due to illegal alien invaders.

Secondly, the only thing illegal about the war in Iraq is the current US Congress believing they have the power to act as commander-in-chief of our armed forces.

2007-02-17 08:45:50 · update #1

13 answers

It appears to me that these two issues have equal importance. The immigrants are a real problem. I understand these people need to provide for their families,but for Gods sake learn ou language,get a permit to come over her. Obey our laws,WORK,instead of becoming a permanant fixture in our over crowded jails,and stop useing our food stamps,get a job.Stop haveing babies,we dont want to support them.

The war,started out as a good thing,wars are not always bad. We did get rid of saddam and were still looking for the other radicals ,and knowing our military we WILL find them and bring them down.
The people dont like Bush,because (frankly he is too good of a man for most of the jerks in washington. ) He is a Christian,and sincerely trying to do the right thing, The senate is a farce,Kennedy should be in an old folks home, behind a lock and key,along with Hillary,and the other right wingers that are trying to take America to her knees.
So both issues warrent equal merit.

2007-02-23 10:41:34 · answer #1 · answered by doverslight61 2 · 0 1

Please, the slaughter of upwards of 700,000 innocent Iraqis, along with the dead and wounded American soldiers, the disillusioned, the traumatized.
Then there is the complete ruin of America's reputation on the world stage. Along with the lost trust, Lost Moral standing, and the benefit of doubt we always just had for granted.Our national physic is damaged. For you are not recognizing the enemy. Washington has heard our cries of outrage, they know our concerns and pain, they are counting on us getting desperate enough to sink to barbarism, toss aside all of our enlightenment since the civil rights days and start blaming dirt poor Mexicans trying to Eyck out any meagre work to better the life left behind, just as each of our ancestors have done before us. Wshington as usual listens to corporate and big business, who want the illegals who are so eager to exploit. Thus they get to depress wages even when making record profits. They continue to change tax code so they carry no burden while the most vulnerable carry the most. We should be joining our newest immigrants and turn the tables, shake things up. Demand decant wages and working condions for all regardless of status. Unfortunately this will most likely back fire on the illegals as they seal that boarder real quick, but it may thwart their plans that are very close to implecating of erasing both the Mexican and Canadian boarders which will be disaster for us all, but wonderful for walmart and all the other big employers pushing it...so let us keep some perspective. Washington can but won't help us. Poor Mexicans and serving military do not have the power we seem to credit them...Mary.

2007-02-23 10:07:04 · answer #2 · answered by mary57whalen 5 · 0 0

The "war" in Iraq is over. Saddam is died, isn't he? Wasn't that the point (more or less). I'm sure the guys pulling the strings are more then happy to see you drawing comparisons.
Illegal immigration isn't a problem.The government wants them here to help support various businesses. The idiots in congress actually have proposed amnesty for the felons that live and work here.
The illegal immigration issue is so stupid and absurd that we should "fire' any representative that doesn't take a firm stand against it. And i don't mean building any idiotic wall. Illegals should be deported immediately and they certainly shouldn't have any "rights". Companies that employee them should be fined substantially and/or shut down. Period.
Back to the "war". We went there to remove Saddam (done) and find and destroy any WMD's. There weren't any, we know that, therefore case closed. Now we should leave.

2007-02-22 14:05:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Im not sure how "illegal immigration" LOSES 45,000 people. Wouldn't it be more truthful to say illegal immigration is responsible for replacing the 4,000 (plus another 41,000) we've lost in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Both issues are important not one more than the other. We desperately need leaders in this country who are willing to provide us with intelligent solutions to them.

While Illegal Immigration is bad, the illegal war in Iraq ia MUCH worse.

2007-02-15 21:14:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The blogbaba accepts no decay, the U.S.A. is the greatest civilization mankind has ever created, and it was created by immigrants. We don't have an illegal immigration problem in the U.S. we have an illegal employer problem and a Federal government who hasn't governed it's people since corporate conglomerates got an actor elected President. If our government protected our economy like all other countrys do, jobs, and illegal immirgrants willing to be exploited at slave wages by greedy corporate neo-cons wouldn't even be an issue.

The war in Iraq hands down.

2007-02-22 15:44:42 · answer #5 · answered by blogbaba 6 · 1 0

Because I got high?

WTF are you talking about? 45K people killed by illegal immigrants? What is your source of information, Rush Limbaugh Show?

Illegal immigration is a HUGE problem. But it pales in comparasion to the damage Bush has done to this country. Trillion + added to the national debt, quite the conservative he is.

Only "less then 4000 people" killed in Iraq?

a. Apparently you do not have a connection to any US service member killed in this unjust war.

b. Over half a MILLION Iraqis have been killed by this unjust war. Now some of them (insurgents, foreign fighters who traveled to Iraq to wage Jihad on the US) no doubt had it coming, but the HUGE majority are innocent people who just want to have a family & a job & a life and are now caught in the middle of a civil war over oil that we started.

So, you Constitutional Scholar, the Congress is not trying to play Commander in Chief, they are trying to reign in the "state of denial" retard who would be a dictator in any other country, who is getting our people killed and "growing" more terrorists than we can kill because he thinks he is doing God's work.

2007-02-23 06:56:08 · answer #6 · answered by Sam Fisher 3 · 1 0

by using fact we are completely powerless as to what occurs in Iraq.. Iran.. Afghanistan... and different countries that are in conflict. whether we at the instant are not powerless in this u . s . a .. we've the vote casting technique and congressmen to assist us with the matters that hit on the element of living house. it is not that we don't care approximately what George W. have been given us into( by using fact we do) yet what the hell are you able to do approximately it? i'm a veteran of the U. S. military and have confidence me.... the political potential performs and pissing contests at the instant are not any place for prevalent voters. we are able to convey forth exchange yet exchange starts on your guy or woman outdoor. no longer in Sri Lanka... India... the middle East or everywhere else. If we use the judicial , senatorial and congressional technique set forth to our benefit... issues will artwork out. whether you already comprehend it or no longer there have been immigration issues ever by using fact the 1800's. even whilst peoples' ancestors landed on the feet of the statue of Liberty there become a situation. historic previous repeats itself Honeychild.... all of us had our share of issues... Irish... Italians... Germans... Negroes... and now the Kurdish... Hispanics, Asians and Africans. as long as we've open borders you could anticipate somebody to come lower back in... like it or no longer.

2016-09-29 04:16:14 · answer #7 · answered by duktig 4 · 0 0

I think immigration is a bigger issue and not only the illegal one but the legal immigration as well.
I think it is changing the way this nation view itself on different level such as politics, ethics, religion, values, constitution, and even education. We are in danger of being the youngest democracy in the world to lose its identity.
Iraq will solve itself sooner or later. America as a TON of work to do to get back to the golden ages.

2007-02-23 10:30:17 · answer #8 · answered by caliguy_30 5 · 0 0

The illegals are doing so much damage here in America. The increased crime rate, the bills that we pay to provide them with free hand outs. Their crazy ideas that they are entitled to whatever we are. The lost jobs because of them the costs to jail them etc.... We need leadership with tenacity to just get them out and make it so they never return. The war is terrible and more important of course and I hope that it will end soon and our men and women returned safely to their families soon. But I do believe that The illegals will cause the USA long term damage and needs to be dealt with very severely.

2007-02-22 12:31:31 · answer #9 · answered by Tracy 3 · 2 1

The answer is illegal immigration hands down.

I completely understand your question and you are absolutely correct in your point. Every year the rate of deaths, crime increases, financial losses, job losses, etc...... etc.... increases about 200% directly due to illegals.

We recently had an illegal that was driving drunk with no car insurance, hit a family and kill a family of 4 ppl... very sad. Now we have to pay tax money to defend him in court then pay to keep him in prison for the rest of his life.

Meanwhile, because he was uninsured, the other family members of the ppl that died, will receive no financial restitution.

2007-02-18 08:36:51 · answer #10 · answered by BeachBum 7 · 1 2

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