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bet you the war would end quickly; see how committed you are to man the check point ; your thoughts??? I don't mean the sweet trips that they take now and talk to an occasional soldier or two but right there regardless if they served previously ; all fun and games while you are nice and warm being served lunch, limo, jet in Washington , D.C.

2007-02-15 11:38:40 · 4 answers · asked by sml 6 in Politics & Government Politics

I just mean that if you hold office part of the criteria is that you walk in the shoes of the person that you so easily send to defend us; it is easy to send faceless people to handle danger while you are comfy in D.C. - has nothing to do with military v. civilian just the old ; walk in someone's shoes so you know what is really like before you send someone else's daughter or son to do your bidding.

2007-02-15 11:47:11 · update #1

4 answers

That is a great idea!!

It would make them think twice before sending our military into a war situation.

2007-02-15 16:10:23 · answer #1 · answered by Villain 6 · 0 0

So only those who served in the military could be in charge? I don't think so, I like civilian rule.

2007-02-15 19:44:16 · answer #2 · answered by sfavorite711 4 · 0 1

Yes the left should, they seem to be the only ones who think it isn't necessary to protect America.

2007-02-15 19:42:54 · answer #3 · answered by John in AZ 4 · 0 1

Kerry could "earn" another few Purple Hearts...........

2007-02-15 19:42:44 · answer #4 · answered by bigsey93harrison37 3 · 2 1

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