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Beliefs are Beliefs, but is it possible for a person who knows the teachings of Christ be gay and still be called a Christian, knowing full well how God feels about such actions?? I'm not judging I'm just curious? I have a couple gay male friends but I like them as a person not by their sexuality, but according to the Bible I'm not to even associate with them, if I do I'm sinning. I am not gay, but am curious how the rest of the world portrayed this subject? It has made me think seriously about our relationship/friendship.

2007-02-15 11:31:46 · 28 answers · asked by AmieAnn 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I'm not judging any of you who are gay or whatever. I am asking a hard question. If you are gay and getting angry at my question maybe your feeling a bit guilty. Most of you have great answers. thanks

2007-02-15 11:50:33 · update #1

Every one sin I'm AWARE of that fact, please stay focused on the question at hand. Thanks

2007-02-15 11:51:51 · update #2

28 answers

Yes, we can still be called Christian, despite being gay. We are as God created us, and He created and loves us all. By implying we're sinning simply because we're gay, you ARE judging! and that is God's privilege, not yours. and using religion to preach intolerance, also a sin. you say you have gay friends that you like "as a person?" do you call them sinners to their faces? and the reason any of us get angry is because people like you keep posting the same, insulting judgmental questions all the time. I have nothing to feel guilty about. I don't judge people just because they are different (without bothering to get to know them...). I don't believe in the lies, assumptions and generalizing stereotypes people like you use to "back up" your judgments and accusations. why can't you ever read/research and believe in facts and the truth? a "true" Christian is loving and accepting, not judgmental and hypocritical.

2007-02-15 13:10:42 · answer #1 · answered by redcatt63 6 · 1 2

I'm bisexual and not only a Christian, but a CATHOLIC! ooo!

I don't know about other gay people, but I justify my faith with my sexual orientation simply: I know that tradition and 2 passages in the Bible are not enough to label homosexuality as "an abomination".

Christians, as well as all other people of all other faiths, pick and choose what they want to believe.

Think about it: Protestants ignore all the passages in the New Testament that teach that faith alone is not sufficient for salvation. Yet they are a thriving bunch. And good for them, its their perrogative.

Now I have yet to see a SINGLE passage in the New Testament that speaks on sexual orientation. The only passages are found in The Law of the Old Testament.

Now I thought the whole concept of have a "savior" was to "fulfill" the Law and thus make us exempt from such law?

Christians don't advocate circumsision, the practice of sabbath laws, laws of kosher, etc. This is because Jesus allegedly fulfilled such laws. Along with those laws were the holiness codes that included the taboo on homosexuality.

So it seems that modern Christianity is now "picking and choosing" once again. Either Jesus fulfilled the law in its entirety, or he didn't. If he didn't, then he wasn't the actual savior, and Judaism is still the TRUE religion.

You can't have it both ways.

Another thing one must take into consideration is that the Bible, however INSPIRED, was still written by HUMANS. Along with biblical truth comes cultural taboos, and personalized thought.

Ancient Judaism also thought that the human soul resided in the father's sperm prior to insemination. They believed that like plants, we have "seeds" and such seed is the casing of the soul. From modern science we now know thats false, that the sperm only contains half of the DNA necessary to make a human.

Yet at the time, this being "common knowledge" Judaism began preaching that masterbation was a grave sin tantamount to murder since its "wasting one's seed".

2007-02-15 11:40:41 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes they are still are considered Christians. In God's eyes no sin is bigger than any other sin, so stealing a candy bar is equal to being gay or vice versa. But also the Bible was written so long ago what my seem right then can be considered bad now. So i dont understand why people follow a book that has been written by old white sexist men. So yes u still can be a Christian even if u gay, bi, etc. But i dont undestand wat the big fuss with someone being gay. Cause im bi and im very much in love with a girl. I dont understand why someone would care about who i love if u see us kissing turn ur head if u dont like it. GOD ASLO GAVE US THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE. People really need to remember that too.

2007-02-15 11:47:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When it all comes down to the end of the day, all said and done, aren't we all one?
God is one, he made us, so doesn't that make us one?
All different religion, all the different choices we choose all fall down to we are one.
Equal, no better.
We are a pack of crayons, we all came from the same box.

If the world was coming to an end do you actually believe we are going to start picking out a christian from a gay or different color of skinned person?

I don't know about you (With no disrespect) but I'm not going to care about all that stuff, when the sky is falling.

We are all one and human instinct is to help all

So for the 100 hundredth time over and over why as humans do we care what we are.
JUST BE YOU, YOURSELF and respect people not judging them.
If you truly believe in God, then you would know only he can pass judgment!

Not you and certainly not I

2007-02-15 12:28:22 · answer #4 · answered by Bluelady... 7 · 1 0

If anyone whose had sex before marriage, gotten drunk, lied, cursed someone, said God's name in vain, disobeyed their parents, eaten when they weren't hungry, had lustfull thoughts, etc. can call themselves a Christian then so can a homosexual. If all these judging Christians would actually sit down and read their bible they'd know that God judges/looks at all sin the same. Every single one. No sin is greater than the other. The bible people keep throwing in the faces of homosexuals says this. So lets quit making this into something its not.

2007-02-15 11:40:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are asserting that all Christians believe the same way on homosexuality That is false.

Not only do entire denominations (The United Church of Christ is a good example, as are the Brethren from my understanding) believe that being gay is fine -- but so do substantive majorities of other denominations (Episcopalian, ELCA, etc.) and significant minorities of yet more denominations (United Presbyterian, United Methodist, Northern Baptist, etc.). The fact that YOU have been taught by YOUR denomination that something is evil does NOT mean that all Christians agree.


Christianity is defined as believing in Jesus Christ. Quite literally it means Christ follower. It does not mean biblio-idolater, it does not mean literalist, it does not mean fanatic; it means, specifically and only that one believes in Jesus Christ as the son of God and accepts him as savior. I, for example, do both of those things. I think on the other hand that the idea that the Bible is anything other than a book of myths is laughable. It has hundreds and thousands of provable errors of fact -- which cannot be easily explained away by the hand-waving of fundamentalists. The church survived just fine for nearly 400 years before the canon of books came forward after the Council of Carthage acted on a resolution of the Synod of Hippo. The church does not need the Bible, nor any other collection of late bronze/early iron age myths. It needs Christ -- and it can have Christ through Eucharist and faith -- which are all the church needs.

So, yes, I think that many gay and lesbian persons can call themselves Christians -- though I often think that many fundamentalists cannot -- for their need of certainty has turned them to idolatry, and whether it be a statue or a book, idolatry in and of itself cannot lead one to the pure love of God.

Kind regards,

Reynolds Jones

2007-02-15 12:25:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First of all, have you read the bible in the original language? I am guessing no. In all reality, you are getting your information about homosexuality from certain versus in the bible and a preacher. The way understand the time in which Leviticus lived in if you were anything but a white male you were looked down upon. If you carefully read Leviticus, you will see minorities and women were looked down upon.

Man also looked up spilling their seed as a waste. Semen was meant for procreation. Male homosexuality did not cause pregnancy.

Leviticus is also known as the book of laws. In Jewish and Christian history (Old Testament) - God looks upon everyone as evil, Leviticus set about giving us the law so that people could go to heaven. But guess what - we are sinners (this is where Christianity comes in) and Jesus died for us to erase the sin we caused.

To move to the guidelines in Genesis and Judges - if you read the stories in context, it becomes more understandable. As mentioned previously - women were considered inferior and to be treated as a woman would be considered the ultimate insult. Jesus (when referring to the sin of Sodom) was destroy because of greed, injustice, in-hospitality, excess wealth, indifference to the poor, and general wickedness. Notice that the stories about Sodom were about inhospitable treatment to the visiting angel nor did Jesus cite homosexuality as a cause.

Paul. In the New Testament the so called references to homosexuality are the Greek words 'aresnokoites and malakos'. These words only appear twice. The Greek word arsen means man and koites means bed. Someone (?) decided that means homosexuality. That is like saying the word understanding means standing below. More likely the word means rape or exploitation. The Greek word malakos means soft. That is hardly the scathing exclusion for homosexuals to go to heaven.

No where in the bible does it damn one set of people over the other. Did you know that 150 years ago that the Christian Church supported slavery, mistreatment of women and minoritys because the bible supported it? Finally, look at the people Jesus surrounded himself with - they were sinners. If you believe, then Jesus must be in heaven.

Good luck to you.

2007-02-15 12:21:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

God definately without a doubt despises homosexuality. You can call yourself a Christian and still be gay but just know you're still going to hell to burn in the lake of fire. HOWEVER, God doesn't dislike sin any more than he likes any other sin but all other sins are different. For one, sexual sin is because your body is the Lord's temple , that is where he dwells. Secondly, Homosexuality isn't like killing someone or stealing a candy bar from the store. You can repent and ask for forgiveness for all those sins, truly mean it and be forgiven but with homosexuality, you are contanstly living in sin, day in and out. It's an ongoing pattern. So you can't go to sleep and ask for forgiveness if you know you plan on waking up next to someone of the same sex and you're just gonna continue being gay. That is taunting God.

2007-02-15 12:04:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

The bible says that if we have true conversion then we are no longer conformed to the world but transformed by the spirit. that means we no longer give in to sin but give over all sin to God for our transformation.all sin ! be it drunkenness,fornication,homosexuality,or what have you. and yes homosexuality is a sin according to the Word.The bible is the word of God. you have to decide that from the begining.I mean get real ,this is where we get our beliefs right?if one thing in the good book no longer apply,s or isnt absolutely true then what is your faith based on.if the part about gayness being a sin in the eyes of God is wrong, then how can you believe the part about forgiveness of sin?We dont get to pick and choose.God says be ye not conformed to the sinfulness of the world but let him transform you to the image of christ. It is possible for a saved christian to be pulled back into sin of course, we are human.I would caution any christian to not hang with anyone who (conformed to the world) and it,s worldly version of morals.one of our most important assets as christians is our testimony.If our lifestyle is questionable (like who we hang out with) then our testimony is ineffectual.-God Bless.

2007-02-15 11:55:13 · answer #9 · answered by matowakan58 5 · 1 1

If you knew about “Christ” you’d know he never said a word about gays. As for the bible, why do people like you always stop at the homosexual sins and abominations part? There’s tons of other sins and abominations that YOU personally do (read up on sins and abominations before you judge others).

2007-02-15 11:42:54 · answer #10 · answered by pissed off with abuse, goodbye! 2 · 1 0

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