I think you have a valid point and it is a breath of fresh air to see a intelligent question asked on these forums.
However your suggestion poses a number of problems.
The first problem I find, is who is to blame for lack of intelligence? Before killing off or restricting those who are not as intelligent as others or ourselves, we must ask ourselves... who is at fault here? I don't see lack of intelligence as a fault as such, more like a disability. Somebody may be born with a lack of intelligence, e.g. an IQ below 100. Should we treat them as lesser humans? I don't think so. Even if they are "lesser" in the way of intelligence, lack of intelligence is not synonymous with "lack of emotions". Maybe they should be restricted from positions of influence... e.g. should a person of lesser intelligence ever hold a postion of power such as the President of the USA? I think not.
We already do restrict people of lesser intelligence... mentally retarded people are restricted from certain aspects of society due to the danger they pose both to themselves and others, be that the danger of physical OR emotional damage.
I don't agree with your suggestion if it applies to all people of lesser intelligence... I find that morally wrong as we cannot BLAME a person for lack of intelligence... it is not something that can be corrected by medication or therapy. I believe this is wrong because intelligence is relative and variable. You and I are more intelligent than some, and less intelligent than others.
HOWEVER... I think it should be applied to people of lesser IDEALS and integrity... e.g. people who refuse to listen to ideas and suggestions, people who commit crimes and who live only for themselves and not for the good of humanity and planet Earth.
As humans, we are destroying ourselves and our host planet with our desperate expansion and building, our consumption of energy and apathy towards our future generations. People who are not willing to acknowlege this should have societal priveliges severely restricted if not removed completely.
Another problem I have found is who will administer the policy? How do we decide who is morally intelligent and who is not? What defines moral idiocy? We can only base punishment and restriction on past actions of an individual e.g. we cannot punish a person for murder unless he has committed murder.
I hate to get political, but capitalism is a system that has come about from the inherent human desire for power and wealth. This system cannot work consistently as a solution for continued human existence and happiness; capitalism and greed are symptoms of how selfish and corrupt we have become as a species whos entire sense of morality revolves around empathy.
So what I propose, in relation to your suggestion, is this:
The modification of the definition of morality to include future generations. E.g. actions that may cause damage to future generations or the removal of the possibility of that generation.
The education of society that human survival is of a greater importance that the survival of an individual.
That all selfish and those who seek a monopoly on wealth or power are removed from society and undergo intense psychological evaluation and moral education.
That all people who refuse to co-operate are defined as terrorists against humanity and are executed.
Apathy should be corrected by educational imprisonment, by this I mean imprisonment and education until the criminal can reliably show empathy towards humanity and our future generations.
The abolition of free trade and the encouragement of social interaction, free social thinking and an abolition of materials and ideas that pose a threat to humanity as a single sentient being.
I hope this has given not only you, but others food for thought. I agree with your frame of mind and I think your idea is one that can be built upon.
2007-02-15 12:01:08
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think the problem is nothing new; it isn't even that much of a problem. The great ideas are not about the people who think them up. The great ideas, whether in literature, philosophy, or science, are about the ideas themselves, and if you can't suffer the brunt of some alienation for your thoughts, perhaps you're better off to keep them to yourself.
If you talk with someone who would resort to violence because they don't like your ideas, then you're talking to the wrong people. There's never been a shortage of fools, homey, get used to it.
As for what's to be done with "pond scum" people: nothing. You're all brain and no heart. The sense of intellectual superiority oozing from your question is probably part of the reason people don't like what you have to say in the first place. Take a look at some of the beloved thinkers throughout history and you'll find that not only were they brilliant but they were able to articulate their ideas to people that would listen. If you're wasting your time moralizing to people who don't want to hear it, well, that's your nickel, that's your time, and that's your headache.
You call them children and want to take away their rights like those of a child? Statements like that make me so grateful that I'm not in love with my own scant intelligence. They're human beings with their own set of values and thoughts. Just because they pale to your particular "genius" doesn't make them subject to your personal set of perfect values.
I suggest a lesson in humility. Or a job as a dictator.
2007-02-15 11:21:42
answer #2
answered by SnowFlats 3
"Those who think that all fruits mature at the same time as strawberries know nothing about oranges." Erich Fromm
This quote is from a man who studied intensely the nature of man. It explains with a beautiful analogy, what is perhaps, the correct attitude or way of thinking that we can adopt towards those who we might consider ignorant or a lost cause.
Those who love nature know that most fruits mature during the hot summer months. The heat and warmth of those months are crucial for those fruits to mature.
But there are also fruits like "oranges" which are delicious, that mature during the cold and chilly winter months, when nature seems almost dead.
Everything in life has it's own moment for reaching maturity.
2007-02-15 12:04:54
answer #3
answered by apicole 4
I agree with Son of Marianne and Michelle C. up there. It's funny that the educated and the intellectually superior, instead of attempting to spread knowledge, and encourage those who are unlike themselves to become better educated, they let their frusration overtake them, and want to get rid of those they feel are inferior. All minds need to be nurtured, even the small ones. There are some who were blessed as children with strong intellects, and open minds, but if it weren't for the nuturing and encouragement they received from teachers their intellects would have peaked before high school. And there are others who were born with learning disabilities or other things that would impede their learning but whose minds have flourished with proper encouragement.
The true mark of a courageous and truly wise man, is his tolerance and kindness toward others. Truly intelligent, open minded people will realize that a strong mind is a gift, and does not elevate one over his fellow man. The "small minded" people should be encouraged to expand their intellect, and to open themselves up to ideas that they may not agree with. They should not be shot or have their rights taken away. Not to be insulting, but that kind of backward thinking just promotes ignorance, intolerance, and "small mindedness". A lot of intelligent yet insecure people use their intellect as a place to hide. Proving that they are "always right" makes them feel superior. But superiority is a false emotion. An illusion that we use to pacify our feelings of insecurity. Don't be that smart inscure jerk. Be the wiseman who is smart enough to tolerate the ignorance of others, and also wise enough to find ways to help them open their minds.
2007-02-15 11:42:34
answer #4
answered by Sugarbaby 2
"The great mind has always faced oppression from the mediocre", remains as true today as ever. Therefore, your following statements beg me to question, how shooting them or restricting their rights for not thinking as you do, is not the exact oppression you speak against?
Since you pride yourself on being " a different thinker", then why is it not, equally, important for others to take pride in their own thoughts?....Simply because you disagree or feel they are wrong?
It's true that others should not treat you as inferior, just because they may not comprehend your way of thinking. But, if you truly feel Superior, than you should be wise enough to walk away from those who haven't a clue of what they or you are speaking about.
Diversity is the way of the world, as it should be, as well, should be freedom of speech. People will listen to what they CHOOSE to listen to, hear what they CHOOSE to hear, and say what they CHOOSE to say. You would not want anyone to oppress your views, so why would want to lower yourself to that level of doing unto them, what you see as unfit to be done to you?
As for saying that "those who have no more intelligence than pond scum, want for nothing more than the preservation of their ideals". Well, when you know better, you do better. You are intelligent enough to understand that those who cannot understand your way of thinking, suffer just that......They cannot understand, (wether by choice or innability) So why choose a battle in futility? Believe in what you know is true. But, understand that everyone has their own truths to believe in, ones that should be repected , as you wish for yours to be.
I believe one can learn from all walks of life, only if they choose to.
2007-02-15 11:26:45
answer #5
answered by Michelle C 4
My friend, you lower yourself into the pond. If your intelligence and knowledge is truly above the din, then you also know that you are attempting to educate the unwilling and unable.
Do not hold ignorance and lack of intelligence against its owner, but recognize how it affects their actions. Freedom of speech does not mean there is benefit from scattering of pearls under the feet of swine.
2007-02-15 11:03:34
answer #6
answered by Third Son of Marianne 3
#1: If Einstein couldn't fix it what makes you
think that you can?
#2: You're grammar indicates a less than
stellar mind.
#3: The Federal Government funded a multi-
million dollar study concerning whether
stupid people know that they are.
Conclusively proved that they don't know
that they are stupid!
#4: The stupidity isn't your fault. It's genetic.
The attitude is. You might want to take a
few humility classes.
2007-02-15 11:06:11
answer #7
answered by eagleperch 3
I detect a little rage in you as well. I am sure the w*nkers of the world attempt to illicit a response in people by being sublimely incredulous. But it is also possible that they do it just to p*ss you off, and it worked.
2016-05-24 04:50:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Gee... I can't imagine why anyone would push back against your novel ideas!
Some of us (as you suggest) are just too stupid to recognize pure brilliance, even when it's right there screaming in our face.
(I bet you're a fun guy to knock back a few beers with)
2007-02-15 11:15:39
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nothing needs to be done. If you enjoy confrontations with people like this, then you should continue to worry and think about and fill up your life with this. If you don't want to be involved with people like you describe then turn your attention away. period.
2007-02-15 11:16:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous