Children with autism almost always have sensory integration problems. I've taught self-contained autism classes before and he sounds like he could fit that category. Check with your school about testing, but that will take a while. Most major hospitals have autism clinics as well, but those also have waiting lists. Check with an occupational therapist in your area about a sensory diet. Check online about sensory diets. Gosh, I really know a lot about this and I'd be willing to correspond. It could also be some sort of obsessive / compulsive behavior. Get him into counseling asap and talk to the couselor about screenings and a psychiatrist (note that psychiatry does not necessarily mean meds). Ask around for referrals to good children's therapists - check with your school, other parents, and your family doctor. E-mail me at if you'd like.
2007-02-15 18:58:24
answer #1
answered by lilyelizabethsnape 3
I have several kids with SID, some of them have autism, some do not (just the SID). It's not entirely bad, we just are very careful about the clothes that we buy. My littlest with issues is five, and cannot wear underwear, he actually wears boxers that are three sizes too big! I'm sure that certain pants cause worse 'vibrations', his way of interpreting the wrong feeling he gets. Sam can't wear jeans, he loses focus, he is fidgety, he really cannot integrate all of the wrong sensations he gets from the stiffness, roughness, rubbing. Make sense?
The fear and anxiety do sound a bit like aspergers, and it's possible that just a little counseling will give him the tools to cope. I'd get him evaluated, and keep on eye on school. My son was fine until third grade, then school because a living you-know-what. Early help is better than later...
2007-02-15 15:51:33
answer #2
answered by ? 6
It's often very difficult to get a clear diagnosis, especially in young kids. The description of his sensitivity to the feel of his clothing certainly is indicative of some sort of sensory issue, and I have known a number of people with Aspberger's syndrome (high-functioning autism) who have similar behaviors to those of your son.
I would suggest that you ask your son's pediatrician for a referral to a pediatric developmental specialist. Whether or not you get a firm diagnosis, there are ways that your son can become less anxious and more comfortable (physically and socially). It's great that you are looking at ways of helping him now, because he can learn some coping skills at this age that will help him throughout his life. An occupational therapist could be helpful with suggestions for addressing the sensory issues, and psychological or behavioral intervention may be an avenue to investigate regarding the anxiety.
2007-02-15 10:28:37
answer #3
answered by sonomanona 6
Actually, that sounds a lot like my son! He's 11 now and still has some issues as far as getting "stuck" on a certain behavior (sniffling) and stuff like that, but he's aware of it and it's getting better.
But when he was younger it really scared me! He would say his legs hurt... really hurt, he'd cry and everything Or his arms would hurt, or he had trouble breathing, or name it!
I took him to the doc over and over and finally she referred him to a pediatric neurologist. She gave me lots of info on "twitches" and stuff and she ordered a bunch of tests... (there's a rare form of MS that runs in my family... but it's a part of the family only related by marriage!)... turns out he was fine. Well I just had to talk to him the other day about going to the nurses office because he's starting to have all these "issues" again... (and I had just spoken with teacher about his aches and pains. He seemed to only have them when it was time to read or the class activity slowed down.)... he's been fine since.
As far as the bus thing... my daughter i(5 yrs) s PETRIFIED of baths... she "thinks" she's going to drown or whatever... but she still has to have baths... so if he's throwing those kind of fits about the bus, I totally understand why you drive hiim but you have to stop. Maybe talk to the bus driver and see if you can ride the bus with him a couple of times... then let him go by himself.
But whatever you do... I wish you luck!!
2007-02-15 15:40:08
answer #4
answered by Yur Mama 3
The issue with the bus driver sounds like anxiety attacks. With his sensory problems he should get checked out by a neurologist. Try also to get him an appointment with a psychologist. As a mother you always know if something is wrong with your child. So please act. Children can develop anxiety attacks and depression and it has to be taken seriously. I would contact your school psychologist for an evaluation and call your pediatrician to get an referral to a neurologist. i wish you all the best for you and your boy.
2007-02-15 13:47:06
answer #5
answered by schnute 1
When I was a child, my skin was hyper sensitive to certain fabrics like wool, made me get a rash and itchy, and I couldn't wear earrings unless they were gold because my ears would get infected. I was at your son's age when I would get rashes on my body out of anxiety. I was also afraid to ride the bus. There is a book called "Raising a highly sensitive child"- it may give some answers.
You are right to research what is going on with him. He is telling you in the only way he knows how. Keep researching and asking professionals until you get an answer. Please, do not let a doctor talk you into prescribing him drugs- a regular doctor will likely do that. Try anything and everything natural that you can. You sound like a loving mother. I wish you both the best.
By the way, it sounds like you may be on the right track with SID- keep looking into that :-)
2007-02-15 10:09:16
answer #6
answered by Daaang! 3
Wow he sounds like a rather smart little fellow to voice his feelings to you.
Know one but his normal doctor and paediatrician can tell you what is going on. So I would start with them, and tell them what he has told you, and what you have observed, if your son is willing, he should tell the doctor himself, what he feels.
The paediatrician will do a complete assessment on him, before offering any opinion. Once done be guided by his/her suggestions.
It could be a number of things, from anxiety to a obsessive disorder or any other behavioural/cognitive disorder.
Good luck with sorting out your sons situation. Hope it all turns out well.
2007-02-15 15:11:05
answer #7
answered by Georgie 7
He eithers has picky issues or is bothered by something or one so he developes these to block it or so. He should have him mabye meet his fears or what freaks him out. Ask his teacher is they see anything wrong or peculiar. Never ask the students around him. Students are sometimes untrustworthy or don't know what they see or are talking about. But if he is able to learn so good, then he doesn't have those disorders with the mind in learning. Have him confess to you or have him see a doctor and/or pyschologist to find out anything odd.
2007-02-15 10:12:00
answer #8
answered by t_nguyen62791 3
There are two possibilities. First--there could be some fform of anxety or other disorder--and this should be checked by a qualified professional. This possibility should be checked first.
The secod--and more likely--possibility is that he is taking you for a ride--that this is a set of attention-attricting behaviors--and they are clearly working. If that is the case, you will neeed to re-evaluate your approach--possibly work with a parenting counsellor, etc.
2007-02-15 11:33:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
no longer in all threat, no. My thoughts in easy terms get harm once I get bodily harm, (incredibly,incredibly harm consisting of having hit confusing in a delicate area or some style of extensive gash on my arm) i don't experience soreness whilst somebody verbally assaults me, I do exactly no longer care approximately human beings's evaluations approximately me. I additionally don't experience soreness with the help of seeing others go through, alongside with those of my own family contributors. i'm in basic terms the kind of individual who dosen't experience for others.
2016-09-29 04:09:56
answer #10
answered by ? 4