( Socialist and the wealthiest woman in the House).
Take a good hard look at what she wants. Take special note of the last
Insanity Personified : Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi condemned the new record highs of the
stock market as "just another example of Bush policies helping the rich
get richer". "First Bush cut taxes for the rich and the economy has
rebounded with new record low unemployment rates, which only means
wealthy employers are getting even wealthier at the expense of the
underpaid working class".
She went on to say "Despite the billions of dollars
being spent in Iraq our economy is still strong and government tax
revenues are at all time highs. What this really means is that
is exploiting the war effort and working Americans, just to put money
their own pockets".
When questioned about recent stock market highs she
responded "Only the rich benefit from these record highs. Working
Americans, welfare recipients, the unemployed and minorities are not
sharing in these obscene record highs". "There is no question these
windfall profits and income created by the Bush administration need to
be taxed at 100% rate and those dollars redistributed to the poor and
working class". "Profits from the stock market do not reward the hard
work of our working class who, by their hard work, are responsible for
generating these corporate profits that create stock market profits for
the rich. We in congress will need to address this issue to either tax
these profits or to control the stock market to prevent this unearned
income to flow to the rich."
When asked about the fact that over 80% of all Americans
have investments in mutual funds, retirement funds, 401K's, and the
stock market she replied "That may be true, but probably only 5%
for 90% of all these investment dollars. That's just more "trickle
down" economics claiming that if a corporation is successful that
everyone from the CEO to the floor sweeper benefit from higher wages
job security which is ridiculous". "How much of this 'trickle down'
ever get to the unemployed and minorities in our county? None, and
that's the tragedy of these stock market highs."
"We democrats are going to address this issue after the
election when we take control of the congress. We will return to the
to 80% tax rates on the rich and we will be able to take at least 30%
all current lower Federal Income Tax tax payers off the roles and
increase government income substantially. We need to work toward the
goal of equalizing income in our country and at the same time limiting
the amount the rich can invest."
When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she
replied "We need to raise the standard of living of our poor,
unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12
illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions
of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go
long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would
like to have as "Americans"."
2007-02-15 13:16:00
answer #1
answered by sydphie 3
The Constitution says only Congress can declare war. We have given this and other presidents too much leverage in that matter. Originally it was said for emergiencies and for not more than a few months while Congress debates the war but lately it is war monger full speed ahead. Dam the Congress, I tell you full speed toward war.
Since this Administration has thrown away the Constitution on so many other things it might as well continue on this issue too.
Remember Congress and more specifically the House controls the purse strings of this nation. How is Herr Bush going to escelate his war without funds to do so? His oil buddies? His rich benefactors? They have bailed him out of every other scrape he has been in. Check who bailed him out of his last oil drilling company. Let me give you a hint the family name is Bin Laden.
I know that name doesn't ring a bell as we haven't heard much of him because the war isn't where he is. He is free to plan to terrorize anyone anywhere he pleases.
Pelosi has alot of power and apparently she knows how to use it. She didn't become Speaker of the US House of Representatives by sitting and being timid.
Maybe if Bush and Cheney are impeached it would be good than Pelosi would be President and maybe would get things cleaned up.
2007-02-15 10:46:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You really need to review the Constitution and the law.
The founding fathers clearly split the war-fighting, war-making powers between Congress and the President so that each would be a check on the other. Congress and not the President have the power to declare war. Congress attempted to further define that through the passage of the war-powers act in 1973. Some think that war-powers, or at least parts of it are unconstitutional, but it definitely is an attempt to rein in the President's ability to wage war with impunity and it is on the books.
You really need to read the Constitution and the war powers act.
2007-02-15 08:54:40
answer #3
answered by sleser001 2
No she isn't and he doesn't. However....if he had been allowing US troops to do their jobs, do what they were trained to do, this would be a moot point. He is the Commander in Chief of the US, not the head of the UN and I hope he starts acting like it. His inaction and politically correct war strategy has allowed Ms. Pelosi to be in the position she is in now. Sometimes we get exactly what we ask for. My son is leaving for Iraq again and if GWB doesn't allow him to fight, anytime, anywhere he is challenged or needed then you might as well let Nancy run the place.
2007-02-15 08:53:44
answer #4
answered by DagneyT 3
Moron, we have a Congress. Bush is not a king. He cannot just do things on a whim because he is President. Congress is elected to make sure people are represented and to make sure some maniac doesn't run the U.S. by himself. He should be smart and negotiate with Congress but he's not smart enough for that.
2007-02-15 15:24:32
answer #5
answered by Gerry S 4
she doesn't need to be. she can get the house to withhold funding and do other stuff. and of course troops wouldn't be dying if bush hadn't been dumb enough to jump into iraq in the first place. you seem to be under the impression that the president is a dictator who can do whatever he feels like. and actually he does need approval, unless he plans on sending troops without paying them or spending any money.
2007-02-15 08:55:07
answer #6
answered by C_Millionaire 5
here are some facts about pelosi that makes me want to ram an american made chevy through her house.
she was to choose a plane that would be hers to fly east to west, she choose the biggest carrier in the force...obviously they said NO we need that one, and she is threatening to halt US funds to the force if she doesnt get her plane!!!! if we go to Iran she is the first one in!
2007-02-15 10:10:59
answer #7
answered by james s 3
Congress alone has the power to declare war.
2007-02-15 08:50:38
answer #8
answered by Pseudo Obscure 6
The left wing looney Democrats say anything and get all of the main stream media coverage they want.
Mrs. Pelosi oversteps her bounds on a continuing basis.
2007-02-15 08:48:49
answer #9
answered by regerugged 7
Iraqi's approve of killing our troops......sorry to break that to you.
2007-02-15 08:48:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous