Since you are pregnant you need an OB/GYN fast, please call today having untreated gonorrhea in pregnancy can be very dangerous to your baby, if left untreated it can laso cause fertility problems, you need antibiotics ASAP. If you have health insurance look at your list of providers and find one, if not you can search find a doctor on
2007-02-15 07:20:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Call a doctor, go to a free clinic- whatever you need to do to get checked out. I found this for you....
Women who have gonorrhea during pregnancy tend to have higher rates of miscarriage, infection of the amniotic sac and fluid, preterm birth, and preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), although prompt treatment may reduce the risk of these problems. An untreated gonorrhea infection makes you more susceptible to HIV and some other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) if you're exposed to them, and raises your risk of a uterine infection after you have your baby.
If you have an untreated gonorrhea infection when you go into labor, you can pass the bacteria to your baby. Newborns develop gonorrhea most commonly in the eyes and may eventually go blind if left untreated. This is why most states require that all babies be treated with medicated eye drops or ointments soon after birth as a preventative measure. If the mother is known to have gonorrhea or the baby has a gonorrheal eye infection, he'll be treated with systemic antibiotics as well. Less often, an untreated gonorrhea infection can spread to other parts of a baby's body, causing problems such as serious blood or joint infections or meningitis.
The best thing to do is get treated ASAP...good luck!
2007-02-23 03:14:41
answer #2
answered by LilSmooshieFace 1
Goodness how does one get Gonorrhea when pregnant????Did you husband give it to you or what ?? You would be surprised at the amount of people getting STDs out there. Most sad is the thousands that come into clinics every day with things such as throat Gonorrhea ectttt... some people think oral sex is safe and it is NOT!!Please see a Dr. yesterday I hope this if not given to you by your husband that you will learn from this next it could be AIDS and then who will care for your precious child. Good Luck!!
2007-02-16 13:51:46
answer #3
answered by sunshine 4
gonorrhea can be passed on from mother to infant during the birth process (as the baby passes through the birth canal). Newborn infants routinely recieve an insillation of erythromycin opthalmic ointment in their eyes immediatly after birth as a prophylaxis (prevention) against contracting a serious eye ifection during the birthing process, due to the presenceor gonorrhea or chlsaymidia in the vaginal canal. to be on the safe side, check with your doc to see if there are any pregnancy safe meds to take to nip this in the bud.
2007-02-21 08:23:00
answer #4
answered by moore_256 3
it depends on if you have health insurance, that would be the first step, and if you need help your local government assistance program office could help with that, but then you need to call around and find a close enough doctor that takes your insurance and set up an appointment, the doctor will know what to do about your condition and what steps to take after that, but you need to get all this going as soon as possible, the sooner you see a doctor the better
2007-02-23 01:38:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Go to your doctor
If you do not have one I am sure Houston has a Planned Parenthood. They are free and confidential.They can check you out, telll you what steps to take and talk to you about getting on some kind of medical like MediCaid or MediCal
2007-02-15 07:06:59
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Go to your prenatal doctor.Or, if you have no doctor or insurance go to a clinic.Clinics offer free screening and treatment to women with little or no income.Gonorrhea is extremely bad for your baby, so please see a professional fast.Call your local hospital or 911.They'll give you the # to the clinic.You can also go to the emergency room and arrange payment plans for your visit.You may only have to pay $5 per month back.
2007-02-21 10:36:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i would strongly suggest u get to a doc immediately and get treated for the gonorrhea before it can do some damage to the baby
2007-02-21 08:53:25
answer #8
answered by spacelee666 3
Go to an OB you need to get this taken care of for the health of the baby immediately.
2007-02-15 07:20:08
answer #9
answered by fuzzyfontaine 3
Go to the doctor and get treated. It will not effect your baby for now. Emergency room, health department, free clinic, womens clinic, OB anywhere. Now. Good luck.
2007-02-15 07:09:12
answer #10
answered by Miki M 3