It seems like lots of people have focused their answers on the way you look. I gotta tell you, that will only partly affect the way you feel about yourself. I look probably the worst I ever have in my life. I just got braces a few months ago, my hair is at an awkward stage, and I'm like 35 pounds overweight. But you know, I am the happiest I've ever been. True happiness comes from focusing on positive things about yourself (physically and otherwise). It also comes from being kind to everyone around you and helping people. And also, from God. Prayer brings me peace and comfort when I'm feeling down, and it really helps. I don't love everything about me. But I do have things I like. What I can change, I try to. What I can't I really do try to accept. I hope that you can find a way to appreciate who you are. We are all children of God and that makes us all wonderful.
2007-02-21 08:32:54
answer #1
answered by Sari 2
HOLD YOUR HEAD UP...You are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. The red lipstick brings color to your face. Keep the glasses, it shows a lot of character.
Now, about your "low self esteem". Self esteem has much to do with what's going on in your head. Talk to some one about that. A couple of sessions with some one trained to identify what's going on with you can turn you around and make you see things from another perspective.
2007-02-23 04:47:35
answer #2
answered by Ms Kamm 3
As far as self esteem goes, everything is mental. I know it sounds silly, but every morning tell yourself something positive and do the same at night (you can even try doing the psotive comments while looking in the mirror). Say them outloud though and eventually your subconscious hooks onto what you are saying everyday to yourself. Plus a good guy that loves to give compliments is a good booster but can be hard to find.
2007-02-23 03:24:09
answer #3
answered by mely-mel 2
Don't change anything about yourself. Be an individual. Prove to people that you don't care what other people think. Make yourself stronger by just standing in front of the mirror everyday and compliment yourself. It may seem wierd, but it may help. Encourage yourself to step out of your comfort zone every once and a while. Don't show people that you aren't comftorable with yourself, that is one thing that will turn people away from you. Just try and make yourself more confident and be strong.
2007-02-15 05:56:39
answer #4
answered by ♥ 2
the first thing you could change is the way you think of yourself. I know its hard. Esp being a female in todays world. But confidence and strength within yourself helps with a low self esteem. We are our own worst critic. So if you train your brain to only accept positive thoughts and all, that is the first step. And learn to take compliments. I know that is hard! Being a woman already makes you beautiful!!! I see nothing wrong with your pictures at all. I don't listen to Christina agulera (SP?) but listen to that song "Beautiful" and embrase it.
2007-02-15 06:04:51
answer #5
answered by jenjyn 1
Low esteem does not necessarily have to do with your appearance, which by the way seems to be in order.
It is really a lack of confidence either self-inflicted or brought on by others. Maybe you are spending time with people who are dragging you down? If not think about the good things about yourself, because I bet you're not focusing enough on them.
2007-02-15 05:56:54
answer #6
answered by le coq géant 5
Might help to lighten your hair, dis the eye glasses for contacts, lighter lipstick, and a nice layered haircut. Good Luck... Do let us see the before and after.
2007-02-15 05:57:55
answer #7
answered by Peaches 2
u looked just fine to me the way you were, but if you really want to change u should put on your contacts, wear less makeup around the eyes and wear a little bit of color in your clothes. It really makes a difference. And if you wanted to do your hair a little lighter color, like a light brown or something. Black tends to weigh people down.
2007-02-21 08:37:02
answer #8
answered by nunez510 2
you look beautiful . i think u should be ok if u gain confidence
there is one girl i know with average looks . but most of the guys
are after her , all because her personality .(and she uses spects)
if there is any thing u want to change about ur self it has to be ur
personality . search the web for tips on gaining confidence .
if there is anyone woh makes u feel like this way just ignore the
person , belive me it works.
2007-02-15 06:10:58
answer #9
answered by candle 2
You should change your confidence level. You are a very pretty girl but remember, looks aren't everything. Think about all the things that you are capable of doing and doing well and repeat them to yourself. Look in the mirror and say 'I'm pretty and I'm smart and I can do anything I set my mind to.' You can do this!!!
2007-02-21 06:14:23
answer #10
answered by Nonnie 2