Ring Around the Rosie
Ring around the rosie - the rash that broke out on the body
Pocket full of posies - People often kept flowers in their pockets to ward off the stench of the festering wounds. Also, many believed that if they kept flowers in their pocket, the air would smell better, and the plague would leave the room.
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down - Those affected by the plague were slowly decaying and would literally fall where they stood and die.
There are many versions of this nursery rhyme. From country to country it seems to change, but all in all... the message is the same.
Great question.
2007-02-15 05:52:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Black Death Nursery Rhyme
2016-10-28 10:42:41
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Ring around the Rosies.
This nursery rhyme began about 1347 and derives from the not-so-delightful Black Plague, which killed over twenty-five million people in the fourteenth century. The "ring around a rosie" refers to the round, red rash that is the first symptom of the disease. The practice of carrying flowers and placing them around the infected person for protection is described in the phrase, "a pocket full of posies." "Ashes" is a corruption or imitation of the sneezing sounds made by the infected person. Finally, "we all fall down" describes the many dead resulting from the disease.
2007-02-15 05:59:00
answer #3
answered by Yvonne 4
Ring around the Rosie
2007-02-15 05:53:49
answer #4
answered by jamocha_1700 2
Ring around the Rosie. A pocket full of poesy was suppose to keep the plague away. Hush-a hush-a was the fatal respiratory problems. We all fall down was everyone collapsing and dying from it.
2007-02-15 05:57:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Ring around the rosie
2007-02-15 12:48:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Ring around the rosy.
A pocketfull of posies.
Hush a Hush a,
we all fall down.
The plague had a rose like rash that broke out .
Posies are what people kept in their pockets to stop the smell of decay during illness and death.
And generally husha husha , we all fall down refers to how quietly people fell down and just died.
2007-02-15 05:55:06
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ring around the rosie
2007-02-15 05:52:29
answer #8
answered by Sarge1572 5
Ring around the rosy
A pocketful of posies
"Ashes, Ashes"
We all fall down!
Ring-a-Ring o'Rosies
A Pocket full of Posies
"A-tishoo! A-tishoo!"
We all fall Down!
2007-02-15 09:27:44
answer #9
answered by The Unknown Soldier 6
Ring around the Rosey
Pocket full of Posey (These two lines could represent the flowers that were sometimes used to mask the stench of death)
Ashes Ashes (ashes were smeared on the face as a sign of mourning)
We all fall down (we all die)
2007-02-15 05:54:32
answer #10
answered by Daniel W 3