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i live in an average sized town... 26 thousand.. and thers only one main high school (mine) and an alternate high school for dropouts that wanna go back...

problem?? i have been the only south asian, indian, girl in my classes for sooooooooo long, and the only indian/south asian in the class of 06....thers only one sophmore and junior indian girls in their class.... im spoiled with my uniqueness (??)

bigger problem??? theres this new girl that just moved from moline.. and she's a cousin of the sophomore indian gurl and i HATE HER!!!! omG!!!!! i kno this sounds soo immature.. but.. ppl are mistaking me for her... i feel like she robbed me... mentally... she thinks she can hang around my friends just cuz im indian and she is too... and i just want her EXPELLED!!!!! this is so frustating... at lunch i cant even talk cuz she wont shut UP... and i feel so lame next to her.. b/c all this time i felt like i had no competition, b/c i was always.. me... maybe im jealous.. wat to do???

2007-02-15 02:39:12 · 5 answers · asked by iyikka14 3 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

5 answers

You need to be taught that you are not the only human being on the face of the Earth, that thinks she is someone special, because you are not. If you think that showing your true colors, people will come to your way of thinking? No way! You need to show this poor girl that you can be a good person and asked her to be your friend, do not try to criticize, her because, this old saying goes back for as long as I can remember it,"The Fox, does not see her own tail, applies to you. Which means, look at your defects and then look at the others.

2007-02-21 10:20:22 · answer #1 · answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

Time for you to grow up. What are you going to do in the real world. You will meet and work with many different races of people. If you want to get along in this world, you must live and let live. Try to see the good in people, regardless of their race, religion etc. Who knows, maybe you have passed up the chance of her being a good friend. Lots of competition out there. You should try to relax, and enjoy your young life. Enough time for bickering down the road.

2007-02-23 07:09:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Start with growing up. You are jealous of someone because they share an ethnic background with you. Seriously, the biggest problem here is that you need to mature. Try taking sometime to get to know her and maybe you can make a new friend. If you can not do that, than have the decency to leave her alone. She seems to be adjusting well.

2007-02-15 10:48:14 · answer #3 · answered by fly guy 4 · 1 1

yaaah many people face problem like this you have dont think of that problem first u have to motivate ur self in the other activity. again u face problem than another solution for it after trying this I am sure that u has been change ur mind.

2007-02-23 05:08:39 · answer #4 · answered by aasi 1 · 0 0

geez kid. you sound like the most popular girl in school whose just been dethroned. youre right . youre immature. this poor kid has just started a new school, and she stands out like a sore thumb. of course shes going to want to hang out with others like herself, to try and become more invisible in a very very small crowd.

2007-02-23 05:44:57 · answer #5 · answered by chill.eight 1 · 0 0

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