I am so confused yet so sad. I have been dating my now boyfriend for about 5 months and the first 3 months were out of this world. Honestly, we got along as the best of friend, we laughed together and he was there any time I needed him for a shoulder to cry on. I am completely and utterly attracted to the guy. He is honest, sincere, loyal, TRUSTWORTHY, HOT, has a beautiful house, and I KNOW he would be a Wonderful father. If I had the choice of any father for my "imaginary" children it would 150% be him. He is completely real. Although 6 months before we started dating I dated a complete jerk for a year. He was abusive, he was a cop until he got caught for abusing me, all in all short story he ended up getting fired and he is no longer a cop, got caught for DUI, is 35 and cannot keep a girlfriend cause he is a player. Although, he was able to steal my heart my sweet talking me and I ended up very hurt when we broke up - I think he still owns a piece of my heart although I hate him at the same time.
So that being said, this relationship I am in is my 1st non dramatic relationship and I feel as though something is missing. I hate saying what I dont like about him cause it makes me sound ridiculous but I feel like his niceness is too much sometimes, I analyze everything he does. My ex could dress up in a pink tu-tu with one of my bra's and I would have just laughed but honestly if my new beau were to do that I think I would judge him based on it. I still enjoy spending time with him, I enjoy having sex with him and I enjoy relaxing with him but for some reason I dont feel like I love him like I am supposed to. I sometimes get frustrated with how much he kisses me or is all over me but I think I can over it. What I am asking is why is this happening. During the 1st 3 months things became very serious. We moved in together and I was 150% sure I wanted to start my life with him, now I question myself and I dont know why. Is my gut trying to tell me something or am I just not used to having a normal/healthy relationship. If there is anything in this world that I want to work it would be this relationship. I know I could have an incredible life with him. But I feel stressed cause I dont know if this is what love is supposed to feel like?!?!?!
Or could it be because for the past 5 months we have spent EVERY night together. Honestly every night?!?!?!
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