I think that by killing someone who has killed makes you as bad as the killer, BUT in extraordinary cases like this one, the Moors murders, and the soham killers, I think that society does need to be protected, by executing these people it will make an example to those thinking about these crimes, I do not agree with murder, but if someone can do that to a small defenceless innocent child, who was so trusting as young children are, then they should be made to rot in the m ost horrible way possible!! I hope that they get beaten every day in prison, whoever they are, and I hope they never ever ever get let out to see daylight again!
2007-02-15 03:39:30
answer #1
answered by xx_lush_xx 3
When I was young (20ish) I was asked the same question and I was vehemently against the death penalty, because I thought that if one innocent person was hanged it was too much. I have had another 30+ years on this earth since then. I have seen and heard such terrible things that happen to children, Jamie Bulger 14 years ago was the same age as my Grandson and I cried for weeks for that poor family. I know the killers were children themselves and we have all heard of their bad upbringings but I must admit that at that point in time I could only think 'what if it had been my grandson' I would have taken their lives with my own hands. Any of these ghastly crimes against children, including paedophiles (who do not think they are doing anything wrong and cannot be cured and will only continue to abuse children on their release) yes I would vote for the death penalty. Prison is supposed to be a way to rehabilitate the offender/criminal. You cannot rehabilitate these people, therefore they have no longer a place in our society. This would also help towards sorting the problem of prison overcrowding. I am not naive I know that most criminals reoffend once released but there are a few who can be rehabilitated and therefore it is worth trying with them. Anyone who has raped, murdered or harmed children who on release, would continue to be a threat to innocent should never be given that chance. They release these people every day knowing that they will reoffend. They are supposed to keep a check on them, that doesn't stop them killing. Their probation officers can't cope with their workload, they don't know where they are or what they are doing. They disappear from their address only to continue to prey on innocent human beings. If they continue to refuse to reinstate capital punishment for these people they should never be allowed parole and remain locked up for the rest of their lives. It is not only the lives of the people/children they kill they often end up killing the families, not only breaking them up but some of the literally (via suicide). I still realise that reinstatement of the death penalty can mean an innocent person may die, but how many innocent people have died by letting these monster out to kill again.
2007-02-15 12:21:30
answer #2
answered by ELIZABETH M 3
I'm sorry but when someone commits a crime like this - there is NO WAY they can ever be helped by rehab or anything. Someone who rapes a 2 year old child has no conscience and no guilt. Someone who does something like that to their own blood, their own family, I can't even begin to understand that at all, and to be honest - I hope I never do. Some people really do belong to die for what they have done. I'm not saying that crimes committed by other murderers are any less of an offense at all, they are the worse ever, but the person who did this to such a small innocent child who had no chance to live their live and to become an adult - I just cant begin to understand what he must have been thinking. Except pure evil.
I think we should bring back capital punishment, people can argue that the police and the courts make mistakes but in cases like this - that is the ultimate punishment for the most disgusting and sickening crimes committed.
He should die. He does not deserve to be kept alive. Bring in the lethal injection, let the bastard suffer immense pain before the world goes black.
2007-02-15 02:49:02
answer #3
answered by keeley 4
I can not and will not ever support the death penalty.
I am however a firm believer that prison's should be a place of correction but also a place of punishment ! I can not understand why recidivist criminals are given chance after chance to 'rehabilitate' this can't possiby be a deterrent, and a deterrent is what's needed in so many cases, the reoffending rate among sexual offenders speaks for it's self does it not ?
With this case, the offender should be incarcerated for the rest of his life, and that incarveration should be an ongoing punishment, no rehabilitation, no "care" workers, no Colour Telly... No telly full stop ! No games room, no Gymnasium ( what wrong with walking slowly in a circle for three hours ?) no modern comforts. It should be a hard bed in a chilly dull cell a slops bucket and food that is edible, but plain and uninteresting.
There is a questionmark over work in prison.... Should prisoners be allowed to produce anything ? I'm all in favour of prisoners being alowed to work if they so choose, for very basic priveledges, books, extended visits from close family etc... but much more than that ? No.
If a young car thief had three months of cold, dull drudgery in a boilersuit shareing a room wih a serial rapist or murderer instead of three months in a cosy young offenders institute.... would they go back to car theft without thinking ? Personaly... I doubt it.
It's tragic that any child suffers or dies, and I believe this offender should be deprived of not only his freedom, but also his basic human rights for the rest of his life. Death is not a punishment that someone of this kind would understsand, but maybe knowing they would never EVER have any freedom again might go some way to making them suffer. I wont recomend systematic beatings or torture, this would simply lower us to thier level, I feel that total removal of rights, and liberty is the answer.
2007-02-15 03:46:27
answer #4
answered by mittobridges@btinternet.com 4
If we are a God fearing country, and we all like to think of ourselves as good Christians, then do what the Bible says -
An eye for and eye, a life for a life.
Every year more and more prisons are built to house these people (I won't say animals, because even animals don't do what these people do) Maximum security hotels to keep them in, that we, as tax payers foot the bill, give us the money to maximise secure our houses and cars to keep them out.
We have a prison here which can only be discribed as a 5* luxury hotel. It has beautiful landscaped gardens, a swimming pool, the latest, most expensive gym equipment, personal trainers, cinema, the list goes on. And what have the families got that this person invaded and stole the life of a loved one? Misery, a broken heart that will never mend, fear, guilt and emptiness, a gaping hole in their body that will never be filled. Knowing that the person who did that to them is sitting back in his comfortable bed, having 3 good meals a day, watching the latest film releases, and if he's been a good boy, can go off on his own to the shops, have sexual relations with his girlfriend, while the families loved one lies cold in the ground.
Executing another person for a crime of that magnitude would not be murder. They will be doing the world a favour by ridding us of a piece of garbage.
There will also be those that argue for the murderers rights. He should have no rights. He gives those up the second he commits the crime.
Too many do-gooders in the world who are on the side of the criminal instead of the victim, that's part of the problem.
2007-02-15 03:31:37
answer #5
answered by pampurredpuss 5
The premise of this question has been asked many times before and the outcome is invariably the same - death by hanging or electrocution or by mob savagery. This is such a difficult question to resolve without involving some fierce emotions and exacting revenge for unbelievable crimes against innocence. What can we do? Rely on lawyers, the law (which always seems ineffectual) and the notion that even if this monster is put away for life justice will have been served. The Jamie Bulger killing brought about similar emotions and calls for the return of the death penalty. The question we have to ask ourselves is how despicable do crimes have to become before we actually decide its about time we put in place real deterrents, ones which see an end to a life if a crime of this nature is committed.
2007-02-15 09:39:38
answer #6
answered by stingmyflesh 4
For the sheer horror of this story your question has provoked mob rule and this is how years ago people took justice into their own hands and why many innocent people were executed because the horror of it all pointed the finger at the wrong man.
I advocate that the punishment should fit the crime once that person has been charged tried and found guilty. Until then we have to put in place a democracy that believes that someone is innocent until prov en guilty.
I am not an advocate of capital punishment but I do believe in cases like this that it has it's place in society.
Do gooders can argue all they want that these paedophiles cannot help themselves. If this is the case why are they not castrated so they cannot commit these atrocities again and again on poor wee innocent children and that life means life for ever and a day not six years then let out to offend again.
I think the laws need repealling pretty damn quickly. And by the way where does European laws stand on these type of crimes?
2007-02-15 05:50:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Having read many of the answers to this question I can see that, generally, there are two main camps. Those who “attempt”, rather pathetically, to intellectualize the debate in order to show how terribly civilised they are. Sorry but I'm not impressed by the PC types who "claim" the death penalty is so uncivilised. Let them experience the loss of a child. Then there are those who speak from the heart. Yes that even includes the right-wing hang-em high types, who feel pain and anger at this most terrible crime. I guess you can tell where I stand. I live in Leeds and am also the father of two small children. I have tried to understand why people like this exist, what is God playing at? What is his plan? We all have a voice and this is "supposed to be a democracy so why not put this question on the 10 Downing St petition site and let the population of the country have their say. Let’s embarrass the government into doing what we want?? Personally I say execute him tomorrow at dawn, my tears are for the little girl, I’ve have none for him.
2007-02-15 04:05:46
answer #8
answered by Billy G 1
I think as its obvious who the killer was, without a doubt!!!Thats the only argument against the death penalty!! He should be put to death, sooner rather than later!! Why should he be privileged to live his life, when everyone (excluding him) related or known to this innocent little girl, has to bear the memories of past events for life!!!
Life for a life!!!! Let the parents in with him just b4 he's put down!!! It seems so dignified the way murderers are treated. Surely the way they treated their victims should be mirrored in the way that they die??? I'd take the scum off this planet voluntarily!! Why should the tax payer keep this scum on 3 meals a day with heating and laundry?? Hard workin people on the outside have trouble payin the bills let alone eating 3 times a day!!! Obviously prison is not a deterrent, otherwise the judges would not be instructed to ease of sending offenders to prison cos they're so full!! We need a different punishment, one that works and deters people from breaking the law!!!
2007-02-15 10:16:52
answer #9
answered by missbehaving666 2
I have never been a supporter of capital punishment I remember Ruth Ellis and other innocent people who were hanged way back. However, the way our society is today it appears to be full of predetary monsters who go on and on offending. They know at the worst they could get is life and at best they could be out of prison in 5 years or less. And so I think that the crimes against children are becoming more prevelant the death penalty could act as a deterrent and therefore should be introduced as a punishment for these dreadful crimes.
I hear those do gooders saying no they can't help it. If they did not hang round with like minded people and tried to get help with their addiction or illness call it what you like they might just might be able to help themselves. But as most have no intention of getting help then they should be castrated to stop them committing these crimes against poor defenceless babies and children. If they do commit these crimes then surely there is only one punishment no discussion needed. For taking the life of an innocent eye for an eye please.
All children need protection against the perputrators of these type of crimes and all the well meaning ought to go and spend time with the parents of these poor wee mites and they will soon have a different opnion. As Sandra Pane and parents of the children murdered by Ian Huntly they will no doubt tell them that more ought ot be done to prevent these type of crimes.
Bless her poor wee soul and may she rest in peace. May her uncle be damned for ever.
I have tried to stay objective about this but I am afraid I found it impossible.
2007-02-15 03:04:19
answer #10
answered by moi 1
I wouldn't advocate the death penalty, but for crimes like this, I would advocate castration, (or some kind of implant which kills sexual functioning) and life imprisonment , meaning just that - in prison until the day that person dies.
I don't advocate death penalty, because of the risk of an innocent person being executed. However, I do believe that life imprisonment should really mean life, not 10 years with good behaviour.
For sexual crimes I think something should be done to take away the criminals ability/desire to perform sexually. The human rights lobby will no doubt disagree, but to my mind, one has to way up the human rights of everyone concerned - victim, criminal and potential victims! Those people who cannot control their sexual desires and commit sexual crimes against others should have those sexual desires controlled or removed - by surgery if necessary. That protects both the criminal and the general public from the consequences of those uncontrollable desires. It is a case of weighing up what serves the greater good, for the greatest number of people.
2007-02-15 23:10:24
answer #11
answered by fallen angel 2