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Dear friends,
I’m an English learner,I’ve been learning it for nearly 3yearsbut now in this point I have to confess I’ve not learned anything,may be it’s because I don`t have anyone to compare my ability with or because I don’t have a teacher,you know I’m a house wife and learning on my own.

Before, when I had proplems or mistakes in my excercises I didn’n know what to do,it made me feel hopeless.But now I’ve found a very interesting way in correcting my mistakes I do it and then ask it in Yahoo,then great people like you read it and correct my mistakes.

This exercise has two parts,in part A we must fill the gaps with verbsor in part B we must fill the gaps with one of the expressions from part A.
Please check if I’ve done this exercise correct.

(Take)three hours to get there.
(Take)sb in charge of. Could you write the meaning of this expression?
(Put)a plan into practice. Could you write the meaning of this expression?
(Take)responsibility for sth.
(Put)pressure on sb.
(Take)his work first.
(Take)a risk.
(Take)my advice.

1.The wedding (took place)in an old church.It was miles away from here.I t(took)three hours to get there.

2.The older you get,the more you have to learn (to take responsibility)for your own life.You have to look after for every thing yourself.

3.I told that boy was no for you.You shouldhave( taken my advice)and had nothing to do with him.
4.The police(put)a very good (plan on practice)and they caught the thief at the airport.
5.He’s betting$10,000 on that horse.He(is taking)a very big(risk).He could lose a lot.
6.Two thousand people (took part)in a demonstration against experiments on animals yesterday.

7.My boss has been(putting)a lot of (pressure)on me to finish the report by the end of the week.
8.He never thinks about his family.He always (takes his work first).
9. I was delighted to be (taken in charge)of under- fives because I love working with little children.

2007-02-14 23:39:33 · 2 answers · asked by shahrzad 1 in Education & Reference Words & Wordplay

2 answers

Part A looks very good--the only change I'd suggest would be for the second one, "Put" sb in charge of --when you put someone in charge of, you are giving them the responsibility for getting it done. The same expression is used in #9 of part B--I was delighted to be put in charge of under fives....
I would also say, in B, #4, the police put a very good plan into practice, rather than on... Also, in B#8, he puts his work first--you are saying that he places it first in his priorities.

2007-02-15 02:06:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, you spelled "exercise" wrong but to continue:
Part A: (Take)sb in charge of should be PUT
(Take)his work first should be PUT
The rest are correct
Part B: #8 should say "puts his work first"
#9 should say "to be put in charge
The rest looks fine

2007-02-15 07:51:01 · answer #2 · answered by dreamgirl 5 · 0 0

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