Ok People...Now that she knows HOW YOU REALLY FEEL...Let's give her an answer. Let's also give her a break and the benefit of a doubt.
When something is missing in a marriage, it creates a VOID. If this woman's husband isn't attentive to her, especially in the bedroom, looking elsewhere is logical. Sometimes you don't even have to look...It finds YOU...And then you find yourself "wondering".
This lady has a genuine concern and needs to feel accepted, attractive, sexy, and important. Deep down, I think this woman really loves her husband and is struggling to feel accepted, attractive, sexy, and important. By now, she's probably made several attempts to address the issue to her hubby. If she's tempted to cheat, the message didn't get through (or worse, was rejected altogether).
Because I'm human and married, I've found myself wondering too. At one time, my husband and I were destined for failure. Cheating doesn't make you feel better -it only makes you feel needed (for about fifteen seconds...then the guilt kicks in). I slept with another man when my husband and I were separated...And even then, the guilt was there.
The devil has so many tricks. Flattery and boredom are two of them. Right now, the road you're on seems very promising but it will take you no where. In fact, it will only make you feel worse. I dont' know how old you are...But a 20 year old isn't going to fill your void. Instead of welcoming the flattery of other men, I try to fill my voids with God. He will never leave me, lie to me, cheat on me, or forsake me. Truthfully, this is what we're all looking for in a mate. The thing is, it can't be found here on earth. That's why we take vows! God knew that marriage would be a bumpy ride. It's up to you to make it an adventure.
2007-02-14 22:34:42
answer #1
answered by Grace777 3
While i'm not an overly religious type of person. I have read a great many of the over 800+ bible translations.
If you've thought of cheating in your heart and mind, then in the eyes of god you have already committed adultry. Therefore you will be judged by god for having so much as thought about doing it.
Me personally, I don't like cheaters. But, then again, a 20 year old might be just the ticket for a good romp in the bedroom for you.
While women have the opportunity to do this 99% more than men do, i would say you might as well, and hope your husband doesn't find out about it.
2007-02-14 22:39:21
answer #2
answered by michael_trussell 4
I wouldn't - not for a million dollars. Why would you want to ruin a perfect marriage for 10 minutes of pleasure? I couldn't wish for a better husband than I've got, so I wouldn't do anything to ruin that ever. If I had an asshole of a husband who drank & beat me up & I wasn't happy, then sure - but the consequences of being caught out are losing your husband. Would it be worth it? It depends on what type of husband you have & what you're willing to risk for the 20 year old. Remember - you could lose a perfectly good husband over someone that's only after something short term, and then where does that leave you... Alone & wishing you'd not done it... It's up to you (or whoever you're asking for) & their situation & what they're risking - not a hope in hell for me!!!
2007-02-14 22:17:42
answer #3
answered by kyls 3
This sounds like it is meant for women? I would encourage my wife to take on a twenty year old. I don't know how old you are but don't expect you to be much older. I have always thought women from 20 to 35 should be with men 40 to 60. Guys 20 to 40 should be with women 35 to 50. Then the 50 year old women and over be with men 60 and over. That way the old men and women can grow old together! Just doesn't seem to socially acceptable to do that. Maybe some day!
2007-02-14 23:52:19
answer #4
answered by bigh5586 2
What I would do? I would make the worst mistake in my life. If a person is unhappy they need to either work on it or get out of it. Cheating is too hurtful for everyone, including other family members.
Make sure you think twice, and remember it isn't always greener on the other side. And if a man would put you in the position of being in a relationship knowing that you are married, is that really the type of person you want to be involved with? He would ruin your marriage and if the two of you ended up together, he would more than likely cheat on you also. He is a player, watch for disease.
2007-02-14 22:16:22
answer #5
answered by twyla 3
No Don't ever cheat. Even if you never would ever be caught. A marriage is built on trust. If you do this It will be an awful feeling. Maybe its lust that makes you question this. A reminder of times you may have once had with your husband. You may want to rekindle those feelings for yourself but you must not. Find another way?The guilt of cheating will haunt you. Once you do it , It may be too easy to do again. Stay strong Follow your heart. You know what you should do You just don't want to see it.
2007-02-14 23:56:52
answer #6
answered by luvtopaint 2
Well first off I am married to a man that is 25, I am 35. I would never cheat on my husband. That is just morally wrong. If you have the need to cheat on someone than there is a problem in the relationship. Maybe you need to seek professional help. Just my opinion.
2007-02-14 22:16:11
answer #7
answered by Dr. Sweets 1
I would not cheat on my husband,that's about as specific as I can be, it's totally wrong, what if you found out your husband had cheated on you with a 20 year old girl, would you think that acceptable??? I think not.
2007-02-14 22:15:12
answer #8
answered by sparkleythings_4you 7
A 20 year old? I'm in my 30's and I can say that a 20 year old is the last thing I would want, they lack experience and are selfish. I wouldn't even want my husband back when he was 20 LOL.
2007-02-15 02:33:13
answer #9
answered by swtlilblonde31 5
I wouldn't do it. I may not be married but I have plenty of opportunities to cheat on my boyfriend, of 9 months, but I would never do it. I love him and if you love your husband you shouldn't be thinking of cheating. cheating is one of those unacceptable things to do. its also most peoples way of emotionally "checking out" in other words you do something with someone else to have a reason to get rid of the first person. just think about what would happen if your husband found out you cheated on him what would he do? are you ready to end something that was at least at one time what you wanted? who you wanted.
2007-02-14 22:14:53
answer #10
answered by Daze 3