For those who think that just because there are dogs for adoption absolutely ALL dogs should be spayed, I ASK THOSES PEOPLE:
IF NO one has ANY puppies there will be NO puppies! GUESS WHAT? IN 10 YEARS YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO FIND A PUPPY AT ALL LET ALONE A DOG YOUNGER THAN 10 YEARS THAT ISN"T SPAYED! They will become extinct! That is exactly what the Humane Society of the US wants! Why? Because DOGS EAT MEAT and The Humane Society of the United States is VEGAN!!! LIKE PETA No meat. No Leather No Scientific research. Don't cure AIDES SAVE A RAT! Is that good for the world? Is that good for you?
If someone wants a a specific breed they should have the RIGHT TO OWN ONE! Most dogs in the shelters in the NY metro area are LARGE BLACK mixes! Many are pit mixes, shamefully towns and apt buildings are forcing Pit like dogs out. If someone wants a dog that is not large or black they should have the right to get one! If someone wants a locally bred puppy they should have the right to get that too! Not everyone wants an older larger dog. Many dogs in shelters have issues that people don't want to deal with, they want young puppies. Sorry but that is just plain reality.
Shelters KNOW THIS! And the North Shore Animal League has been importing young small dogs from OFF SHORE (out side the US) every spring for years. WHY? 1) because there aren't enough here. 2) because the publicity of "saving dogs from foreign land brought in donations. 3) Because they make money on adoption fees.
Shelter Statistics in the US show that most homeless dogs are in the center of the country MO, AR, etc and the South. California has such a shortage because of new laws curtailing anyone from breeding that 10,000 puppies have been smuggled in to San Diego from Mexico. Why? People want young small breed puppies. Unfortunately coming form Mexico many have been sickly.
Think about this...... Who wants to adopt your GRANDPARENTS? No one unless they have money. How many people would race to adopt a baby? Many especially if it were a Caucasian with blue eyes, particularly a boy. That is REALITY. NO PUPPIES = NO DOGS in the near future. And with laws encroaching on all breeders, EVEN THE BEST SHOW BREEDERS that is what we in this country will have NO DOGS AT ALL.
HAPPY VEGAN HSUS who seeks to ELIMINATE PETS. Wayne Pacelle HSUS president has said "We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of
livestock produced through selective breeding. ...One generation and out.
We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are
creations of human selective breeding."
Wayne Pacelle
Animal People May 1993
Is that what you want? BECAUSE THAT IS THE PLAN BEHIND ANTI BREEDING PROPOGANDA which way to many have fallen pray to. That is not surprizing. Considering “Today, HSUS, PETA, the ASPCA and dozens of less familiar organizations spend about $200 million a year sent by people who want to help animals, working against animal ownership. Never give money to any of these organizations! If you want to give to help animals, give directly to your local animal shelter: they nearly always use contributions to provide real care, and they always need more than they get. If you wish to learn about these diabolical organizations, go to:”
Help people breed better, DO NOT TELL YOURSELF OR ANYONE ELSE NOT TO BREED unless you really want to see a WORLD WITHOUT PETS. Mandatory spay neuter of everything is GENOCIDE. To many laws and ALL dogs will be bred in HUGE COMMERCIAL KENNELS and ONLY SOLD SPAYED THROUGH PET STORES. There will still be shelters but there will be no dogs like the ones you see at dogs shows and soon all the breeds will melt into indiscript mutts.
Why continue to push a NO dog nation? Because there are some dogs in shelters? Shelter populations in the last 30 years have been cut in half ALL over the country and in some places are down 90% from 30 years ago. There will always be homeless pets as long as there are pets. People bring them in when they divorce or move, when they bite or get old etc., That is a reality, and if they could they would bring in their geriatric grandparents too, in fact some do look at all the state run nursing homes. There are homeless humans but that does not stop us from being able to have children. As long as there are pets there will be some in need of rehomeing that is a fact of life. People die, move, throw away in our society etc., Does that mean that NO ONE SHOULD ENJOY A PET AT ALL? THAT IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN! The pendellum has swung to far. To many people are blaming anyone who allows their dog to have a puppy yet everyone wants one cheaply. Think about supply and demand, you all want a cheap puppy but there should only be a couple in the whole country? So how are you going to be the one who can out pay someone else for the only available puppy that slipped through the cracks and its parents were not found by a state government that MANDATED ALL DOGS TO BE SPAYED?
HSUS(the Humane Society of the United States) opperates NO Shelters. NONE that money is being used to pass laws to make pet ownership impossible and food prices soar. Why do you think meat has doubled in price in the past few years? These people KNOW NOTHING about animal husbandry they are Vegans the strictest form of vegitarians.
BTW Las Vegas is often a stepping stone for people trying to get to California and end up broke in Vegas. They leave their pets in Vegas, which is NO surprise. Your shelter put them down because of PARVO NOT OVERPOPULATION. And the FACT is there are far more homeless cats than dogs as cats are often feral. Your saying an infected facility euthanized because of something other than the infection is preposterous and nothing but Animal Rights propaganda. Animal Rightists make up anything they want because their “ends justifies their means.” They are seeking a world free of all carnivorous pets. Don’t believe me? Think about this: If you gave up all meat all wearing of leather all animal glues etc. how could you justify someone else keeping a pet that eats meat just for companionship?
Vegans have an agenda, they are extremists seeking a new pet free, meat free world order.
2007-02-15 05:41:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I live in Las Vegas to. I have and will breed my pit bull. Why good genes. His blood line is known fo 15 gens. and the female for 12. Their blood lines have never been bred for the pit. Other breed to improve thier breed. It is after all a free country. I have and will get dogs from shelters. I do not keep or sell the puppies from these litters they are given to be trained as therpy dogs, service dogs and some law dogs. Again becasue of their proven good traits to do these jobs. I do think breeders need to be lincenced. I live in Las Vegas to. This is not the frist time the city shelter as had to do this. Strange the aspca shelter is just as over crowded and they have never had this problem. Nether as the Animal Foundation.
2007-02-14 21:07:42
answer #2
answered by raven blackwing 6
Service dogs being exempted from the law does no good. Service dogs are spayed/neutered before being put into service. Handicapped people cannot deal with the raging hormones of their service animals when they depend on them. Service dog stock comes from temperament and genetically stable bloodlines that are not themselves service dogs. That law was not written by people who have a clue about the disabled, that's for sure. Responsible breeders already spend a ton of money on the quality of our breeding programs. Asking us to pay more and suffer for the misdeeds of others is just not fair. We are the only ones that have the ethical conscience to obey the laws required of us and actually pay for the license.
2016-05-24 02:45:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Where there has been breeding moratoriums, in California, it doesn't work, as puppy mills ship their dogs in there and only outlaws breed dogs..
Legislation isn't the answer, but education is..
Volunteer at your local ASPCA to go to schools and educate the children, as that is where the attitude begins..Talk is cheaper than action..
We don't need more govenment and laws, but only enfocement of the laws we have..
One reason the shelters are overcrowded, is that they do not put their pets on the petfinder lists..There are a FEW from the ASPCA, but nearly all of the dogs listed from your area are from the volunteer rescues..check this out>
And if you look under other zip codes, you will see far more listings from the local animal control and county shelters..That might be another good job to volunteer for..getting the city pound dogs listed..
2007-02-14 21:08:03
answer #4
answered by Chetco 7
Simple...we can't make it a law, because the laws now say that an animal that belongs to you is your property. Pretty much the only things the law says that the owners must do is give it food and water. They don't even have to take it to a vet. So if it's your property, you can neuter it or not. And with all the litters, you can dump them in a kill shelter or in the gutter, no one cares. It's awful and inhumane, but some people who own animals just don't care. They don't have the money to neuter, and they don't care. It's a great idea, but it will never happen unfortunately!
2007-02-14 21:36:55
answer #5
answered by Princess 3
Making something illegal only makes it more profitable, and therefore more attractive to the very people who you don't want doing it. I would say the only way to really regulate breeding is via taxation, but there are too many loopholes and ways around it. What it all boils down to is People have to BE RESPONSIBLE....and that'll never happen, it's against human nature. We're all SOL.
2007-02-14 21:14:27
answer #6
answered by Doc 4
And just how would you go about making these laws? Who would be allowed to breed dogs? Just an elitist group? Do we become like the tyrannical Communist Chinese govt. and outlaw people having dogs? You need to explain your position more.
2007-02-14 21:03:47
answer #7
answered by celticwarrior7758 4
well,if someone passed a law that said YOU have to be spayed,would you accept or fight?...nobody is going to tell me my dog has to be nuetered...not you,Fred or President Clinton....the problem exists because of people who dont care...your plan will only affect the ones who DO care.....there are the most restrictive guns laws in the nation on the books in Wash DC yet they are the murder capitol of the country....what makes you think people are gonna obey your little p**sant law?
2007-02-14 21:19:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Personally I particularly like this explanation as to why the Animal Rights movement is really about getting rid of domestic animals:
"Animal Rights and White Elephants"
Interesting concept isn't it? "Don't think of a White Elephant"
Now that you have read it are you envisioning a white elephant in your mind? How about a large gray one? If I tell you that the devil is the doughnut do you think that you might want to go out and get a doughnut? Will you be tempted? I bet Dunkin Doughnuts gets at least a few more visits this week considering that there are over 2000 people on this list. (Some of which I hope are reading today.)
Back in the 80's a Vegan commented that boycotts don't work by saying "Don't think of a White Elephant" in response to the oncoming Burger King boycott. A similar name can be found as the title of a political book called "Don't think of an Elephant". In both instances the theory that man thinks in pictorial images is utilized as a marketing tool and such images or suggestions guide thought processes. Cognitive linguists study these things and it was one such Vegan cognitive linguist who said; "Don't Think of a White Elephant" to the Vegans discussing boycotting Burger King back in the 80's. In effect he was saying boycotts don't work people will hear about the boycott and want a Burger King hamburger and in effect he was more or less correct although they did get Burger King to stop selling veal.
Now supposing I simply say "Animal Rights" An objector might respond by thinking or saying; "animals don't have rights." Which truthfully sounds rather politically incorrect to think, let alone verbalize. I agree though that animals do not necessarily have rights. However I am an animal and I supposedly do have rights. Further, if I were an ordinary non involved member of the general population I would envision an animal. Any animal that comes to mind. The last animal I saw perhaps; a dog, a squirrel, a cow or a sheep in an ad. I think of their cute little faces because being an average member of the public I don't necessarily think of squirrels as vermin that are potentially destructive. I don't think of shooting at a squirrel to rid my attic of them, rather I think of a squirrel with the same warm and fuzzy feelings that make squirrel shaped stuffed animals marketable.
So now let's put the picture of my animal (or yours) together with the word "rights." A very sellable ideal animal rights. The more we say Animal Rights the more we sell it for the Vegan ideologists which are behind it. In other words, lets take the Vegan's advice, he said "Don't think of a White Elephant" Just like saying "the devil is the doughnut" sells doughnuts saying the Devil is "animal Rights sells the AR agenda. Vegans use animal rights to sell Veganism, not the other way around. People don't take forced personal change lightly. Warm fuzzy seemingly altruistic ideals might be accepted but forced Veganism?
Now let's think about the word vegetarian. Vegetarian is rather mild, it actually has a nice soft appeal to it as in non carnivorous animals. Those animals are not threatening. I once had a salesman in my driveway who had never seen a deer. He was afraid the deer around the house would attack him. Of course when I explained that deer do not eat animals and would have no reason to be interested in him he relaxed. Subconsciously we humans attach the word vegetarian to gentler beings. Mine is only one example of how we see that word.
Vegan is not a commonly spoken word, and it seems very misunderstood. I know what Veganism is because I have first hand experience with some of the hierarchy of the planned movement, not only of the Animal Rights agenda but in support of a Vegan movement in general from promoting the diet to absolutely no use of animal products, not even in the glues used to fasted rubber soles to nylon shoes. There is no doubt that those in this movement have been using every possible mind game they can to further their goal which is to eliminate man's symbiotic relationship with animal. Although some might argue that Vegans are not completely against man having a symbiotic relationship with all animals as Vegans might think it fine for insects to pollinate crops. However I have witnessed first hand such a debate in which two Vegans argued whether man's intervention, caused by planting an area concentrated with crops, was harmful to insects. Hmmm, I think. Man is by nature capable of farming and man is a natural element in the environment. Anything man does is natural including being a farmer or an omnivore.
I think George Carlin may have been onto something in "The Planet is Fine" when he said: "…The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed, and if it's true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn't share our prejudice towards plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn't know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, "Why are we here?"
So now I just sit and ponder, is man's use of animals so harmful, or is it all those plastic shoes and belts?
Vegans will take the pet out of your bed and the meat off your plate while they fill the world with non biodegradable plastic. (lol, thank you George) Say VEGAN, not animal rights. It makes no difference what some individuals might think Vegan means right now. Just as the trade marks aspirin, cellophane, nylon, escalator and thermos, all started out as something less generic and now have morphed meanings, the word Vegan -which has already been linked to the real ideology by the Vegans themselves, must be exposed. It isn't fair for Vegans not to use their entire vision of the future when pushing only their warm and fuzzy AR sounding goals. Their vision will affect us all, animal lovers or not.
The phrase Animal Rights furthers their goal. The word Vegan would be very scary for them to hear coming from "Omnis". The word Vegan tells the listener you will have to eat their way, if you allow them to make meat overly expensive until it disappears. You will have no pets because pets eat meat. Eventually everything and everyone will become Vegan. That is their agenda. The term is Vegan.
Someone who used to be very anti AR (but unfortunately now sees it more important to collect AKC brownie points) once said AR to me. I had no idea what she was talking about at first, (this was several years ago). I had no idea!!! The minute she said they were Vegans (a minute after she said AR) I knew exactly what she was talking about. Well I have more exposure to Vegans than most people. That exposure makes me aware that having a Vegan write animal laws is like having the KKK write human rights laws.
Last week I spoke to a woman whose husband ran for a pretty high office in a large parent dog club. I mentioned the HSUS is a Vegan run organization and she said "No. it isn't" I said Wayne Pacelle is a Vegan and she said "No he isn't"
Wayne Pacelle has been "a Vegan for two decades." (P3L1)
He is very dedicated to the cause, "one generation and out" comes from somewhere. It comes from his Vegan indoctrination that's where. There is a Vegan writing law regarding your food and your pet. Educate your legislators, your public and yourselves as to what a Vegan is and what they believe. Identifying the complete meaning of being a Vegan is the first step to derailing their movement. No one is going to force any Vegans to eat meat. The result would simply be that we don't allow Vegans to force their ways upon the entire world.
Take their advice when it comes to marketing and cognitive linguistics, they have been advancing for years. The Vegans repeated: "Don't think of a White Elephant," and "The Devil is the Doughnut"
"Don't Think Animal Rights." say I, or "the devil is AR" Instead Say; "Vegan Agenda" and the devil is no domestic animals, no carnivorous pets, no animal protein or animal by products. The man said "one generation and out."
Expose the true agenda and beliefs.
Not Vegetarian, Say "Vegan Agenda". Mandating Veganism, by leaving the world with no other alternative. It is very different! Fascist Vegans who write laws to force Veganism onto the world one small step at a time. Fascist Vegans if you will, but Vegans nonetheless.
2007-02-15 06:13:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous