For skin that feels good?
First step, try a body exfoliator; one that is all natural, and contains sea salt (Origins carrys a good one - for location and/or product info). The one that Origins carries, actually contains a "body oil" in it, so you can skip the "baby oil", as this is two steps in one.
Then, cleanse from head to toe, using a mint based body wash. (Mint is good for the senses, gets you that envigorating feeling - once again, Origins has a good one (Sea Salts).
Once out of the shower, apply a thin layer of moisturizer; one that doesn't contain mineral oil, because mineral oil just depleats your natural oils, making you feel even dryer after a few hours of using it. A good one would be "Precipitation" (Another Origins products - all natural); it's lightweight and perfect to apply when the body is still wet. It's a deep penetration moisturizer, so your body/skin will shine and feel good ALL day long. Most moisturizers just sit on the surface, doing nothing for long term use.
I use all natural products and only recommend all natural to my clients, that's the reason that I am recommending alot of Origins/Aveda products. All of their products contain all natural ingredients.Any baby oil will contain mineral oil, so if you decide to get a baby oil, make sure that it doesn't contain; your skin will feel even more dry after just an hour of use. Same goes with perfumes/body sprays. Make sure that they do not contain mineral oil; essential oils is the way to go. (Armani Imporio/ Origins Shedonism/ Ginger body scent / Aveda pure*fume and any of the aromatherapy scents at Bath and Body Works are good ones - just a few recommendations)
Anymore questions, feel free to ask. G'luck!
2007-02-14 16:24:08
answer #1
answered by vudufaerie 2
Do you mean mentally or physically feel good? I assume you mean physically-like soft to the touch so that's the way my answer will go! Your better off taking a shower and using a loofah or body glove to exfoliate the dead skin off, then wash with a moisturizing body wash such as Dove or Caress ( I use Caress in the Tahatian Nights (smells great!)Then after you get out of the shower BEFORE you even touch a towel take some Johnson's Baby Oil and pour a small amount into one hand and then rub hands together and start at your feet and smooth the oil up your foot to the knees, then pour more into hand and repeat until you have your body covered in baby oil- THEN take your bath towel and PAT youirself dry-DO NOT RUB and then I take my hair blow dryer on low and finish drying with that! Did you know that if you don't put lotion/oil/creams on within 3 minutes of getting out of water-it doesn't do you any good?? Now you do!
2007-02-14 16:34:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
People have different opinions on what makes them "feel good"
Personally I think Body Oils are greasy and dirty I dont' have a good brand to recommend. Yes, of course you can use Johnsons Baby oil before you shower, but I don't see a point in washing it off. If it's safe for babies, it's safe for a 23 year old.
2007-02-14 16:25:21
answer #3
answered by Karen 2
Best to use it after you shower because the water will cause it to come off. Try Neutragenas body oil or Origins Birthday Suit. These have more essential oils and vitamins. Johnson's is only mineral oil and does not nurture your skin. You can also make your own by going to a health food store and blending almond oil, sesame oil, & other nice oils. You can then add your own scent to what you like.
2007-02-14 16:33:32
answer #4
answered by SpaGirl 5
you do not want to use baby oil it is nothing but Mineral Oil with a frangrance. Mineral Oil is the 2nd leading cause of aging skin. You should try the sea salt scrub from Arbonne and the Nutimen C body system. They make my legs feel so soft. I shower normally including shaving and then I turn the water off use one scoop of the sea salt scrub all over my body focusing on my legs heels and elbows It has such a beautiful smell. All botanticals no added fragrance. Then I rinse and dry off finishing with the NutriminC body system which is the absolute best lotion that I have ever used. My husband loves the smell and the way it makes my skin feel
2007-02-14 16:34:24
answer #5
answered by sydphie 3
you should put on the body oil on after taking the shower while you skin is really wet (i use the aloe vera and vitamin E johnsons baby oil in the green bottle, works great). Let your skin get a little dry with the baby oil on it. Then put lotion on and afterwards put a little more baby oil on. I've been doing this for a while and my skin feels like a baby's bottom (bf's exacts words lol). its ridiculous. You'll feel great. oh yea, perfume on moist skin lasts longer and if you put perfume on, you should leave out the body spray and make sure the lotion is plain smelling. the smells will clash. If you want your skin to be even softer use a body scrub once a week. You could try a loofah but they annoy me so I don't use them. And use Nair on your legs instead of shaving. They'll be smooth as hell.
2007-02-16 20:01:24
answer #6
answered by ihateidiots 5
Here is my routine.First off shave. Second take a shower and dont put on the the baby oil yet.Take a shower or bath if u pefer. I use olay body ribbons make your body feel great and last all day.Try buying in the shower body lotion its lotion you put on in the shower thats if you want to be extra indulgence.Then get out of the shower or bath do not do not dry off yet make sure you have your *johnsons* baby oil next to you put that on. that locks in the moisture.then towel dry off and then put on some lotion i use kerri lotion(very good).then u can spray on a body spray.and once your done getting ready you should spray on your perfume.rember spray on your pulse points wrist,behind elbows,heart and neck etc. if your trying to attract a guy i advice you use a perfume that smells like candy or fruit that always gets them.this routine may take a little extra time to get ready but its always worth it to feeling like a pampered woman.
2007-02-14 16:36:24
answer #7
answered by gia805gurl 2
The proper steps are to shower with warm water, not HOT water. Hot water makes your skin dry and strips it of moisture. Use Dove, it's the best.Pat dry your skin do not RUB it with a towel. Pat drying it allows you to maintain moist skin. Put on Johnson's Baby oil Gel after you've toweled off. I like the Gel because its not as messy as the oil and it really helps to keep the skin soft and moist. Dove deodorant is also very good and smells good.
2007-02-14 16:31:02
answer #8
answered by Lov'n IT! 7
1. i always use johnsons and johnsons body oil in the shower and after shaving because i have real dry legs and they always make them look great.
2. i love Avon shower gels (especially their SKIN SO SOFT citrus in the yellow packaging and their vanilla) and their moisture therapy lotion. Avon is veryyyy reasonably priced and very gentle on the skin.
3. body spray: gap Pink, victoria's secret scents, or Avon (they have a huge selection of scents and different product lines)
4. armani code, versace jeans, d&g light blue, lancome miracle, estee lauder pleasures, dkny be delicious
2007-02-14 16:31:02
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why would you put oil on before you shower? Use a body lotion after you shower. Oil will just make you feel greasy.
2007-02-14 16:28:30
answer #10
answered by notyou311 7