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For some reason people think organizations like the ACLU watch out for the citizens and the people of the country, when actually they have done more to hinder the government, develope more more laws (something the founding fathers didn't want) and the abolishing of god from public, when this country was founded by people seeking religious freedom...not freedom from religion.

Personally i think they are very very smart, they have fooled almost everyone. I mean what better way to destroy a country than to make everyone believe you're doing the opposite.

2007-02-14 13:17:34 · 24 answers · asked by Mark B 2 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

ACLU defends the free speech of EVERYONE. Even whacked out neo nazis.
NAACP has done a lot of good.
AFL CIO have gained a lot of rights for the workers, shame they got mobbed up.
NOW has done a lot for a woman's right to choose.

2007-02-14 13:22:45 · answer #1 · answered by I'll Take That One! 4 · 7 1

Why is it relevant that this country might not have been formed by people seeking freedom from religion? That was some 200+ years ago. This country is quite drastically different and you are doing nothing more than appealing to tradition. Just because it has been done X way for Y number of years doesn't mean that is the way it SHOULD be. Otherwise, we should still keep slaves because "Well...that is just the way things were done for generations." In fact, those founding fathers you talk about kept slaves. So what gives?

You say that liberal organizations "hinder" the government. Those founding fathers WANTED checks and balances on the government. They didn't want it to run rampant. The idea in the Federalist papers is that people's prevailing self-interests will check each other and the government from abusing people using it's monpoly on the use of coercive force.

Jefferson said, "The tree of liberty must oft be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants." Certainly conflict between oposing vews was NOT seen as a "hinderance" but NECESSARY for our democracy to function properly. Learn some history.

As far as the proliferation of laws..the founding fathers may not have wanted that (though you don't actually present any evidence of this)....but they also didn't imagine a society in which 300 million people are living within the current territorial boundaries of the United States. Contexts change in some 225+ years. A lot of our laws are good and protect people. Let's talk about laws that protect you from cybercrime and indentity theft. Those laws weren't needed before tehcnology proliferated and new contexts were created...but now they ARE needed. Yet...those are an example of "more laws" being created. How are more laws inherently bad? Laws regarding insider trading and stock market practices were also created. Yet...230 years ago...our founding fathers didn't think about these laws because we didn't have a stock market!!!So how is what the founding fathers wanted as far as the proliferation of laws goes really relevant? Moreover, I think the enumerated rights clause in the Contitution and they very powers that Congress is given in the Constitution imply that there needs to be a body of governing individuals to address new contexts that arise. Same reason why we have a standing Supreme Court.

Maybe a less antiquated world view would do you good so that way you aren't constantly appealing to a world view from 230 years ago.?Just a thought.

A lot of liberal organizations exist that give aid and charity to a variety of people and causes. Liberal organizations have helped push for civil rights. Wow. Imagine that. I'm sure you would rather we still keep slaves, though...right? Because anything a liberal does must be godless, evil, and stupid. Grow up. Liberals were the original patriots. Conservatives were the British loyalists (torries) that said, "No matter what my King George says...he is right because he is the king." Kind of reminds me of the Toby Keith esque Bible belt Republicans that suggest that speaking out against the president (*cough* King George *cough*) or his policies (like the Dixie Chicks did) is unpatiotic or anti-American. Sheesh.

When you look at our Constitution, our bill of rights, and the major reforms that this country has seen...thank the liberals.
When you look at an unprecendent seizure of power from the excutive branch, warrantless wiretapping, secret European prisons, Guantanmo Bay, Abu Graib...and Iraq...thank the neo-cons for them.

2007-02-14 13:30:39 · answer #2 · answered by Evan 3 · 2 2

Yes a Republican in the house of representatives Paul Anderson of California, he wrote a bill for Child rights, totally liberal and republican and there are many liberal republicans but you just don't do the research? Parties do not differ that much at all! It only changes with the issues at hand! Two sides is the way it goes and then the balance is kept. But we need to reform our world in a more logical way, no more Patriot Act! No more jails to build, get rid of the criminals in there that are in there for white collar crimes and let them out to work and pay back the money?
Put a leg bracelet on them and that will eliminate the money we are being forced to spend! People do not rehabilitate in prison they get raped and worse! And you know that! A white collar criminal should not be with a serial killer or any killer or rapist! And we should stop these things, and that is not liberal that is logical! Too strict and too cruel is worse than reasoning!

2007-02-14 13:35:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

YEs. It was the "liberals" at the time that wanted to break aay from England. The very idea of representative democracy, the concept that all men are created equal are liberal ideas. It was liberals who increased the franchise, It was liberals who fought to abolish slavery, get rid of child labor, support a living wage, fight discrimination, provide social seciurity, health care for the elderly, etc. Your rather confused thoughts don't prove in any way that liberals have "destroyed America".

2007-02-14 13:31:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

The Founding Fathers were considered liberal for breaking with Mother England. The abolitionists were considered liberal, as were the suffragettes and the Civil Rights leaders. As for the ACLU? You can judge a society by how it treats the least among you. THAT is why they defend cretins like the KKK and NAMBLA--it's the ultimate test of the objectivity of our judicial system.

2007-02-14 13:43:40 · answer #5 · answered by Vaughn 6 · 3 1

The Bush administrations liberal war losing and nation building in Iraq certainly turned out to be a disaster! Now he will do the same with illegal amnesty and spring a post 9/11 microchip your guns for safety campaign!

2007-02-14 13:20:28 · answer #6 · answered by Timothy M 5 · 1 0

The ACLU does not want to remove God from public. They want to remove God from Government. There is a huge differrance.

Our Founding Fathers were very specific in the Constitution about removing religous entanglements from government.

2007-02-14 13:29:07 · answer #7 · answered by arvis3 4 · 4 4

I will admit that the ACLU used to be a decent liberal organization, but they have swung way too far left for most Americans. LHFP might think it's wonderful that children in NY schools can show a Jewish Menorah or the Muslim Star and Crescent, but not a Nativity scene. But to most of us, *that* is discriminatory. Plus, their defense of NAMBLA didn't exactly portray the ACLU in a positive light. I *still* don't think that baby rapers should be allowed to compare notes about how to rape little boys.

Back to the original question.....um.....no. Can't think of any. I would *like* to say our universities, but they've become so far-left, their "diversity" plans never seem to embrace the MAJORITY. So I can't say they are doing a whole lot of good - hell, they even CENSOR invited conservative speakers.

I would love to say our public schools, but....I can't lie like that. Our children are learning less and less, and the teachers are worried about idiotic BS like what color of ink to use while correcting papers.

I see liberalism as the biggest threat to this country.

Unions used to be wonderful organizations, but they are no different these days than corporations with the exception of a job for life. Of course, that job for life thing comes at a damned high cost sometimes - my husband's union hall wouldn't let the employer fire a man, even though they had reason to. The employer ended up paying this man to stay home for six months - full pay - because they couldn't afford to have him work (liability - he was a f*up) and they certainly couldn't afford to hire someone to actually do the job they were paying this loser to do. How in the hell is that good?

And unions are to Democrats what corporations are to Republicans. So spare me the holier-than-thou BS.

2007-02-14 13:27:39 · answer #8 · answered by Jadis 6 · 2 6

Let's see, they've defended the right of church groups to assemble in public schools, they've fought against the branding of all free-thinkers as communists, they fought against racism and sexism, helped women become equal partners in the country....so, if you want to bring back slavery, women-in-the-kitchen, totalitarianism, etc., then sure, fight against groups like the ACLU. If you think the U.S. is about hatred, discrimination, sexism, and lack of freedom (all of which are "traditional" values, at one point or another), then yes, you are right, the ACLU and like organizations are all bad.

2007-02-14 13:23:13 · answer #9 · answered by Qwyrx 6 · 6 2

Yes, all of them. Without the ACLU, this country would have fallen to fascism many years ago. Now you might not think that "betters America"...but most Americans don't agree with you.

2007-02-14 13:21:03 · answer #10 · answered by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 · 7 2

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