As long as you read the test result in the time frame the instructions say (usually 10 minutes) I would say you are pregnant. With my son, my positive was soo faint, but there and by the next day it was a little darker. So if you want some confirmation take another one first thing in the morning (to get the best results) tomorrow.
2007-02-14 13:24:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I have been in the exact same boat...supposed to start my period on the 11th and kept feeling like it was gonna happen any time. I took a preg-test that day and got a 2 really dark lines ...wanted to be sure so took another one today and got one dark and one faint (both on first response tests) and I know it is true, if there's a line you are more than likely preggers! I have 3 and this will be #4. I took about 6 tests with each and felt that this said it was true with each one should make an appt. with your doc and while you wait grab a couple more tests and take in the am to get the best result. Good Luck!
2007-02-16 12:37:41
answer #2
answered by Quaintance B 1
The exact same thing happened to me in 2005. I was supposed to start my period aroung Thanksgiving and I keep having cramps but no period. I took a pregnancy test (first response) and one line was dark and the other faint. I read the directions and it said that even if one line is lighter or darker if there are two lines you're pregnant. I was so scared/excited that suddenly the directions didn't make sense so i went back to the store and got the digital pregnant/notpregnant test and well......I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy in July 0f 2006. If you don't want to spend more money on another test than go to the nearest planned parenthood. Good Luck!!
2007-02-14 14:03:25
answer #3
answered by babyface 2
OMG thats the same test i used! Those are the best, i had a faint line and a dark line and i went to the doctor 3 days later and it came back positive, im 1 month! Your gonna have a baby ( squeal )!
2007-02-14 16:45:36
answer #4
answered by marinewife 3
The dark line is the control line. That is the line that tells you the test is working correctly. The second, fainter line is the one that tells you that you are pregnant.
I've used the First Response test exclusvely for a couple of years now. They are the only brand we trust. I've had that faint line/dark line result twice now. One of those results is toddling around next to me right now.
2007-02-14 12:52:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
first response shows a dark line and a faint line if ur pregnant it says on the bit of paper inside the box when i did the test i was going on 4weeks pregnant and yes it worked for me now am 13weeks pregnant with a very active and tall baby
2007-02-14 12:52:31
answer #6
answered by mummy of 2gorgeous boys 3
for most assessments--evaporation strains do not look till after 10 minutes. I used a first reaction after I discovered out i replaced into pregnant. the line replaced into particularly faint for me to boot--I made my husband check out it to be particular it replaced into easily there. in case you wait and attempt again day after today--it might want to be a touch darker. you may likely competently anticipate you're pregnant although. I see you've been TTC for 4 years, so a tremendous Congratulations!!
2016-11-03 11:44:55
answer #7
answered by ? 4
The exact same thing happened to me. As long as you see some sort of second line, NO MATTER HOW FAINT - you are pregnant.
2007-02-14 12:55:27
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
That happen to me but i went to the doctor and got a blood test done and i was pregnant.
2007-02-14 12:55:59
answer #9
answered by Star19121 2
that happened to me. and i turned out to be pregnant. i took 3 all together, a faint one was my first result, negative was my second and positvie was my third. i had the feeling i was. and it turns out that i was pregnant and just last monday i had my daughter. so take anyother one or go to the doctors
2007-02-14 12:52:35
answer #10
answered by Michila Noell 2