The problem with the UN is that the people there treat it like a country club.
Even representatives from poor, backwards countries live lavish lifestyles in New York. They attend galas, balls, banquets, and parties galore. There is no way they are going to endanger that lifestyle by voting honestly.
How much attention did the Liberal press give to the Oil For Food Scandal? Maybe some Yahoo! readers don't even know that the reason the United States had to fight Iraq alone was because the UN representatives from countries like France and Russia were being bribed by Saddam to never enforce their resolutions.
Didn't anyone ever wonder why the UN never acted on the SEVENTEEN resolutions it passed? They called for stern action, including military intervention. These weren't just mild condemnations, these were very serious resolutions passed by the UN Security Council, but these people just got paid off by Saddam.
That should have been the story of the century. But do you think it made the front page of the NY Times like the Gitmo incident? Heck no! I think Gitmo got 46 front page articles, while this huge story maybe got page 3, if it was lucky.
What we need to do is clean up the UN. When countries don't honor the UN Charter, our press should blast them for it. Responsible news organizations like Fox News should take an active role in being its watchdog.
C'mon Fox News.... your ratings are slipping. Maybe this would be an answer to diminished interest in your broadcasts. UN bashing could be a ratings bonanza. Hop on the gravy train.
2007-02-14 10:32:43
answer #1
answered by 7
I probably would be willing to vote for you. However, which political position would you run for that would allow you to get the USA out of the UN? The President is the only person that would have half a chance to do that and about all he could do is refuse to send our money to the UN and I am not sure he could do that. Without the USA's money, the UN would fold and go away. It is interesting that the US taxpayer is the larges single source of income for this Socialist organization.
The President should NOT round up the Democrats or anyone else for that matter except enemy combatants and illegal aliens.
I would hire Ann Coulter as my speech writer and would call a news conference every day and talk about the Liberal bias in the media and the dishonest unAmerica Democrats.
2007-02-14 10:26:39
answer #2
answered by plezurgui 6
You've got my vote.
After that, I would push for a return to gold backed money.
Eliminate unconstitutional government agencies.
Work with Congress to repeal all legislation that violates the rights of American citizens.
Work to outlaw abortion.
Work to impeach Supreme Court Justices, as well as any other federal judges who consistently misinterpret the Constitution.
Push for the return of voluntary prayer in the schools.
Work to educate the American people about the proper role of government, how the Constitution limits government, and how to go about impeaching politicians and judges who violate their oath.
And that's just a start.
2007-02-14 10:34:26
answer #3
answered by iraqisax 6
I love your idea - can I write you in?
I guess I would secure the borders and cut off entitlements to those who aren't here legally. I would try to convince America, especially those who care about the poor, underpriveledged, and the elderly about how the minimum wage actually hurts those groups and try to get it abolished.
2007-02-14 10:24:06
answer #4
answered by Whootziedude 4
I would destroy the Corrupt UN.
I would give it a month to move out of our country.
Is that what you meant?
(Sorry, but the Democrats have already surrendered to the UN.)
2007-02-14 10:19:14
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
As your Secretary of State, I would kick Cheraq's *** and cut off all imports, exports, travel and communication with France.
2007-02-14 10:25:27
answer #6
answered by americanmalearlington 4
I would cut all ties to the UN-anti-christ organization
2007-02-14 10:19:28
answer #7
answered by lovefights 3
If I keep my guns you get my vote.
If I was in charge I would round up all the democrats and put them in soviet style re-education camps. Then I would nuke Iran, Syria and Russia just for fun.
2007-02-14 10:18:52
answer #8
answered by nazilover1488 2
I would make the UN effective, if that is possible
2007-02-14 10:17:25
answer #9
answered by Captain Planet 2
The first thing I would do is get you to improve your English so that I could understand what the heck you just said!
2007-02-14 10:19:11
answer #10
answered by vt500ascott 3