i just got back from a year tour in ramadi iraq. ramadi is one of the most dangerous citys in iraq, it is the worst place ive ever been. the people are poorer than you can imagine , they dont have running water, toilets and few have jobs. the iraqis wont do anything to help out their country. they let the terrorists run amock and as long as they dont bother them then they dont care. they all want a free handout from the troops, they ask for soccer balls and anything free. when you help them they turn around and sell it for money. the country will never improve. they want it everything done for them as long is they dont have to do it them selves.
if you have any more questions on iraq email me
2007-02-14 08:47:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
How can the invasion of a country on false premise and under a blanket of lies be right ?? And, I have been particularly unfavorably impressed with the blanket of answerers here that they posted "well even IF he DIDN'T _____(insert whatever here)-- He WOULD HAVE eventually " What the devil is THAT--- okay it's okay to invade a country under bad intelligence and under a blanket of lies IF you THINK that they MIGHT do something (insert whatever there) in the FUTURE ??? DAMN !! What the dickens have we become ?? We have seemingly bought into tht Wolfowitz Doctrine completely at this point and actually DO believe that we have the right to invade ANY country that disagrees with us on ANYTHING simply because they MUST be our enemy and they MIGHT in the future do SOMETHING to harm us !!!! We have gone completely insane !!!!!!!!
Then, Junior was told that IF he did this thing--- the country would literally desentagrate into madness and chaos that would be vertually irrepairable --- which it HAS --- but none of that mattered to him--- he was after his Daddy's nemisis !!! Then time and again (at the very beginnning) we were told that we would be "bringing the troops home when ________(insert thirty two seperate things in this slot over time) " and every single one of those things have come and gone and THEY'RE STILL THERE !!!! SO THE LIES CONTINUE-----AND NOW THE INTRODUCTION OF EVEN MORE TROOPS !!!!!
And, to the Neocon Blind that keep talking about the Iraqi's that are "now free" ---- what freedom here ? Daily bloodshed in the streets where every trip out of the house is a dash to get home alive ? Markets that are regularly bombed ? Neighborhoods locked in factional fighting that means death to anyone saying anything about anything that goes on ? Freedom TO WHAT ? Vote--- vote on who--- the very leaders of the Factions that are at war with one another for power ?
And then there is the Multiplied Billions that this is all costing the average middle class tax payer (and I did say the middle class taxpayer--- because the guy on top has been cut free of his taxes and the guy on bottom can't pay taxes)---- we have actually constructed HOMES for thousands of Iraqi citizens ---- HOMES for them while we have Vietnam veterans living on the streets of this country !!!! And, when these people were given these places ---- they went into actual fits because they were not better than they were !! Literally had near riots demanding the "kinds of homes that Americans had " !!!
So, Worth it---- I guess not
And, it is LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG from being over--- remember some THREE years ago when a number of people were saying that this was going to turn into THIS generations Vietnam and the administration was saying NO WAY !!!! Well, guess what----after all this time---and now they are expanding the theater (IRAN BY SUMMER) How Long Will the American Public Allow this Insanity to Continue ??? It's anyone's guess, but I truly feel now that the American People have finally , truly lost all sense that they ever had about the FACT that it is THEM and not the DECIDER that DECIDES !!!!
2007-02-14 09:36:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Simple fact: If we didn't, someone some time would have had to take on the same role as we did. As the leading super power of the world (some may say leading role model), many countries looked for us to police the world.
Was it just? That is yet to be answered in full. Is innocent people dying over there? yes. Before the wars and still tomorrows to come.
Could we have done things better? Too late now, huh? The world needs to focus on picking up the pieces before things get even more out of control?
How do we do that? Sorry no crystal ball is gonna answer that.
If I could, I would, but I can't.
2007-02-14 08:51:51
answer #3
answered by IndianaHoosier 5
No, we were totally unjustified, and the war was only possible because the Bush administration deliberately lied to Congress.
Nothing is worth the waste of our most precious resource - our young men and women.
To John Gray - I thank you for your service to this country, but I disagree whole-heartedly with your assessment.
I lived in Iraq for five years before the gulf war. It was a very progressive and highly motivated state; it was well on it's way to being a jewel of a country in the Middle East. Saddam's (admittedly corrupt) regime had implemented a free national health service with state-oft-the-art hospitals and excellent (mostly American trained) doctors; a nation clean water and sewage treatment system; laws requiring government departments to reserve management positions for women; laws that made it very hard to have more than one wife (while not countemanding the teachings of the Quran). He'd created a westernized society with improving standards of living for all. Then we came along and bombed the hell out of their infrastructure, sending them back 100 years and turning it back into a feudal Islamic state. Of course they want hand outs - we destroyed their country's infrastructure, and they expect us to fix it.
2007-02-14 10:07:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Iraq is off mission, and that is bad.
The results of the Iraq war have been to destabilize the Middle East and to expand terrorism in the world.
Iraq was no immanent threat to anyone, there were absolutely no ties to the 9/11 terrorists and no WMDs. The United States lost the fight against terrorism the day we invaded Iraq.
Two months before the invasion, Saddam offered to hold UN sponsored elections in Iraq, to give the US companies all of the oil contracts, to allow 2 divisions of US soldiers into Iraq to search for WMDs, to help in the fight against al Qaida and to recognize Israel.
Had we taken that offer we would have a free democracy in the Middle East and not lost a single life on any side.
The biggest shame of the Iraq war is sending troops to die for NOTHING.
never have I ever heard of US Generals contradicting a sitting president until now, things have to much worse than is reported for them to do so.
2007-02-14 08:55:34
answer #5
answered by egg_zaktly 3
People forget that Saddam kicked out the U.N. inspectors and President Bush did what he thought was best--but it was based on faulty intelligence. We all want to "Monday morning quarterback" his decision instead of looking at it from the time the decision was made. Saddam brought this on himself and the Kurds, at least, are grateful. However, we NOW know it was a bad decision--and one that a lot of Democrats supported. We should have concentrated on Afghanistan. Today I'm convinced it was the wrong decision and wasn't worth it. But if Saddam had not been deposed he would have developed nuclear weapons given enough time. Now it's time to leave and let the Sunnis and Shiites continue to fight over who is the legitimate heir to Mohammad. We are now creating more terrorists on a daily basis while our homeland is unprotected. I actually drove into the U.S. from Mexico in May '06 without even a glance or a question from the U.S. border guard at Yuma and you could not see in the windows of my vehicle. Now that's something to worry about.
2007-02-14 08:53:54
answer #6
answered by David M 7
I think it was the right move. I see Saddam as Hitler was in about 1935-1938. If he didn't have WMD at the moment, he certainly would have acquired them, and proved he WOULD use them. Not to mention both his sons were more insane and evil than he was. We saved MILLIONS of lives by ending his family's reign as well as Billions of dollars when they would have held oil ransom and brought the Western economy to a standstill. It's a long-term view, but I believe an accurate one.
2007-02-14 08:45:40
answer #7
answered by just me 3
NO, NO, NO, how is your savings account, pay raise, price of things you need, is it settled yet, or are we just referring a civil war and whose side are we on the Shite, or Sunni, that is what it boils down too, a religious stand off.
2007-02-14 08:44:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No - I think more lives were lost in this war than would have been if we didn't go into Iraq. Over 3,000 Americans have died so far in the past couple years.
2007-02-14 08:43:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well, was Hitler worse than Saddam? More americans died in the first hour of june 6th 1944 to retake France (for the second time in 30 years) than have died in the total Iraq conflict. I guess you just have to ask what price you are willing to let someone else pay for your freedom. I hate the french.
2007-02-14 08:45:04
answer #10
answered by readsomething 2