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I was diagnosed with a bladder infection at 16 weeks, I got tested again 4 weeks later and the bladder infection has not gone away so I m still on Antibiotics (microbid 100mg) for another 10 days, now to make it all more difficult for me, my doctor just called me and was diagnosed with GESTATIONAL DIABETES I m 24 weeks pregnant and just feel like so depressed cause I wanted my pregancy to be so special and healthy and happy. Anybody else has gone through this? I really need some advise.

2007-02-14 08:21:20 · 17 answers · asked by Eliza m 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

17 answers

Wait a minute, just back up from this situation and breaaattthh.... Okay, now you're calm right. I have read a lot of information about gestational diabetes. I am 32 weeks pregnant, when I took the one hour glucose tolerance test (at 26 weeks) I was told that I failed and I would have to take the three hour test. I had a wait about a week and half before I could take this test, but I was nervous because I thought that I very well could have this condition. I decided to arm myself with information. First off, be glad that you know you have the condition, because now you can do everything in your power to educate yourself and have the healthy happy baby you are meant to have. I read that most pregnant women that have GD still have a healthy baby and a successful birthing. You will have to follow a special diet and up the anty on your exercise to keep your insulin controlled. But you will do this anyway because you love your unborn child and you want the best for he/she. You can still make your pregnancy the most enjoyable experience of your life if you just change your point of view. Remember knowledge is power, you should join babycenter.com. It's free and chalk full of advise about pregnancy and parenting. You can also chat with soon to be moms about issues of pregnancy including GD. Good luck and God bless you and your beautiful child.

2007-02-14 08:33:59 · answer #1 · answered by Sharisse F 4 · 1 0

I have a friend who had gestational diabetes, and if you take care of yourself and follow the indications from your doctor, everything will be fine. Remember diabetes is controllable. About the bladder infection, I know it can be very frustrating and stubborn, but you are under treatment to fight it back, so it seems like you are taking a good care of your pregnancy. These are things that can happen to anyone, don't worry, follow your doctor's advise and it will be fine. By the way my friend had beautiful and healthy twins! Please try to remain calmed, stress is not good for your baby. Enjoy your pregnancy, this is a unique time in your life, think of your baby, keep positive thoughts. In a very short time you'll have this little peanut in your arms and all these concerns will be behind you. Congrats on your pregnancy!!

2007-02-14 08:39:52 · answer #2 · answered by wildrose 2 · 0 0

every ones pregnancy is different, some people sail through with not hint of sickness or anything, others have all the minor ailments and then others have more serious complications.
im currently 32 weeks pregnant and have had months off of work due to severe morning sickness, aches and pains (that doctors test and test but cannot explain) and one bladder infection after the other so i under stand how frustrated you are, but when i get depressed about all the uncomforts im feeling i remember that im growing a little baby in here and its tough work, but we' will get through it. as long as you are taking the correct meds from your doc and following their advice everything will be fine, gestational diabetes is fairly common and can be controlled via diet and things so make sure you get as much info from your doc or midwife to keep you and that little baby healthy.
i wondered if i would be pregnant forever as it felt like that now i only have 8 weeks to go !! time will fly in for u hunny try not to stress out and take care.
congrats xx

2007-02-14 08:35:36 · answer #3 · answered by curious_mom 1 · 0 0

I had a similar experience. I thought everything was going great with my pregnancy until my 6 month appointment. My blood pressure was through the roof (160/112) and I had tons of protein in my urine. So off to the hospital I went. I spent 5 days in there the first time, and was sent home on bed rest and meds. Well then I had another dr's appointment 2 days later. Well, I was off to the hospital again, this time I'm at 30 weeks and 3 days. I had to have a c-section that day and my son only weighed 2 lbs 15oz! It was tough, he spend 43 days in the NICU. But he is 3 1/2 months old now and weighs almost 13 pounds! Just don't worry too much. I know it's tough, but everything will be alright! Take care and good luck!

2007-02-14 08:30:03 · answer #4 · answered by Tiki™ 4 · 0 0

Oh Hun. I hear you! I am 26 weeks (tomorrow) and am having some really hard problems too. I had the same question posted here just the other day. I found out yesterday I probably have ICP and preeclampsia too. My doctor said I will probably be on bed rest (as soon as the test results come back) and that I will need steroids to mature my baby's lungs so when I have her early she has a better chance. I have done all the emotions. I have been angry and have even thought about getting no more prenatal care. (Then they can't give more bad news). Then I woke up this morning and thought about it. The only thing I can change about my situation is my reaction to it. I can't change how my body is responding but I can change how I am. Being negative and depressed isn't going to change anything and regardless of MY health problems right now my baby is going to be beautiful! She has arms, legs, 2 kidneys, a good heart. What else can I ask for. All I have to do is get through today. Tomorrow I will worry about tomorrow. I have IM and email and if you need someone to talk to who TOTALLY understands then let me know. I am here for you. Good luck

xx MLE xx

2007-02-14 08:29:22 · answer #5 · answered by Mrs. Always Right 5 · 4 0

Sorry things aren't quite how you thought it'd be. I had similar problems and there isn't much you can do except let the people around you know how you feel and ask for support like you are doing now. I remember at times feeling like if I didn't know I was pregnant I would think I was dying of a terminal illness. A little over-dramatic sounding,but true. Just remember that as long as you take care of yourself you will only have these problems until the baby is born, some people will have diabetes and be insulin dependent forever. Just try to stay focused on the positive, you are a soldier, here's the mission, you will make it through and be stronger for it.

2007-02-14 10:48:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's okay- Get meds if you need it for depression as well.

I have walked in your shoes! Learn from others whom have been through this pain and experience. Be a great Mom-now!
Just test your blood three-four times a day. Follow the doctors advice and it will be all okay. I went through the entire thing.

Unlike you- I was in the hospital two times and on complete bed rest for the last two 1/2 months.

All that you have is all treatable and won't effect the baby as you take care of yourself. The "pregnancy" is just the process dear.
All this will be a very distant memory when you hold that beautiful healthy baby in your arms that first minute of life.

Get a referral to a nutritionist and a "real" nutrition class, you will be eating 5-8 times a day now and reading every label. Big whoop, we need to learn and do these things anyway. What better reason to be forced too- your baby!

Best wishes

2007-02-14 08:35:50 · answer #7 · answered by Denise W 6 · 0 0

wow. I feel for you. My wife had problems during all her pregnancies (we have 3 kids).
She had kidney stones twice (That hurts like hell). and she was borderline for gestational diabetes with 2. Everything turned out fine. Your body can put up with a whole lot during pregnancy and things can still end up ok.
I wish you and your baby the best, and I wish we could get updates when we answer questions like this. I think it would make my day to get a message in a few months saying that you have a healthy baby and things turned out inspite of the problems.
I was a really messed up baby (weighed 3 lbs, had cerebral hemorhage and a bunch of other problems, and now I'm a computer programmer. The doctors called me "the rat" (because I was about the size of one) and they kept telling my mom to not get her hopes up because I won't live. They told her that every evening, and in the morning I was still alive. After 6 months in the hospital, they brought me home and I caught up with everybody else.

2007-02-14 08:43:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

While I haven't been in your particular predicament, both of my pregnancies started out with bad illnesses, and both of my children are healthy (I'm still pregnant w/#2). Just know that, while things may seem horrible and never ending right now, you will most likely have a healthy baby in a few months, and you will forget most of these problems almost immediately. Also, have you discussed your feeling with your doctor? They may be able to recommend some counseling or books to help you through this. You are not alone!!!

2007-02-14 08:30:11 · answer #9 · answered by that girl 2 · 0 0

actually yes, i have. I dont have gestational diabetes but I do have the bladder and kidney infections. I have had them throughour my entire pregnancy and they told me that they wont go away and that i will have them. sometimes it doesnt bother me, sometimes it hurts alot. But you'll be okay. I wish you a very happy pregnancy, just think the outcome of the pregnancy, a beautiful baby.

2007-02-14 08:41:41 · answer #10 · answered by jessinay2007 2 · 0 0

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