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2 answers

All kind of licenses and certificates. And all of course isonly available in German. I am not an expert, so I cannot tell you what exactly you will need, but you need the license to run a restaurant, and you need to get some certificates that proof you are understanding and respecting the food standards.
Everyone working in a restaurant needs a health certificate.

Most of the restaurants are leased from breweries on long term contracts.

Here you will find the general rules and regulations to open a business in Germany:

If that has not scared you off, you can find an information sheet "what to look at when opening a reataurant" here:

So if you are really interested in opening a restaurant, find someone who understands the sheets and can translate them. I am failing at part 1 although I am german.

Bsically, you have to proove, that the facility is suitable for a restaurant, you are able to run a restaurant, you are healthy, your restaurant and equipment is according to all relevant health and safety standards and whatever.

Seek sdvice from the local trade organisation IHK Koeln
And the local authority
The local organisation of restaurants

Honestly: Good luck!!!

2007-02-15 12:20:13 · answer #1 · answered by markus0032003 4 · 0 1

See a shrink ASAP. It is a hard life. My brother ran a restaurant for years and he was up at 4 AM every day and went home at Midnight

2007-02-14 01:30:46 · answer #2 · answered by cuban friend 5 · 0 0