We already pay stupid amounts of tax to use sub-standard roads in the U.K. We also already pay by the mile (fuel duty! the more miles you do, the more fuel you use and the more tax you pay).
I worked out based on proposed “pay buy the mile” it will cost me £14 per day to go to work and back, this on top of the £580 per month Income tax and £290 NI. It’s going to cost me £1150 for the privilege of working hard for a month. (These calculations are approximate and I know “we are all in the same boat”) I suppose I could sit on my butt all day at home and get paid for but that’s one for another day!
Obviously this can’t go ahead so what I would like to propose is that nationally we have one day where we do not use our cars at all!! This would of course require massive public support but I think it would cost the fools in supposed power an awful lot of cash and make them listen. It might also get us some fresh air and keep the tree huggers happy.
you can’t fix the ozone with taxes
7 answers
asked by
chris c
Society & Culture
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