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It goes like this" heartbeat, it makes me feel so weak" it says that three times then it says " there's nothing I wont do to spend my life with you."
It's in the scene where Rob goes to that ladys house to get the tape and she wants him to have sex with her.

2007-02-13 23:04:00 · 1 answers · asked by WC 4 in Entertainment & Music Movies

1 answers

its either by Seduction or Taana Gardner..the song is called Heartbeat.

It makes me feel so weak
It makes me feel so weak

There’s nothin’ I won’t do
Anything you want me to
Can’t keep my hands off you
When you hold me in your arms
You shook up by me with your charms
And I just don’t give a darn, my heartbeat

I don’t see you every day
But in my own little way
Ooh...I love you"

2007-02-13 23:13:43 · answer #1 · answered by bpk 2 · 0 0

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