Do you have ONE bit of evidence that Democrats are looking to do ANY of the things you say in your so-called "question"?
Stop quoting Rush "I Never Met an Illegal Drug I Didnt Like" Limbaugh. He isn't an intelligent man and you don't sound more intelligent when you parrot his rants.
We don't need to let terrorists into the US to take over so we "can be in power" with them. We're gonna take power in two years ANYWAY, and your incompetent Neo Cons in office right now are the reason for it. You can scream "Terrorist" all you want, but in between screams, answer me this?
Our borders are still wide open after 6 years under Bush. So far its only Mesicans crossing illegally, (about 3,500 per day- the ILLEGAL ones who sneak accross: These are estrimates from the US Border Patrol) Is this how Bush combats terrorism?
Your Republican Congress removed a provision in the 2007 Federal budget to allocate $650 million to inspecting more of the cargo which enters this country through its port system (YOU remember our Ports, don't you? The ones the government wanted to sell to Dubai?). Right now we are inspecting about 3% of all the cargo which enters this country. Even less since our trade deficit keeps going up.
That provision would have enabled Port authorities to inspect up to 90% of all cargo coming into this "secure" country. Why would Republicans spend BILLIONS on Halliburton contracts but say port inspections aren't important enough to fund?
No one in Federal, State or Local law enforcement has seen a pamphlet, a video, a book or anything telling what to look for when trying to ID someone engaged in domestic terrorism. Why not? Is our government only good for "Threat Boards" and paper airport slippers? Do these things REALLY make you feel safer?
And what ABOUT that Threat Board? It's been at "Elevated" ever since we invaded Iraq. What happened to "We're fighting them over THERE, so we don't have to fight them HERE"? If we ARE overTHERE to keep them from coming HERE, why doesn't the Board go down to "Green"?
If Hillary or Barack even MENTION doing away with that silly "Terrorist Threat Board" as a campaign promise, they have my vote. Bang. Done.
If you are so concerned about fighting terrorism, why dont I see YOU with a weapon in your hands, standing a post in Baghdad? Oh because you're SUCH a patriot? You're a coward and a hypocrite and you need to stop trying to sell fear and hate. The American people aren't buying it anymore.
2007-02-13 22:49:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I do not think Liberals and Democrats are siding with the Terrorists, and I certainly do not think the terrorists are trying to take over America.. Where in hell are you coming from? No, really.. What the hell? I don't recall ever hearing Democrats say, "Hey Terrorists! Let's go take over America together!" .. You see how ignorant you are being? I would like some proof on your statements. You sound like a complete moron.
2007-02-13 22:36:02
answer #2
answered by Zorky Charlemagne 2
You sound like a 12 year old that is trying to sound like Mom and Dad. What you say doesn't even make sense. No one is siding with the terrorists. Just because someone questions the decisions that the administration has made doesn't make them traitors or terrorists themselves. We want an end to the war because it was an unjust war, we went against NATO and entered Iraq with no real justification, destroyed their country, and people, ours and theirs, are dying as we continue this farce. And where is Osama? You know, the guy responsible for the trade center destruction? Ask yourself why our country has not brought him to justice as Bush once promised.
2007-02-13 22:48:04
answer #3
answered by Hillaryforpresident 5
OK, no drinking for you in the early morning. What are you talking about, siding with the terrorist? No one is siding withthe terrorist. I may empathize with them to understand why they do what they do; but that's far from condoning their behavior. Ever heard of "know your enemy"?
You sound like a paranoid republican. Oh, they think different from us, they're trying to destroy us! We liberals are NOT in colusion with the enemy, so stuff it. If anything, I want a country where we all can live free, including you. But you Christian/ Republicans have gotta stop telling everyone else how to live. go live and screw up your own life.
2007-02-13 22:23:26
answer #4
answered by guy o 5
You seem very, very scared of the boogey man. The terrorists aren't going to take over our country. If they had a little more prosperity and hope they'd leave us alone.
2007-02-13 23:32:29
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
This is typical of brainwashed "conservatives" who only know how to repeat talking points. Terrorists aren't trying to take over America. They just want America to get out of the Middle East so they can become a self-determining people. Granted, most do not advocate a type of government similar to ours but no one came here and gave us our government so why do you think if we setup their government, they will continue to use it?
2007-02-13 22:17:01
answer #6
answered by DiggyK 2
Who's responsible for teaching you that mess? Please answer that question.
It was during the Reagan administration that US supported the Mujahadeem in Afganistan, Saddam in Iraq and provided weapons to Iran.
And under the Bush administration/a republican controlled congress that the US turned a blind eye to the genocide and forced sharia law in Sudan.
Think for yourself. Question authority.
2007-02-13 22:41:13
answer #7
answered by shiroi 3
I swear it seems that in life the Democrats believe that world politics is a game to be won by everyone conceding and appeasing. Pray that they don't put an end to the war their way or your words will come true.
2007-02-13 22:17:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i agree totally. as a 911 wtc survivor i am outraged and offended by the cavailer way these people are considered by the pelosi..ites. they are serious, real deadly and very determined. if the liberals dont get their head out of the sand and stop this ridiculous path to cut and run were all in trouble. no one ever said war is pretty or politically correct but that doesnt make it unneccessary and this path to villify bush when he has successfully defended this nation for seven years is unconscionable. liberals have no shame...none whatsoever.
2007-02-13 22:15:52
answer #9
answered by koalatcomics 7
you are insane,,,due to Bush,s handling of all he did over the last 4 years,,,the stress has reduced you to babble,,,suggest you seek mental therapy and not watch fox new for a long while...freedom
2007-02-13 22:32:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous