You are so so truely wrong...........we also wear red robes.
Now go fetch me some dinna, boy!
2007-02-13 20:57:21
answer #1
answered by pozitive thinking 2
I am not too sure where you get your information from.
Call a black man "boy" and you will not get too far anywhere!
Rosa Parks changed the busing situation. Blacks sit anywhere on the bus.
Hang them from trees? Not in my lifetime!
You should not generalize people and believe that Gerry Springer is based on reality.
The KKK is an embarassment to most Americans.
As for oil and stealing. The Bush family and the Saudi Royal Family are very good friends. BOTH FAMILIES have an agreement about oil, together. The Saudies GIVE the oil to the Bushes because it is good business. I do not agree, but that is how those guys operate. They are all thieves.
I speak as a Muslim, you really do not advance good public relations with such foolishness.
2007-02-14 04:50:17
answer #2
answered by Noor al Haqiqa 6
First of all, I was raised by Southerners, in the South, and we don't call anyone "boy" except little boys. Secondly, no one but Ku Klux Klansmen ever hung anyone from trees, you cannot accuse every Southerner of doing such attrocities! I can assure you, I am not fat. As for sex with sisters,'re welcome to come down here in person and accuse us of that face to face, but I can't guarantee what kind of shape you'd leave in.
Our government tends to the interests of the United States, just as your pathetic country sticks to it's interests. That's what governments do.
I suppose Arabs do not murder innocents? I suppose 9/11 was just a plane accident twice in one day, right? I guess there were an imaginary 3000 dead in the streets right? I guess their families had funerals for no reason, right? I suppose all the bombings in Israel were commited by pygmies from New Guinea, right? Who bombed the London "tube"? The Zulus? Who bombed the trains at Madrid? The Eskimos? Come on!!
If there is anyone "disturbed" in this world, it's Islam. And if you have a problem with that, like I said, come on over, we'll settle it.
Oh, wasn't the "prophet" Muhammad married to an 8 year old girl? History says so. Here in my neck of the woods, we call that CHILD MOLESTING!! That's a crime!
2007-02-14 04:56:24
answer #3
answered by C J 6
I'm not American, I've never been to the Southern States of the USA, but I think what you are saying is plain stupid.
In case you didn't realize it, your right to put questions like this anonymously on the Internet comes from America. No normal American demands you like them, but they do expect you to use the freedoms they gained for you at the cost of many lives with respect. There are people around who want take that freedom away.
2007-02-14 05:51:38
answer #4
answered by Bad bus driving wolf 6
Some just seem to have this need to say things in hopes of making other people very angry.
If you said such things about Germany, France, or most any other nation you would have people coming after you.
Yes they definately are more bigoted than any in the USA.
2007-02-14 05:31:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In Every country, the majority always win. Same thing happen to me in this country even though i am not black nor Arab. But the fact is that I still want to live here because this is also my country for i know no where else i like to live.
2007-02-14 04:46:12
answer #6
answered by Sparkling pearl 4
And they call Americans bigoted!!! I would like to have you in front of my truck for a few seconds
2007-02-14 04:46:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Were you home schooled by a tree slug?
2007-02-14 04:50:15
answer #8
answered by celticwarrior7758 4
gee, I was afriad you were gonna accuse us of stereotyping
2007-02-14 04:42:20
answer #9
answered by lefty 4