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I was confused at the end. Can anyone explain it to me?

2007-02-13 19:13:43 · 4 answers · asked by Diamond 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

4 answers

As you know, none of the guys remember anything. We find out that Jim Caveizel's character (Jean Jacket) remember he is one of the "bad guys" while Rancher Shirt (Barry Pepper) is a good guy who feels connected to Jean Jacket. We also know that Greg Kinnear is the other good guy. Rancher Shirt assures Jean Jacket that only the choices he makes from here on out matter. Jean Jacket then saves the lives of the other two while pretending to kill them. It is here that we think Jean Jacket has redeemed himself. But then we find out that Jean Jacket is actually an undercover cop and has been a good guy all along. The surprise twist is when he suddenly remembers that he was having an affair with Rancher Shirts wife and the two of them cooked up the entire scheme - including the undercover work- so that they could have all the money. So once again we think Jean Jacket is scum; but he does redeem himself by returning the money. In those last 15 minutes we are constantly given new insight into his past and that changes how we think of him- but in the end he chooses to be good from then on out.

2007-02-13 19:47:10 · answer #1 · answered by Pwincess_Buttewcup 3 · 0 0

The women hired jim caveizel to kill that guy he was buddies with in the warehouse so she could get a settlement, but he didnt find out until later on that that was his mission to do cuz of his lost memory, and for anyone that hasn't seen this movie, you should.

2007-02-13 19:21:15 · answer #2 · answered by peachy_guy24 1 · 0 1

That whole movie was really weird & confusing.

2007-02-14 09:26:52 · answer #3 · answered by Dasher 5 · 0 1

I just rented it I will watch it tomorrow and then I can tall ya what I think

2007-02-13 19:21:01 · answer #4 · answered by Bullz_ eye 6 · 0 1

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