Eucalyptus Oil works wonders. Also good for cleaning chewing gum and pen marks from furniture.
Warning: eucalyptus oil can be very strong on sensitive fabrics.
To get the smell of eucalyptus oil out of your wallet, er, well, um... ask a friend with a cold to inhale very deeply near your wallet. :)
2007-02-13 18:52:20
answer #1
answered by templeblot 3
Wallet With Id Window
2016-11-13 09:40:15
answer #2
answered by ? 4
rubbing alcohol shoul d do the trick especially if it is ink that rubbed off, or hairspray since it has alchol in it. I know this as I clean at a school and when someone writes on walls with ink, this takes it off. also try fingernail polish remover. If it is something besides ink, like tape reside, anything oily like peanut butter, or cooking oil. Neither of these should harm your wallet or plastic id window.
2007-02-13 19:23:55
answer #3
answered by seven-11 4
Try using nail polish remover. If that doesn't work try using paint thinner but be careful with either of the solutions, if you use alot it's a possibility your awesome wallet could end up smelling like it. Use a cloth with a small area soaked w/ the solution you choose. Good luck dude.
2007-02-20 06:37:55
answer #4
answered by gardi 1
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Do NOT use nail polish remover!!!!!!!!!! It is acetone and will eat through the plastic and if your wallet is leather and a single micro drop hits it, it's trashed!!!!!!!!! Trust me, do NOT use nail polish remover. Try a tiny dab of oil on a soft rag; that should break it down and the oil will even be good for the leather. Nail polish remover EATS plastic and leather!!
2016-04-06 02:54:56
answer #5
answered by ? 4
I would first ask the school for another ID card, to replace the one that seems to have rubbed off. You are entitled to lose a card once in a while.
2007-02-20 15:00:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Dude just get a new wallet !
2007-02-21 14:30:47
answer #7
answered by jigadee 4
Try alcohol ,when i worked in an oil factory and we had to remove the ink from the big gallon cans that had to be redistributed. I hope this works.
2007-02-21 07:30:53
answer #8
answered by thelilsxysmoothone 3
if its a leather wallet get some of that leather cleaner stuff at K-mart that should get it off!!!
2007-02-20 13:56:25
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
try rubbing alcohol...this take ink off almost anything
2007-02-19 10:31:10
answer #10
answered by Sterling D W 3