They are politically motivated for America to fail. Most liberals today are sad the Soviets lost the Cold War.
2007-02-13 17:36:09
answer #1
answered by Damn Good Dawg 3
Republicans are coming around to the idea that Bush was a liberal. They started to toward the end of his second term. Some will never be convinced, but in all fairness he didn't go all out fiscal liberal until his last term. That's when he signed the Medicare expansion and threw out back to back stimulus plans (2008 checks + TARP). Keep in mind that folks were still fired up about the war on terror at the time of the second election, too. I think that probably overshadowed anything else going through people's minds at the time. If we'd had the quagmire in Iraq (remember, it was fresh at the time) and the economy that we have today, I don't believe he would have been reelected in 2004.
2016-03-29 05:50:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If we dont go after the terrorists overseas, they'll attack us here...
-They weren't in Iraq though... or is reality that foreign to your way of thinking? They were in Afghanistan, that was good that we went there, but we should have finished the mission and captured/killed bin Laden and decimated the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Iraq was never a threat to us.
force women to have abortions, ban Christianity and turn america into some kind of gay-tanic athiest diseneyland.
-A paranoid right-wingers wet dream lol. Wow, spell check dude, not that hard.
George Washington and Dwight Eisenhaur, Pres George W Bush is a great war hero
-The first two were military commanders, Washington helped us win our independence, Eisenhower helped us win WW2 (Though it's the soldiers who truly win a war.). Bush got daddy to pull some string to get him in the National guard so he wouldn't have to serve in Vietnam.
We need to fear these terrorists
-Why? Fearing them gives them influence, power, control over us. When we start fearing the terrorists, we start losing the War on Terror.
If you are not afraid, then you are a coward.
-You sir, fail logic.
2007-02-13 18:34:19
answer #3
answered by Liberals love America! 6
You are, of course, writing this from a foxhole or from the Iraqi battlefield. Being such a strong advocate for invading other peoples country and the "rightness" of bombs and guns, you surely must have enlisted in the armed forces and put your own butt on the line over there.
If you are not in the armed forces and are not serving on a post somewhere, you need to stop talking about the "we must fight terrorism" and say rather "they".
If you are not a coward, go enlist.
2007-02-14 05:08:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
(General) George Washington, (General) Dwight D. Eisenhower, the guys who commanded all American Armies FROM their respective battlefields? And won? Them?
Someone's got to tell Letterman, this is really much better than great presidential speeches.
Are you writing to us cowards from Iraq? Afghanistan? Or are your poised on the Iranian border?
Oh crap, I am feeding trolls again. But how to resist marveling at the mind of someone who defines cowardice as not being afraid.
2007-02-13 17:59:12
answer #5
answered by and_y_knot 6
Definition of coward. Someone who lets fear run their decisions such that they are either cease to function and do not act at all in a situation where action is called for, or through fear act in an irrational manner when no action was actually called for.
Your statements -- "Liberals are cowards"
"Liberals are cowards because they "aren't afraid of the terrorists"
Your statement boils down to, liberals are cowards because they aren't cowards. Consider your logic.
PS-- we're not cowards. We are NOT in Palestine and Isreal. We do NOT wonder everytime we sit down to a pizza parlor or coffee shop if we are about to get our keisters blown off (Thanks to Greg Palast for pointing this one out in his latest book), at least, not if we are psychologically healthy. Fascinatingly enough, the people who really have reason to be terrified of terrorists don't seem to be. They go ahead and take the risk and continue living their lives and going to pizza parlors ands not letting their politics be swayed through fear.
2007-02-13 17:47:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I can't tell if this is sarcasm and you're making fun of conservatives or if you're serious?
either way... you need to go to where the terrorists are to kill them...
If dems are cowards for wanting to leave, repubs are fools for not even knowing where or who the terrorists are...
read the 9-11 report, just because they have darker skin, it doesn't mean they are a terrorist...
2007-02-13 17:43:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
war president not war hero there's a huge difference between the two to be war hero you need to actually go to war and do an outstanding act of bravery if your so brave why don't you enlist and go fight for your country plus we don't want to ban Christianity we just want people like you to stop shoving it down our throats isn't there some kind of quote or verse in there judge least not you be judged or something like that i guess you missed that one Mr judgmental
2007-02-14 01:05:19
answer #8
answered by auntie s 4
They would rather kowtow to them and 'make nice' instead of taking a stand against what the terrorists want or wish to do to us! While the libs slowly take away our freedoms (smoking in your car, putting parents in jail if they spank [discipline] their child, kill MORE unborn babies, etc), they kiss the terrorists' asses at the same time - it's typical of them to play both sides of the fence. What do you expect?
I totally agree with you! Clinton is a prime example of being a coward! He didn't do anything about the '93 WTC attack, or the USS Cole OR the US Embassy in Kenya 'cause he loathed the military. He said so in a letter he wrote, which is the proverbial 'proof in the pudding'.
The reason the libs want to ban Christianity, encourage and promote abortion and side with the homo agenda is because they enjoy immorality and don't believe that morals should exist or have any place in our society! It's the old 'do what you want; do what makes you feel good regardless of how immoral it is' attitude! They only agree and go with what makes THEM feel good and what pleases them! Bottom line is is that the dems have built this 'liberal bandwagon' for all bandwagon jumpers to hop onto so they can 'band' together and rid our society of morals and freedom at the same time - and their bandwagon moves quit swiftly with the help of their Hollywood 'hot air buffoons' like Susan Sarandon, "Hanoi Jane" Fonda, Sean Penn, Danny Glover, etc. Of course, it's typical of Hollywood to be against morals - they don't know what morals are! They're just one big happy liberal Hollywood sickening Soap Opera family'.
2007-02-13 17:44:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
George Washington said for us to mind our own business and not meddle in other countries affairs. George Bush has a hidden Agenda which would include slamming you in the asss.
2007-02-13 17:43:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
There is no's pro-CHOICE!!
You are against people making their own informed choices?
Exactly how long will it take to rid the world of each and every terrorist???
Do you have any idea how closely you sound like a terrorist??
I am not a coward because I think this war was stupid from the beginning!!
Iraq did not attack the US and our invading Iraq on fabricated intel regardless of which administration it came from is ENABLING AND ENSURING MUSLIM RADICALS AGAINST THE US!!
If we choose to be a Republic based on Democracy that's our choice but we have no business requiring other sovereign nations to do so at our bequest!!
Our way isn't the only way!!
2007-02-13 17:40:55
answer #11
answered by Anonymous