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2007-02-13 16:14:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Sunset - That goes without saying, but doean't Congress have anything better to do. If they must debate this topic, can't they at least have the cojones to make the resolution binding? What is the point of a nonbinding resolution?

2007-02-13 16:20:59 · update #1

*doesn't, not doean't*

2007-02-13 16:21:59 · update #2

True Grit - It's like they say, time is money, or in this case, taxes.

2007-02-13 16:23:23 · update #3

g - what kind of message does Congress believe a nonbinding resolution sends to the world. In my opinion, it says, " we disagree with the President, but not enough to do really do anything about it."

I think this is only the first part of their plan as well. If they can get enough support to pass this, they might try to ease off of funding for the troops already deployed. Just a thought. I hope I'm wrong.

2007-02-13 16:27:02 · update #4

docmandingo - wouldn't a binding resolution do more to make up for lost time?

2007-02-13 16:29:10 · update #5

qncyguy21 - The question is not about whether or not this Congress can accomplish anything. I know they already have. Why waste three days debating over something that has no meaning at all? They are already on a roll, why stop now with a nonbinding anything?

2007-02-13 17:22:32 · update #6

7 answers

Yes, it's pretty asinine. OK, let's spend day after day putting together a document that means absolutley nothing. Par for the course in DC, but a lame effort by libs to get something meaningful done.

2007-02-13 16:25:59 · answer #1 · answered by Beachman 5 · 2 2

Compared to $104 BILLION being blown on this stupid war, it's a bargain.

ADDENDUM: I think they are taking a gradual step in this dialogue on the war, an open debate (first one since before the war) is a symbolic, if not technical victory for the war's critics. It could be a precursor to more, and more substantial actions in Congress. We'll see....

2007-02-14 00:18:27 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

they accomplished more to benefit Americans in one month,than the last congress did in 4 years... i think they deserved a little bit of a break.

now, as Bush would say..."it takes time...it just take a little bit of time, to see the results."

but we don't see people like you shouting time is money when Bush keeps throwing that excuse around.

2007-02-14 01:10:08 · answer #3 · answered by qncyguy21 6 · 0 0

Repubs wasted the past 6 years basically... I'm curious where they are going with this... I will give them a little wiggle room...

I'm thinking it may be a first step in their plan... but I don't know for sure... just a guess...

but if it's not going anywhere... I probably won't be that happy about it frankly...

2007-02-14 00:20:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

After Bush's $500 billion war, it isn't the waste of taxes as much as the waste of time that bothers me.

2007-02-14 00:19:24 · answer #5 · answered by True Grit 2 · 1 1

It annoys me more that six years of no debate and rubber stamping has resulted in this blunder of a war.

2007-02-14 00:22:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1


What annoys me is all the social spending

2007-02-14 00:17:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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