Since you haven't had sex, it sounds like a yeast infection. Why don't you go to a gynecologist to be sure? It also sounds like you're thinking about becoming sexual active since you let him finger you so it'd be a good idea so you could get info. on birth control and protection! If you don't want to do this, try one of the over the counter yeast infection medications. Try the 3 day treatment, the one day treatments are often not strong enough. Another thing it could be is a urinary tract infection which only a doctor can treat. Just to be safe, go to the doctor! If your Mom has to take you, you don't have to tell her about masturbating and your bf fingering you, just tell her that you have a burning discharge and you read that it could be a yeast infection and assure her that it's not an STD! Please promise that when you do become sexually active, practice safe sex even if he swears he's a virgin or you're the only one, too many girls get AIDS 'cause their bfs swear they're clean! And it's not worth dying! If you plan to wait, you are really a strong person and I wish I could have waited when I was younger!
2007-02-13 16:10:34
answer #1
answered by SHELTIELUVER 3
Sounds like a yeast infection to me too. This has happened before to me...always make sure your hands and nails (and BFs) are clean and well trimmed before heading south. Sometimes just the different levels of acid/pH in the hands can throw your vagina out of whack. Better go to a gyno to have it diagnosed. If it's a yeast infection you'll need some cream or inserts (I go with the 3 day kind) to kill the infection...while you're there, better ask about birth control options so you're prepared when you're ready to take the next step.
2007-02-13 16:32:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You need to go to the doctor, you could have a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. When you say you don't have sex I hope that means your vagina has had no contact with a penis, like rubbing, and that you also mean you have not had anal intercourse which is sex although more invasive then the normal route. If you have any anal'vaginal contact with someone you may have a std and you could die, cause infertility, get very sick. So please go see a doctor. Even if it is just yeast it must be uncomfortable.
2007-02-13 16:18:44
answer #3
answered by Robin C 1
You may have some kind of infection. If you've never actually had genital contact, it could be maybe a yeast or urinary tract infection. There are so many different infections women can get that are not sexually transmitted. Just go to your doctor before it gets worse.
2007-02-13 16:13:01
answer #4
answered by candace716 2
Wash before and after hands and vagina
2007-02-13 16:05:07
answer #5
answered by Heather F 2
are your hands clean? i know this may sound crazy, but your hands come in contact with tons of stuff. some of that stuff should not come in contact with your vagina - that's a very sensitive area down there.
2007-02-13 16:07:09
answer #6
answered by liz 3
Are you using lotions or something that can irritate it? Or maybe your just working it to hard when you "masturbate or get fingered". For sure if you were not your wettest sometimes you can rip or tear your stuff up a little. But your best bet would be to go to a ob/gyn. Best of luck
2007-02-13 16:12:35
answer #7
answered by *tiffany* 2
Sounds like a yeast infection. You can get Vagisil for it at the drugstore. They also have new kits out from Vagisil I think that tells you exactly what type of infection you have so you can treat it properly. You can also get that at the drugstore.
2016-05-24 08:31:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Your boyfriend should wash his hands thoroughly and clean under his fingernails before putting his hands near your vag. Go to the doctor.
2007-02-13 16:06:12
answer #9
answered by ohmygodapirate 2
Well maybe you rubbed it too hard? That can also happen if you don't use lubrication. Herpes could be another possibility (not to be rude)....maybe go see a gyn....that would be your best bet.
2007-02-13 16:06:48
answer #10
answered by butterfly_tat_luver79 3