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2007-02-13 15:35:50 · 3 answers · asked by potsy 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

3 answers

Hiya Carol,
I got one too.
Answer from the WA scam net (http://www.docep.wa.gov.au/ConsumerProtection/ScamNet/Scams/NT_Society.html)
he Nuova Tech Society, Neo-Tech Society, The NT Society, Neo-Tech Publishing Company Inc and Nuova Tech Publishing Company are one and the same. Same Nevada USA address, same telephone and fax numbers.Nuova Tech Society

The offer commences with an invitation to become a member of an exclusive society that selects a handful of individuals from around the world every seven years to share in their secrets. Their secrets lead to enormous prosperity, love, happiness, and total peace of mind.

Kirsten Hart, from the NT Society, suggests that these secrets can provide you with instant abilities you did not have before, including mind reading, photographic memory, ability to foresee the future and to cure others.

A form included with the letter to fax back to the society states:

“I _________ feel that something astounding is about to happen in my life. The Nuova Tech Society has discovered me. I possess very special and rare traits. Because of these traits, the Nuova Tech Society is willing to send me their secrets that lead to enormous wealth, love and the most phenomenal abilities, absolutely free! ………. Without hesitation, please send me my personally reserved, 56 page, numbered booklet containing the secrets, completely free of charge, today.”

You than receive a 56 page Orientation Booklet “from the Desk of Anonymous” that introduces the “10 second miracle” and suggests that “your life will be transformed virtually overnight into what you have always dreamed of”.

According to Jeff Hanson, Director of Membership (or Publisher depending on the letter you receive), the second and final instalment is for the Nuova Tech Discovery book (553 pages) or the Neo-Tech World book (7400) pages that contain the secrets. And it only costs $192.00 or $196.

It takes about 10 seconds to realise that this offer is a scam and will produce no miracles!

Fight back. Click here.

Scams of a similar type include:

* Amanda Kane
* Angela Almera

For more scams of this type and others, visit the full list of scams by type page.

2007-02-15 09:37:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NT, as far as I've heard that term used, means neurotypical.
High functioning autistic people regard themselves as a cultural minority, like people of another race, rather than "sick" people in need of a "cure". The dominant society is referred to as "neurotypical" or NT for short.
Some autistics take an adversarial attitude toward NT society, like people of racial minorities sometimes take an adversarial attitude toward the dominant (white) society. However, I don't do this. There's enough hate in the world without me adding to it.
I am a high functioning autistic person, (Aspergerian) this is why I give this answer.
However, I"m not sure if this is what you're asking about, since Neurotypical society is not an organization that does recruiting., any more than you'd get a letter from a certain race or economic class inviting you to become a member. Just a minute let me search around a bit and get back with you...
Searches on NT society turned up several applications of NT societies in the context of the Northern Territory of Australia, the New Testament, and Windows NT. For example ...
http://www.scottishbibles.com/acatalog/nt_sport.html (something about a bible society for sports enthusiasts)
http://www.lawsocnt.asn.au (a law society in the Northern Terrirtory of Australia)
http://billslater.com/ntsig.htm (one of several similar special interest groups for Windows NT)
http://www.nt.gov.au/pfes/police/ntpmhs/index.html (police and historical society for Australia NT)
Not much of a clue here. Since it came from the US it is probalby not about the Northern Territory of Australia. Did the letter give you any other sort of clue?

2007-02-13 15:42:46 · answer #2 · answered by Joni DaNerd 6 · 0 0

I live in another country than yours or the U.S.
I like Americans,despite their government,I like Australians,despite ours.However,I,too receive dodgy mail such as you've described.Nearly all of it from the U.S.DO NOT send any money.These people are charlatans,preying on the trust and honesty of people such as yourself.Return to sender.Chris.

2007-02-13 15:49:27 · answer #3 · answered by christian b 3 · 0 0

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