Most possibly a lack of blood circulation going to the brain. often times when the brain is being deprived of oxygen, it will give off symptoms such as dizzyness, fainting and others. It could be he has a low blood sugar or blood pressure. Also another possibility is that there is a partial clotting somewhere in the arteries which slow down the circulation to the brain.
However, don't take my word or anybody else word on it here. Best go see a doctor because this can/could degenerate into something more serious/deadly.
See a doctor.
2007-02-13 15:20:49
answer #1
answered by H Vice 3
Hi there. Sounds like vertigo which has many causes. Sometimes it's viral and medication can be tried to relieve his symptoms. This article does give the worse case scenarios but remember most cases of vertigo are not serious. Antivert and Dramamine is sometimes prescribed when other causes are ruled out. He could have a sinus infection, anxiety from stress. Be sure to keep him hydrated well with 2 liters of fluid a day. If he does not improve in 10 days, then medical attention can be useful. Have a nice Valentine's Day and know that things will improve.
2007-02-14 07:04:28
answer #2
answered by firestarter 6
sometimes this is referred to as vertigo.
Basically the inner ear has little contained wells of liquid that help us to figure out how we are oriented. But when those wells get disturbed through illness or damage, it leaves our senses confused - And that is when we might fall over for no good reason.
He should see a doctor if this persists with an illness, or almost assuredly if he has not been having an illness.
2007-02-13 15:16:08
answer #3
answered by special-chemical-x 6
Heres a lists of many causes. It could be something as simple as an middle ear infection or many other causes. I would get hime referred to a neurologist to be safe if he doesn't have an ear infection or diabetes, etc. Talk to your regular doctor first. I had dizziness for many months that affected my walkiing and it turned out to be a jaw infection that was so bad that I had no sense of balance.
2007-02-13 16:34:21
answer #4
answered by Rockford 7
Is your boyfriend getting enough to eat? is he staying hydrated? these could be some reasons for dizziness. Sometimes if you have cold or flu and your ears get a little packed it can cause that too. Also look here
2007-02-13 15:17:37
answer #5
answered by sexynukkah123 1
It can have multiple names, depending on what is truly wrong.
He needs to see the doctor, not have you check it out on an internet chat forum full of people unqualified to answer medical questions.
It COULD be as simple as anemia or as serious as brain malignancy.
Only his doctor can tell him.
2007-02-13 15:16:43
answer #6
answered by CYP450 5
could be an inner ear problem that is throwing off his balance, have him see and ear nose and throat doctor to test for tinnitus or Minears disease, possibly even vertigo.
2007-02-13 15:18:43
answer #7
answered by ktgoldft 2
maybe he's getting dehydrated..or is developing a cold?
theres also the possibility that his body is reacting to any sudden changes in his eating patterns.
2007-02-13 15:17:03
answer #8
answered by ashley 2
he has the flu
i get dizzy when i have the flu
i cant even stand up cuz everything seems like its spinning
or hes on too much hard stuff
2007-02-13 15:15:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
it can be caused from high blood pressure...and not eating right and getting enough exercise! Thanx
2007-02-13 15:17:18
answer #10
answered by mississippi boy 1