Do you think it is fair that Mexico has the factories there and their workers are used and paid at the rate of their economical system. And then they came here and took all the American Jobs as well?
Is there something wrong with that picture? I am not blaming anyone I just want to see the logic? hmmmmm?
4 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Politics
It did not start with Clinton, it was Carter that tinkered around with it when he was too busy with the Iran hostages? And then Reagan instituted it and aggressively with the Japanese to move there after Carter cut the Japanese off! So they went to Mexico city and Reagan gave amnesty to all the illegals here as well! Then Bush kept it up strongly, and then Clinton. And as far as the jobs I would do that they have filled the quotas with in every major corporation, and factory here with Hispanics? Yes how about the all the telephone,electric, gas, companies to start with? Okay with you? Or the Hotel industry ? Management positions galore?
Airlines? UPS? Fed-ex? Post Offices? Government positions? and immigration departments, Employment Security offices all over America? And the Social Security Offices? And the Major City positions are flooded, secretaries, to Counselman and Alderman, and Union Labor as well! The quotas have been outrageously increased! You have been lied to!
15:41:20 ·
update #1