i am 15 and i want to use a tampon cause my friends say they are alot eseir than pads, i tryed to use a tampon when i was 14 and it hurt really bad it was tampax perl and it felt like i was dry i dont know but i wana know what i can do to put a tampon in where it wont hurt and when i pull it out where it dont feel like its stuck?
8 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
thanks all for ur answers but 1 more question lol i am gonna try my tampax pearl agian and it has platic applacator and it is a regular is the regular diffrent from the slim/slender.
08:49:32 ·
update #1
well since you are only 15 you need the slim/slender tampax tampons...I hope you werent using the super ones. I did that when I was 13 or so. I wanted to try to put one in so I grabbed one from my mom and MAN it hurt and also, I am guessing as soon as you put it in, you stood there for 2 min then pulled it out right?? if so you need to keep it in for a couple of hours..NO MORE THEN 8 hours..and take it out. it feels like it is getting stuck because it hasnt had any time to do its job so yea its gonna hurt. so leave it in for a few hours. when I first used a tampon it was HORRIBLY unconfortable, but I also wasnt putting it in far enough, because I was worried it would get stuck, but it wont. so keep trying i went through a whole box when I was learning...but your friend is right, tampons are SOOOO much easier, especially when you are at school. I remember feeling soo uncomfortable at school wearing a pad...tampons are a wonderful invention :) and once you see how your period is after a few of them you will know what kind of tampons you need, alot of women are heavy the first day, so you would need a regular or super one..moderate the next few days so you would need a regular size one and then light at the end, which then you would need light tampons..and some women are light in the beginning, heavy in the middle and light at the end. so you need to keep track of it on the clandar and go from there...but first getting used to a tampon, I would use light/slim ones and just change them over 3/4 hours or so if your period is alittle bit heavy.
2007-02-13 18:01:35
answer #1
answered by gigi 3
Try using slim/regular tampons.. Leave theem in for atleast 4-6hrs. and take it out and then there should be no problem.. You should practice using them when you are home or when you are with ur friend who is using tampons.. Hunni tampons are a lot easier than pads they're also a lot cleaner too.. I've been using them for 3-4yrs and have had no problems.. Just always make sure you remember to take them out at the appropriate time so you can provent the risk of getting TSS.. But you will be fine.. Good luck :)
2007-02-13 23:16:04
answer #2
answered by Tropikal gurl 1
i agree with sexi. tampons are SO much easier, comfortable, and cleaner. the first time i used one, i was ur age, and i spent 3 hours in the bathroom... and it took a couple times before i finally got it right to where i didn't feel a thing. u shouldn't even know that its there, and thats the beuty of a tampon. however, i would not use an o.b. because they are harder to make sure they are in far enough. use a slim and try and relax. soon, it will be like riding a bike!
2007-02-13 23:20:51
answer #3
answered by shiningstar1313 3
There is also another type of protection you can use called Instead. This is silicone cup, similar to a diaphram. Its very comfortable to wear especially if you are small. Offers great leakage protection and can be worn inside your body for a full 8 hours before you change. It does take some learning on how to use it...basically you have to know your body "inside and out" to use it. Tampons are not very health to begin with. The cotton is bleached, and this is absorbed into the body. Tampons also dry out the lining of the vagina, they dont call them super absorbant for nothing !! My advice, if you are swimming ...use a cup like Instead...or use a sanitary napkin. A tampon is really not something that's as sanitary as we are lead to believe. Please read about toxic shock syndrome and the usage of tampons to see where Im coming from.
2007-02-14 01:39:09
answer #4
answered by juicyapplejazz 2
Pads are much better for you--if you can just wear those (unless you gotta go swimming or something) --its better! Tampons are not the greatest for your body--but, try to get some KY jelly and use it with that to put in...it should not be stuck after because it should be full, and kind of easy to remove...if you are a virgin, this might be why it hurts--! You should try to stick with pads, or just keep trying the tampons gradually until it doesnt hurt as much...
2007-02-13 23:12:00
answer #5
answered by mbz2828 2
Ok my best advice is to buy O.B. tampons. They don't have an applicator so it wont be so scary. It also has a step by step process wit pictures to help first timers. Dont worry all women go through this. Good luck : )
2007-02-13 23:11:45
answer #6
answered by Miss Thang 2
i'd recomend using the slimmest size available or try Instead it's a lil weird at first but it's better than pads and tampons, less likely to have accidents especially if you are athletic
2007-02-14 00:30:26
answer #7
answered by moonshine momma 3
You can use a little vaseline or buy a product called KY jelly. It's sold by the condoms. The generic only costs a couple of bucks.
2007-02-13 23:34:46
answer #8
answered by Honesty given here! 4