He's already a good leader that has to deal with a biased media.
2007-02-13 13:39:11
answer #1
answered by bigsey93harrison37 3
One of his platforms was "Smaller Government".
Since the attack on the Towers and Pentagon, Pres. Bush has taken many steps that will permanently lead the USA into a Communist Country. We were "Socialist" prior to the attacks, and now with Terrorism we're drivng rapidly into Communism (Political & Economical).
The Irony is the "Terrorists" were trying to tear apart the USA, but their actions actually had the opposite effect --- we're seeing a "Federal" emerge over "States". Sure, the Hippie Liberals are mad as heck about the war (but they've been this way since Nam --- so its same effect as crying Wolf) --- Again Ironically, their ACLU Lawyers are the biggest advocates to silently make the "Federal" over the states. In the end, the terrorist loose, unless there is a government conspiracy to rid "States" by hiring terrorists (which may be possible with all that missing cash).
2007-02-13 21:47:06
answer #2
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
He needs to step down and retire.
He is not a good leader at all. I'm sorry, but he has absolutely no respect for anyone, that is everyone that voted for him too. When you have a president and vice-president saying "We know the American people don't want us to do this, but we don't care...", then you know that the government is in trouble. He has no clue what he's doing. Why go to war? Why go to war with a country and leader who never did anything to the national security of our country? If Sadam kills hundreds of people, that's not our fault? Let me remind you, Hitler killed millions and millions of Jews before the United States even remotely got involved in the war. And FDR was never even planing on attacking Germany because of Hitler's genecide. He attacked because of Pearl Harbor. History repeats itself, yes. FDR knew that remaing isolated would keep us out of future problems, he was right.
Bush wants to carry on his father's legacy. No question.
A stupid tactic to try and put pressure on Iran will only worrsen what is going on right now. War with Iran maybe hell creaping at our toes. And you can't say that it's not Bush's fault for this.
Maybe it isn't just his fault though. Maybe it's Condolleza Rice's. Maybe it's Dick Chenny's. But who appointed them. Yes, the inferior George W. Bush.
His best bet is to step down, or just get out of war and stop putting pressure on middle eastern countries.
2007-02-13 21:52:19
answer #3
answered by alco19357 5
Step Down.
2007-02-19 11:05:50
answer #4
answered by jason m 4
He needs to pardon the two border guards-- Fire Sec Chernoff, do something about immigration, and start arresting liberals in Operation Clean Sweep.
2007-02-13 22:29:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Play golf for the duration of his term and let the Democratically controlled House and Senate fix his messes.
2007-02-13 21:42:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
2007-02-13 22:01:00
answer #7
answered by squeegie 3
hire real Americans instead of Canadians, illegal Mexicans and fake Americans
2007-02-13 22:07:43
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
He needs to lead by example. You can't submit a record breaking budget, and ask for tax cuts AND a surplus.
He also needs to open those big ears of his and take the opinions of those outside his inner circle into account.
2007-02-13 21:41:37
answer #9
answered by I'll Take That One! 4
He's a decent leader. He's just going the wrong direction.
2007-02-13 21:36:57
answer #10
answered by Nicole B 5