There are three basic steps to getting a web site on the net.
1. First, you must make a web site.
For the sake of simplicity, I will show you how to make the world's most basic web site.
Open a text editor (notepad on Windows, for instance) and type the following:
This is my first webpage
This is my first webpage
Welcome to my first webpage, I hope you like it.
I won't explain what this all means; there are plenty of HTML reference guides and tutorials on the web to assit you. For this exercise, simply put that text into notepad (or whatever text editor you're using) and save it as "index.html".
Congratulations, you have a web page! Open your web browser, select "File...Open" from the menu, and use the file dialog to open the file "index.html" from your desktop. You'll see your very simple web page appear in the browser. Tah dah!
Unfortunately, that page can only be seen by you on your computer. So, on to the next step.
2. Next, you must find a place to host your web site.
Web hosting can be a complicated business, but it breaks down to this: a web host is a computer just like yours, that is connected to the internet in such a way that anyone in the world with internet access can view the web pages on it.
If you have an ISP (internet service provider, aka the company that provides your internet access) odds are you have a small amount of space "reserved" on their web servers to host a small number of web pages. Contact your ISP to find out how to move your file from your own machine's desktop into your ISP's web server directory.
3. Now, browse to your page using the URL your ISP provides.
When you got instructions from your ISP for moving your web page to their servers, they should have given you the URL for hitting that page. It will be something similar to, but not exactly like, this:
Put the URL they provide into your browser's address bar, hit [enter], and voila! There's your web page. Give that URL to anyone else, and they can do the same.
If you want a dedicated URL, like, or you want to link to other pages, or make your web page(s) look attractive or do cool things, that's beyond the scope of this answer; look to the web for tutorials.
2007-02-13 20:33:52
answer #3
answered by big_bowl_of_meat 2