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i am due to give birth in august and my local maternity unit has been down graded so there are no doctors available - jut midwifes. i have 2 options to deliver locally or 20 miles away. the nicest unit is by far my local one but i need to decide whats best for me and my baby if there are any complications.

2007-02-13 09:52:37 · 6 answers · asked by Şơƥɦɨȩ'ȿ ♡Μυɱ˗Μυɱ♡ 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

6 answers

I had both of my children at a freestanding birth center with two licensed midwives in attendance and no other help around, though we were only 2 blocks from the hospital. I have high-risk pregnancies and saw both the OB and my midwives for all of my prenatal check-ups so they knew how I was doing all along. If the unit that closest to you is nicest, go with that one. 20 miles away isn't far (that's how far we had to drive to GET to the birth center when I was in active labor) and midwives are much better trained at seeing possible problems and you'll have time to get to the hospital if need be. Also, they are trained to handle all sorts of surprises. I wouldn't have had my births any other way.

2007-02-13 10:38:15 · answer #1 · answered by chnchita 4 · 0 0

If you have had a no risk pregnancy than there shouldnt be a problem with letting midwives do it. You can still get the pain meds and they are very skilled in delivering babies. Thats what the extra years of training teaches them. Midwives are very caring and will also help you after your baby is born, unlike most DR.'s. Also, maybe now you can get a dula. I may be spelling that wrong, but its a woman that comes and is like a coach.She rubs your belly and helps you do things to help ease your misery. She basically does whatever you ask her to do, shes another form of support. Do whatever you feel more comfortable doing, 20 miles isnt too bad if you go as soon as the heavy contractions come. Why dont you call them and make an appointment to meet the midwives and tour the facility.Ask them to explain everything to you to ease your mind. Also, make an appointment for the other place and do the same thing.

2007-02-13 10:04:12 · answer #2 · answered by cherokee 4 · 0 0

Except for certain rare situations that are apparent ahead of time:

Homebirths are safer than hospital births.

Midwife attended births are safer than births attended by OBs

Statistics don't lie. You will be safer AND have a more pleasant experience with a midwife.

2007-02-13 10:00:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You should ask your midwives if there are any signs that your pregnancy is outside the "low risk" catagory, and what the policy is for emergency transfers. Remember, midwives can deal with many "complications" and can tell when things are moving out of their depth.

2007-02-13 10:04:59 · answer #4 · answered by Kahuna Burger 2 · 0 0

Go for the one with real doctors even though it is further away. Taking a chance with your life and your baby's life in case there is a problem is not the way to go. If anything goes wrong you need an experienced expert to help you.

2007-02-13 10:04:09 · answer #5 · answered by Rich Z 7 · 0 2

why not have a home birth, this way you'll be more comfy.

2007-02-13 09:56:21 · answer #6 · answered by ♥ღαмαиdα♥ღ 7 · 0 0

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