The Rabbit and the Horse may have to put some work into maintaining a mutually satisfying relationship -- and that work is more likely to be done by the Rabbit than by the Horse. The Rabbit, by nature, tends to idealize relationships and often puts in more energy than its partner. This is a very compassionate and understanding Sign, though, qualities that might work especially well with the Horse, whose caprice and inner conflicts can be rather confusing for others. The Horse's penchant for changing its mind in a split second often works against relationships, both platonic and amorous. The Horse is a lot of fun to have around -- it's an intelligent, witty and sexy Sign -- but often doesn't stick around for long, always feeling the need to move on to greener pastures.
As lovers these two will both need to make certain adjustments for the other's nature in order to make things work. The Rabbit is a timid, shy and nervous sort who needs to feel supported and protected by loved ones. This is quite a demand to place on the independent Horse, who is unpredictable at best; however, if the Horse can find the balance between maintaining independence and providing steady support for the Rabbit, it will be richly rewarded by the Rabbit's generosity and affection. The Horse tends to be in love with love, which will draw the impressionable, romantic Rabbit right in; the trouble may come if the Horse suddenly loses interest and moves on.
As business partners, these two will likely need some outside help to keep things running smoothly! The Horse knows how to work hard and get things done but, again, often loses interest quickly in the matter at hand; the Rabbit, on the other hand, experiences things almost entirely subjectively and so has no head for finances or other practical matters. A third party may need to offer assistance with handling money affairs.
The Rabbit and the Horse share a compatibility of five, on a scale of one to ten
2007-02-13 09:56:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Actually These are not really an "Astrology" sign. Astrology is a Top-Secert for ancient Chinese. People believed that knowing the stars could know lots of things so the emperor make 'Astrology' into a study that only a few people could learn. The Rooster, Monkey, talk about is a sign of year,so it doesn't matter you were Leo or something else. Those signs are: (in order) Rat(鼠),Cow(or someone say Ox牛),Tiger(虎),Rabbit(兔),Dragon(龍),Snake(... Horse(馬), Goat(or someone say Sheep羊),Monkey(猴),Chicken(or Rooster雞),Dog(狗),Pig(豬) so when you born in (like me) 1991-i'm a sheep, and 1992 is a Monkey, 1993 is chicken, 1994is dog, 1995is pig, and than back to rat, so 1996 is a rat. Why it happen is base on the way chinese count their year- tian-gan and di-zhi, it's a special way Tian-gan got 10 characters(甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸) Di-zhi got 12 characters(子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥) the counting way is like this (if Tian-gan is like a, b, c... and Di-zhi is like A, B, C...)the first year:aA than bB, than cC...10th year is jJ ,the 11 year is aK , so 60 years later will back to aA again Chinese people put a story in each charater of Di-Zhi so that's why we have these signs.
2016-05-24 06:47:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Timid and attractive, the Rabbits of the Chinese Zodiac tend to act more like bunnies, whether they like it or not! This Sign is extremely popular and has a wide circle of family and friends. Its compassionate nature leads it to be very protective of those it holds dear, but where romance is concerned, the Rabbit's sentimentality can lead it to idealize relationships. The sweet, sensitive Rabbit often ends up giving more of itself to a partner than is realistic or healthy. The good news is, when this Sign goes off-balance, the Rabbit's core group of friends and its stable home life help bring it back to center.
The Rabbit is a rather delicate Sign that needs a solid base in order to thrive. Lacking close, supportive friends and family, the Rabbit might just break down in tears at the first sign of conflict. Emotional upsets in this Sign's life can even lead to physical illnesses. Rabbits dislike arguments and other conflict and will try anything to avoid a fight; this results in something of a pushover nature. Rabbits can also lapse into pessimism and may seem stuck in life -- often to mask their insecure natures. Rabbits tend to move through life's lessons at their own, rather contemplative pace; it's a waste of time to become exasperated with this Sign's seeming disinterest in facing its problems and conquering them.
With the right partner -- meaning someone whose high principles won't allow it to take advantage of this sensitive, giving Sign -- the Rabbit can make an incredibly loving and protective partner or family member. Rabbits love to entertain at home and always make sure their house is comfortable and tastefully-furnished. What Rabbits need most is a stronger sense of self-worth and the security that comes with it. Their discerning natures, coupled with some hard-won assertiveness, will help these happy creatures go far.
The most compatible match for a Rabbit is the Goat or the Pig.Thank goodness for open spaces, because the Horse needs plenty of room to roam! Energetic, good with money and very fond of travel, Horses are the nomads of the Chinese Zodiac, roaming from one place or project to the next. All of this Sign's incessant activity and searching may be to satisfy a deep-rooted desire to fit in. Paradoxically, Horses feel a simultaneous yearning for independence and freedom.
Horses crave love and intimacy, which is a double-edged sword since it often leads them to feel trapped. Love connections tend to come easily to Horses, since they exude the kind of raw sex appeal that is a magnet to others. This Sign tends to come on very strong in the beginning of the relationship, having an almost innate sense of romance and seduction. Horses are seducers in general; check out any A-list party and you're bound to find the Horse in attendance. This Sign possesses a sharp wit and a scintillating presence; it really knows how to work a crowd. Surprisingly, Horses tend to feel a bit inferior to their peers, a misconception that causes them to drift from group to group out of an irrational fear of being exposed as a fraud.
An impatient streak can lead Horses to be less than sensitive to others' needs. These colts would rather take a situation firmly in hand as opposed to waiting for others to weigh in or come to terms with it. The lone wolf inside the Horse can at times push others away, but this also makes this Sign stronger and is a key to its success. Horses are self-reliant and, though they might lose interest fast in a tedious, nine-to-five day job, are willing to do the work necessary to get ahead.
Horses tend not to look much at the big picture; instead they just follow their whims, which can result in a trail of prematurely ended relationships, jobs, projects and so on. This Sign really knows how to motivate others, though, and get a lot accomplished. Once they find some peace within themselves, they can curb their wandering tendencies and learn to appreciate what's in their own backyard.
The most compatible match for a Horse is the Dog or the Tiger.
2007-02-13 12:20:05
answer #3
answered by xxmysticbutterflyxx 2
Love & Blessings
2007-02-13 12:17:09
answer #4
answered by milly_1963 7
No. You need a dog or tiger. but this does not mean he is not the one for you.
2007-02-13 10:32:54
answer #5
answered by Diana 3
No.I'm a horse.We need a Dragon.
2007-02-13 10:12:57
answer #6
answered by Papillon 7