Are you being serious? That is not too much to ask. Now if you were to request that he wear a short skirt and heels, that may be too much; but for a man to look respectable and show some pride in himself while out with his wife, seems right to me.
2007-02-13 09:24:10
answer #1
answered by JustJen 5
Are you trying to make him into someone he's not?
Why is this important to you?
Has he expressed an interest in this?
Is there a compromise you can come to?
Is where you're going for your dates appropriate for a shirt and tie?
Would you enjoy yourself more or less if he wasn't wearing a tie?
Just some questions to think about, I think the important thing here is that you figure out why it is so important to you and to open up the communication lines with your husband and come to some sort of an agreement or compromise before your next date night.
2007-02-13 17:26:34
answer #2
answered by Darcy G 1
A nice shirt with a bit of a design without a tie should be compromised, as such a thing is classy yet casual.
A typical business shirt with a typical tie would make him feel as if having these dates is a 'chore', and neither of you would want that.
May I also suggest that you wear something classy yet casual, if you don't do so already, as this would encourage him to do the same.
Just an extra tip.. try new places, not the same typical places. Something new is always exciting, and can put extra romance into your relationship.
2007-02-13 17:23:45
answer #3
answered by Clarke 1
It depends. Does he were a tie to work, it's kind of annoying to come home after a hard days work and loosen your tie only to have your wife walk up and tell you to put the tie back on. Also, did he were ties on a regular basis on dates before you were married. Thirdly, ask your husband what he thinks. Don't just decide to enforce an idea on your husband because a bunch of people on the Internet told you so. Spending time with your partner is crucial in a relationship but not if you don't communicate.
2007-02-13 17:36:00
answer #4
answered by Coyote81 3
From a guys perspective - it depends. If you guys are going nice places or tp fancy dinners, etc. then no, of course not. But if you're just going on a picnic to the park or doing something a little more casual then it's a little over the top to wear a shirt and tie. If you want him to wear shits and ties I recommend doing things where that attire is appropriate. Other then that just ask him to wear it - i don't think it'll be too hard to get him to say yes. But just remember the favor goes both ways, if he wants you to wear certain things you have to be willing to do that foro him, too.
2007-02-13 17:20:10
answer #5
answered by Josh 1
Depends on where you go--if you go out to fancy restaurants and the like, it's perfectly reasonable. But if your dates are casual, I think a tie is a bit much. That, and most men aren't comfortable in a tie--you might do better to save it for your date nights in, so he can take it off when he feels like it.
2007-02-13 17:20:04
answer #6
answered by spunk113 7
Well, don't be too rigid about it. See if he'll agree to do it every other date night. Do you dress up nice for him on those nights? Why don't you go casual every other night too, so there's not this clash of appearances and egos? I know, it's kinda nice to see him all dressed up, but that's a bit of a pain for many guys. If he really cares about you and your desires, he'll go for the compromise. If he does not - well, I suspect the two of you have a lot more issues than just the shirt and tie thing...
2007-02-13 17:17:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Getting 2 date nights would be good enough
2007-02-13 17:19:28
answer #8
answered by shorty 6
No, but it sounds rather stuffy. If he has to wear a shirt and tie to work I doubt if he wants to wear the same get up socially. Compromise - nice shirt, no tie. And don't nag him.
2007-02-13 17:15:58
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ask him if there is a dress he would like to see you in. How about one dress up date night?
2007-02-13 17:21:44
answer #10
answered by PAT 2