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For my group wedding on Valentine's Day I am going to wear a dark red dress with cream scarf/shawl and cream color shawl. Should I wear nylons with this outfit or just go bare.?And if I should wear nylons I have no idea what color!! Keep in mind that my legs are a bit pasty.

2007-02-13 08:06:52 · 5 answers · asked by sassysam777 2 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

5 answers

Go w/ nude hose or bare legs.

If you want to add color to your legs, use a tanning lotion like the one made by Jergen's (Natural Glow) or a self-tanner like Neutrogena Micro Mist.

2007-02-13 08:17:05 · answer #1 · answered by Treadstone 7 · 0 0

My Suggestion... forget about the tights/nylons. Go to the spray tan place and give your pasty white legs a lil false color, especially if you plan on wearing any sort of open toed shoe.

2007-02-13 08:17:45 · answer #2 · answered by cdiz15 2 · 0 0

Yes dear wear stockings. I suggest something a touch darker than a nude. For example, Silk Reflections barely there, something to take the edge off of the pastiness.

2007-02-13 08:17:18 · answer #3 · answered by MAF 2 · 0 0

Your shoes, if possible, should match your hem-line. Your hose should match your shoes if possible, or a shade lighter than the shoes. For example, no black hose with white shoes!. In your case, red shoes and natural hose would work best. If you really want to wear black shoes, then natural hose would work , but try the very,very sheer black hose to see if that works with the red color in the dress you want to wear. In the summer, off-white shoes and very light hose would work with the red, but this time of year, I think the red shoes,natural hose is the absolute best, but black shoes, natural hose, or very very sheer black hose would be good also.

2016-05-24 06:23:20 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go with black or natural color. Dont get crazy.

2007-02-13 08:13:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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