Have you ever seen the bare minerals commerical, that foundation actually works very good and also try cover girl, depending on your skin tone.
2007-02-13 08:02:51
answer #1
answered by Cheree E 1
If you cover your face with lots of make up you will age early and ruin your skin. Get a good face cream, wash face with soap then put on the best moisturizers you can afford. Put lipstick or gloss and lots of eye makeup. Where do you kids get that PERFECT BUSINESS even my godchild drove us nuts for her wedding. It had to be perfect and was the worst wedding I ever went to.
Nothing like a this look to make women admire you face and men bowl over. I know because friends admire my complexion and I look twenty years younger.
2007-02-13 07:55:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If u get cover girl liquid foundation and cover ur face and then use powder foundation with a brush it will cover really well..
2007-02-13 07:55:03
answer #3
answered by stot22 2
don't buy anything sheer first of all... i use perfectly real by clinique, but you may want to try their superbalanced foundation.
Another thing to try is bare essentials or sheer cover - it's a mineral based powder that you apply with a brush and the effect is like airbrushing.
I tried sheer cover and actually didn't need all the coverage - here is their website. http://www.sheercover.com/testimonials.php?pactvid=9c88fb450d06fe44846ed6a3011e2acf
2007-02-13 07:53:15
answer #4
answered by Sharp Marble 6
use chanel. its really pricey but it covers very well and lasts a long time. or use the airbruh stuff. my sister has it. it was originally created for burn victims to cover burns, and it works very very well.
2007-02-13 08:00:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
cover girl
2007-02-13 07:51:29
answer #6
answered by ticachic 3
covergirl anything. mix different types of foundation and cover stick and concealer and maybe bronzer
2007-02-13 07:52:40
answer #7
answered by JesusFreak 3
Try puritycosmetics.co.uk. It is made from natural ingredients and looks really good on your skin!
2007-02-13 07:56:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Try Chanel. I use it, and I will never put anything else on my face. It is great!!
2007-02-13 07:52:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
dermablend,its pigment rich so a little bit will go a very long way
2007-02-13 07:53:40
answer #10
answered by citygurl 4