I've removed many stumps from trees I've had cut down. You can rent a stump grinder at the equipment rental for about $40 a day. That does make fast work of removing large stumps as it grinds it away to the ground. It does make somewhat of a mess though. You can also buy Grant's Stump Remover and following the package directions, the stump will disintegrate in a couple months. But, this is obviously the long way to get the job done. And, then there is the back breaking way my hubby chose. This is where you flood the area around the stump with water. You dig a trench around the stump and cut all of the roots with a saw. Then use a pick axe to literally pry the roots along with the stump from the ground. He even supported the side he got loosened and out of the ground with a car jack while he repeated the process on the other side. Although I do not recommend this method as you will be at it for hours and suffer a myriad of muscle aches and pains, it does work.
2007-02-13 07:25:21
answer #1
answered by eskie lover 7
you might want to add some extra info, like how large the stump is, and if youve checked with the city to make sure no lines are running near it, then you will get some real answers from people. if its small, and youve checked with the city and there arent any lines, just dig it out. if it's large, and again no lines, you could cut it out. but if you check with the city, and there are lines running through its roots possibly, or any where near them then you will probably need to contract someone so you are safe and wont get any bad expenses from it
2007-02-13 14:59:02
answer #2
answered by dbighound75 3
Drill some holes with a 1/2 inch drill bitt, then spray alots of round up in the holes, it will work.
2007-02-13 17:54:34
answer #3
answered by Denise U 2
Depends where you live, in town try a backhoe, out of town dynamite
2007-02-13 18:53:23
answer #4
answered by Gumbo 6
i agree with eskie, grind it , then you wont have to deal with the roots. you can use the chips it creates instead of going out and buying mulch
2007-02-13 18:45:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You dig it out. It's great exercise....why pay to go to a gym when you do things like that??
2007-02-13 15:03:24
answer #6
answered by barefoot_yank 4