yeah i live in N.O. and am not at all happy about that two coming from the land of fruits and nuts. hope they put some extravagant spending into the economy down here, lord knows we need it, but yeah that is rediculous.
2007-02-13 06:19:43
answer #1
answered by Robert C 1
Who are you to talk. She has it like that and for your information.........she does a lot of charitable work. I am not her biggest fan...but I do have respect for the amount of time, energy & effort that she puts into some of these impoverished countries. She stands tall for rights to medicine and education in many of the places that she stays. If she was truly selfish...she would be living in one of her mansions....with a nanny taking care of her children while she is out partying all of the time.
I strongly disagree with your statement. She does enough that if she chooses to have one night or ten nights in a hotel so that she can bathe herself and her children so be it!
Besides $700 a night doesn't even compare to the rates that many of the elite pay.
2007-02-13 14:26:54
answer #2
answered by yidlmama 5
2007-02-13 14:18:57
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You cannot always believe what you read. It may be true, but probably not likely. They always have tabloids and more than likely, they are not true. I am sure celebrities spend more than you or I would, but the rest probably is not true. Don't believe rumors unless you know for a fact.
2007-02-13 14:19:06
answer #4
answered by Stephanie F 7
Until you tell us all what you're doing for the millions of hungry people in the world, you're no better. And honestly, most of the stuff you read about celebrities these days is b.s. so I highly doubt it's true. And... his name is Maddox...
2007-02-13 14:24:54
answer #5
answered by jus meeee :) 3
I am not a fan of angelina either but you can't believe everything you read.
2007-02-13 14:18:26
answer #6
answered by Shelly t 6
No, that's not true. She used Big Foot's shower. That's what the National Enquirer said anyway.
2007-02-13 14:17:55
answer #7
answered by Jayna 7
First of all she has millions of dollars that you and i or more than likely anyone else on here will ever see..Second of all, what are you doing for people in famine?
2007-02-13 14:20:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Okay....if that is is that sick? Are you one of those weird types that thinks everything is sexual?
That's sad.
2007-02-13 14:30:16
answer #9
answered by charming_imogen 2
Hahaha...why do you care so much? You dont know her personally
2007-02-13 14:23:20
answer #10
answered by TroubleRose 6