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i have recently had fleas in my house after i went out shooting , i shot a rabbit and brought him home to eat when i discocered my hand were covered in fleas i went to the tolet to wash them of and chucked the rabbit outside. i dont have any pets but i was worried if the can servive with out animal blood and if thell chose to stay.

2007-02-13 05:54:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Other - Pets

8 answers

They can survive on your blood so be sure to vaccum and change bedding frequently till they die off.

2007-02-13 05:57:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Pet stores and the pet section in chain stores sell flea killers called foggers that are for entire rooms. They can get pricey, but they should take care of the problem if it persists. Generally speaking, as far as which brand to buy, you get what you pay for. Bio Spot is a mid-priced brand at PetSmart that was great for dealing with the fleas on my dog. It also takes care of mosquitos and ticks. You might look into that. And just as a tip, the brand Hartz generally doesn't work all that well from my experience.

2007-02-13 06:04:31 · answer #2 · answered by hmx_mail 3 · 0 0

If you find them in your house, get the flea powder you can put on your carpet and wash your clothes and bedding often. They can survive on your blood and might stick around unless you kill them off now.

also, don't even THINK of trying to use flea collars.. those are for animals only.

2007-02-13 06:00:51 · answer #3 · answered by Shannon 2 · 0 0

yes they can stay in your carpeting and everything else i have seen older people do this take a bowl of water with dish soap in it and put it in the middle of your floor with a bright light over top the bowl fleas are attracted to light so they will jump in and drown give it a shot it has worked for me

2007-02-13 06:00:02 · answer #4 · answered by acstevey1 2 · 0 0

Fog your house.

They'll go away after that since you don't have any pets to sustain a population of fleas.

They don't "live" on humans like they do dogs, cats, etc., etc.

2007-02-13 06:19:49 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes they can. Fleas will feed off people too! Get your house exterminated that will solve you flea problem. there are other alternatives, but having a professional do it is best.

2007-02-13 06:07:28 · answer #6 · answered by lucifurrzwiskers 2 · 0 1

EEeekkkk i hate fleas.Once i took in a stray cat coz he was hungry..next thing i know..those damn lil critters started to bite me all over :((...went to store n grabbed as much insect aerosol spray n 2x a day i had to spray d carpets to get rid of it coz my whole place was covered wid carpets.Wash ur bedding n stuff too coz they know wer to hide...plus they can jump around pretty good too!! eeekkk good luck!! ps: d bite can itch like hell.

2007-02-13 06:06:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

foggers cost around 3 dollars at my petstore. we're local and private, and tend to be cheaper....i wonder how big chains sell theirs for

2007-02-13 06:09:06 · answer #8 · answered by Twilite 4 · 1 0

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